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open access

Summary Report on Thorium Metal Quality for Production Reactor Use

Description: From abstract: "Background material leading to the development of the metal quality of reactor-grade thorium is given. The metal should be sound and of uniform hardness, free of internal cracks and inclusions, and corrosion resistant. It should contain only small amounts of natural uranium, thorium oxide, and elements that act as reactor poisons. Because of their effect upon metal quality, various methods for the production of thorium are discussed. Use of consumable electrode arc melting as th… more
Date: July 1958
Creator: Hayes, Edgar E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Li⁶ and Li⁷ (n. 2n) Cross Sections at 14.1 Mev

Description: Abstract: "An absolute measurement of the 14.1-Mev (n, 2n) cross sections of Li-6 and Li-7 has been made using the large scintillator technique, resulting in cross sections in barns of 0.070 +/- 0.006 and 0.056 +/- 0.005 for Li-6 and Li-7, respectively."
Date: May 29, 1958
Creator: Ashby, V. J.; Catron, H. C.; Newkirk, Lester L.; Taylor, C. J. & Williamson, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Problems of Obtaining Thermonuclear Temperatures

Description: This report discusses the problem of obtaining thermonuclear temperatures as part of reaching a controlled fusion reaction for fusion power. Tables covering radiation losses and thermonuclear reaction rates are included. Talk before JCAEC in Washington, D. C.
Date: January 29, 1958
Creator: Post, Richard F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Simple Leak Detector for Tritium

Description: From abstract: "An ionization chamber of the integrating type was built that could detect a tritium leak rate of 10[^-13] cc per second within a few minutes, after a gas-collecting period of 16 hours. Electronic circuitry was avoided by using a quartz fiber voltmeter to indicate the rate of discharge of the chamber."
Date: January 1957
Creator: Colvin, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Transfer Between Modified Maxwell Distributions

Description: Abstract: "A particularly conventional modified form of Maxwell distribution is chosen. The modified expressions for (a) the energy transfer from the ions to the electrons in a plasma and (b) the brehmestrahlung from the electrons are calculated. Using the expressions some possible steady-state conditions for the ion and electron gases are derived and compared with those for the usual Maxwell distributions."
Date: September 20, 1956
Creator: Greyber, Howard D. & Bing, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Continuous injection processing

Description: From introduction: "In this report we consider a few non-adiabatic processes. The types to be discussed will be limited because of two reasons: first, complete descriptions are available for some processes; second, as time goes on alternative injection methods undoubtedly will be discovered, so this list must necessarily be incomplete."
Date: September 23, 1955
Creator: Linlor, William I., 1915-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Adiabatic Injection

Description: From introduction comments: The present analysis is intended to examine the relations for "adiabatic" injection in general from a different point of view.
Date: September 22, 1955
Creator: Linlor, William I., 1915-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energetic Neutral Injection into Thermonuclear Machines

Description: Abstract: "A scheme is discussed in which D+ ions would be accelerated to about 100 kev in a conventional accelerator, then be sent through a gas target frmo which about half the ions would emerge neutral with very little scattering or energy loss; the neutral beam would then cross into a magnetic field and part of the atoms would be ionized and trapped by colliding with the already trapped ions. The smallest mirror machine with a central field of 30-40 kilogauss, 2;1 mirror ratio and β = 01 to… more
Date: August 10, 1955
Creator: Lauer, Eugene J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Grain Refinement of the As-Cast Uranium-5 w/o Chromium Alloy by Ternary Additions

Description: Abstract: "Refinement of grain size of the base uranium-chromium eutectic alloy (uranium-5 w/o chromium) by ternary additions is discussed. Thirteen additions to the base alloy were investigated, and three additions were found to exhibit worthwhile grain-refinement tendencies. The three alloys, uranium-5 w/o chromium-0.2 w.o molybdenum, uranium-5 w/o chromium-0.2 w/o germanium, and uranium-5 w/o chromium-0.2 w/o niobium, were heat treated to produce final grain-size structures of between 0.015 … more
Date: July 5, 1955
Creator: Saller, Henry A.; Dickerson, Ronald F.; Murr, William E. & Bauer, Arthur A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ceramic Investigations of UO₂

Description: This report covers the progress made on an intensive program to develop and evaluate UO2 as a possible fuel element for the PWR.
Date: June 16, 1955
Creator: Allison, Adrian G. & Duckworth, Winston H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation and Consolidation of Electrolytic Thorium

Description: Abstract: "Sound, fabricable ingots of thorium were produced by triple are melting of electrolytic thorium. Consumable electrodes were fabricated by tack welding of cold-pressed and vacuum-sintered bars of the granular thorium electrodeposited from a molten-salt bath. The hydrogen content of the electrodeposited material was reduced from 80 to 4 ppm by vacuum sintering at 1250 C at pressures below 1 x 10-(-3) mm of mercury. Both sodium and chlorine content were reduced during melting; sodium fr… more
Date: June 15, 1955
Creator: Saller, Henry A.; Dickerson, Ronald F. & Foster, Ellis L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electroplated Metals on Uranium for Aluminum Cladding

