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open access

Alternative Fuels and Chemicals From Synthesis Gas Technical Progress Report: Number 24

Description: The overall objectives of this program are to investigate potential technologies for the conversion of synthesis gas to oxygenated and hydrocarbon fuels and industrial chemicals, and to demonstrate the most promising technologies at DOE's LaPorte, Texas, Slurry Phase Alternative Fuels Development Unit (AFDU). The program will involve a continuation of the work performed under the Alternative Fuels from Coal-Derived Synthesis Gas Program and will draw upon information and technologies generated … more
Date: September 30, 2000
Creator: Tijrn, Peter J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Fuels and Chemicals From Synthesis Gas Technical Progress Report: Number 23

Description: The overall objectives of this program are to investigate potential technologies for the conversion of synthesis gas to oxygenated and hydrocarbon fuels and industrial chemicals, and to demonstrate the most promising technologies at DOE's LaPorte, Texas, Slurry Phase Alternative Fuels Development Unit (AFDU). The program will involve a continuation of the work performed under the Alternative Fuels from Coal-Derived Synthesis Gas Program and will draw upon information and technologies generated … more
Date: June 30, 2000
Creator: Tijrn, Peter J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Fuels and Chemicals From Synthesis Gas Technical Progress Report: Number 22

Description: The overall objectives of this program are to investigate potential technologies for the conversion of synthesis gas to oxygenated and hydrocarbon fuels and industrial chemicals, and to demonstrate the most promising technologies at DOE's LaPorte, Texas, Slurry Phase Alternative Fuels Development Unit (AFDU). The program will involve a continuation of the work performed under the Alternative Fuels from Coal-Derived Synthesis Gas Program and will draw upon information and technologies generated … more
Date: March 31, 2000
Creator: Tijrn, Peter J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Fuels and Chemicals From Synthesis Gas Technical Progress Report: Number 30

Description: The overall objectives of this program are to investigate potential technologies for the conversion of synthesis gas to oxygenated and hydrocarbon fuels and industrial chemicals, and to demonstrate the most promising technologies at DOE's LaPorte, Texas, Slurry Phase Alternative Fuels Development Unit (AFDU). The program will involve a continuation of the work performed under the Alternative Fuels from Coal-Derived Synthesis Gas Program and will draw upon information and technologies generated … more
Date: March 31, 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Fuels and Chemicals From Synthesis Gas Technical Progress Report: Number 26

Description: The overall objectives of this program are to investigate potential technologies for the conversion of synthesis gas to oxygenated and hydrocarbon fuels and industrial chemicals, and to demonstrate the most promising technologies at DOE's LaPorte, Texas, Slurry Phase Alternative Fuels Development Unit (AFDU). The program will involve a continuation of the work performed under the Alternative Fuels from Coal-Derived Synthesis Gas Program and will draw upon information and technologies generated … more
Date: March 31, 2001
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternative Fuels and Chemicals From Synthesis Gas Technical Progress Report: Number 31

Description: The overall objectives of this program are to investigate potential technologies for the conversion of synthesis gas to oxygenated and hydrocarbon fuels and industrial chemicals, and to demonstrate the most promising technologies at DOE's LaPorte, Texas, Slurry Phase Alternative Fuels Development Unit (AFDU). The program will involve a continuation of the work performed under the Alternative Fuels from Coal-Derived Synthesis Gas Program and will draw upon information and technologies generated … more
Date: July 2002
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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