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open access

Materials Testing Reactor Project Handbook

Description: The following handbook was made for the purpose of: (1) to give a semidetailed description of the testing reactor, and (2) to explain, in so far as possible, the reasons for the design.
Date: May 7, 1951
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Shielding Design Manual

Description: The purpose of this manual is to help an engineer or scientist to design a practical shield by making available to them the techniques and data developed by the Naval Reactors Program and Pressurized Water Reactor Program.
Date: March 1956
Creator: Rockwell, Theodore, III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Distribution of Uranium at Low Acid : Low Uranium Concentrations into 4-1/2 Percent TBP-AMSCO

Description: Report wherein acid free uranyl nitrate hexahydrate was distributed into 4-1/2 percent TBP-Amsco 125-90W and combined with various concentrations of acid in order to study the distribution of uranium and hydrolysis effects.
Date: August 23, 1956
Creator: Andelin, Robert L.; Anderson, Edward L. & McVey, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Instrumentation and Controls Division Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending July 31, 1956

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing semiannual progress made by the Instrumentation and Controls Division. Descriptions of progress and studies conducted are presented. This report includes illustrations, and photographs.
Date: February 25, 1957
Creator: Borkowski, C. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of the Spert-I, -II, and -III reactor facilities

Description: Report containing "[a] brief description and design data summary of each of the SPERT Reactor Facilities is presented. Engineering, operating, and physics data are tabulated for use as basic references" (p. 3)
Date: November 1, 1957
Creator: Montgomery, C. R.; Norberg, J. A. & Wilson, T. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility Hazards Summary Report, Supplement I

Description: Report that "is a supplement to IDO-16332, "The Engineering Test Reactor Critical Facility Hazards Summary Report", presenting information on the conduct in the Facility of certain experiments which are expected to be operated in the Engineering Test Reactor" (p. 3).
Date: January 24, 1958
Creator: deBoisblanc, D. R.; Burdick, Earl E. & DeBoer, T. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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