Description: Abstract: "Aluminum-clad nickel-plated uranium is corrosion resistant in boiling water. Samples with intentional defects in the aluminum-nickel clodding layers, after testing for more than 300 hr. showed no sign of rapid failure. The study of electroplated metals on uranium for aluminum cladding has defined the effects of several processing variables on the corrosion resistance. The quality of the uranium and the quality of the aluminum-nickel bond were important. Heat treatment and vacuum outg… more
Date: May 4, 1955
Creator: Beach, John G.; Schickner, William C.; Hopkinson, Dolores. & Faust, Charles L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microwave Diagnostics in ARC Research : On Determination of Physical Quantities of Gas Discharges in Ion-containment Machines by Measurement of Microwave Propagation Coefficient

Description: This report describes a method used to determine semi-quantitatively the time-varying plasma density in magnetic mirror machines by microwave phase-shift and attenuation measurement.
Date: April 1955
Creator: Post, Richard F.; Prosser, T. F. & Wharton, C. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Initial Measurements on the Angular Distribution of Deuterium Plasma Produced by a Pulsed Spark Source

Description: Abstract: "The deuterium plasma which is ejected by a 6000-ampere pulsed current through a rail-type spark source has a yield in the forward direction which is a factor of 5 to 10 greater than that in the perpendicular direction. This effect is believed to be due to the magnetic propulsion of the plasma."
Date: March 24, 1955
Creator: Bostick, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extrusion Cladding of Fuel Element

Description: From introduction: "This investigation was undertaken with the general objective of determining whether uranium core could be sheathed with aluminum by an extrusion-cladding process. The ultimate objective of this work was to determine the feasibility of extrusion cladding flat plates of uranium."
Date: March 22, 1955
Creator: Slunder, C. J.; Fiorentino, R. J. & Hall, A. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transient Temperature Variations During the Self-Heating of a Plasma by Thermonuclear Reactions

Description: Abstract: "The possibility of transient temperature variations during the self-heating of a plasma by thermonuclear reactions was investigated. Calculations were performed on an IBM Card Program Calculator. Estimates of the time scale for self-heating were obtained. It was concluded that it would be unsafe to assume that the nuclear temperature is always equal to or greater than the electron temperature in a discussion of plasma instabilities for a plasma with 10 percent or greater tritium conc… more
Date: March 21, 1955
Creator: Greyber, Howard D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic Acceleration of a Plasma by a Rail Source

Description: Abstract: "Two parallel wires close together with an arc between them form a hairpin-type of current configuration which should magnetically propel the plasma of the arc. By the time-of-flight measurements with probes it has been demonstrated that directed translational energies of 290 ev can be imparted to deuterons in a plasma produced by a high-current pulsed arc at the tips of two titanium wires loaded with deuterium. It is believed that three deuterons are actually magnetically propelled."
Date: March 18, 1955
Creator: Bostick, Winston H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Elimination of Microwave Reflections

Description: Abstract: "The reflections of microwaves from the walls of a plasma-containing vessel are studied. The probable cause of the reflections is discussed, and several suggestions are made for eliminating the reflections from the waveguide in the vessel and particularly from the pyrex vessel wall and copper tubing surrounding the pyrex. Quarter-wave-thick carbon-filled plastics or glasses having a very low vapor pressure room most promising when placed inside the pyrex cylinder. BaTiO3 appears to be… more
Date: February 1, 1955
Creator: Beard, David
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An "Exact" Analysis of a Cylindrical Plasma in a Magnetic Field

Description: Abstract: "The analysis of an immobilized plasma is here extended to the case where the geometry is cylindrical rather than Cartesian. (This report, UCRL-4439 (Rev, 4 constitutes Part II of the report series (UCRL-4466, Parts I, III, and IV) dealing with this general problem.)"
Date: January 14, 1955
Creator: Tonks, Lewi, 1897-1971
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Properties and Heat Treatment of Zirconium-Uranium Alloys

Description: From Abstract: "The heat treatment and mechanical properties of four zirconium alloys...were investigated. Tensile, hardness, Jominy end-quench, and metallographic data constitute the basis for much of the report. Other data reported include the results of high-temperature creep, tensile, hardness, cold rolling, thermal-cycling, and dynamic-modulus tests." A connection is made between the behavior of these four alloys and more alloys in the zirconium-uranium system.
Date: January 10, 1955
Creator: Chubb, Walston; Muehlenkamp, G. T. & Manning, G. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bonding of uranium to uranium

Description: From abstract: "Some mechanical properties of uranium joined to uranium by means of sinter welding described. The types of uranium investigated were powdered and cast material. Comparison of results obtained by the testing of the whole and joined material are presented. Although the joined material to date does not possess strength of the whole material, the results are promising. Work is continuing."
Date: 1955
Creator: Hum, Jack K. Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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