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Specifications for Vibrationally Compacted, Mixed Oxide (UO2-PuO2), Fuel Elements for the Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor (MARK I-L)

Description: Report describing the dimensions, materials, and fabrication of vibrationally compacted, mixed oxide (UO2-PuO2) fuel elements for the Plutonium Recycle Test Reactor (MARK I-L). Appendix begins on page 38.
Date: October 1, 1963
Creator: Hanford Atomic Products Operation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: December 1, 1962 - March 1, 1963

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: April 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: June 1, 1963 - September 1, 1963

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: October 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1963 - June 1, 1963

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: September 1, 1962 - December 1, 1962

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: January 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Two-Phase Pressure Losses Quarterly Progress Report: Sixth Quarter, May 12, 1963 - August 12, 1963

Description: Technical report describing that the pressure drops along 3/4-inch, 1-inch, and 1-1/4 inch straight pipes and across three contraction-expansion inserts in a 1-inch pipe have been measured under both single- and two-phase flow conditions. Pressure was varied from 600 to 1400 psia, flow from 0.25 x 10(6) to 1.66 x 10(6) lb/hr ft, and quality from zero to 90 percent. The single-phase pipe friction factor agrees with the Moody value for smooth pipe. The two-phase friction for horizontal flow shows… more
Date: September 1, 1963
Creator: Janssen, E. (Engineer) & Kervinen, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ICPP Waste Calcining Facility : Safety Analysis Report

Description: Report documenting a study "made of the radiological hazards associated with operation of the ICPP Waste Calcination Facility" and contains "[d]etails of the safety analysis and extensive information on the process, equipment, and operation procedures" (p. iii). Each section has its own pagination.
Date: December 1, 1963
Creator: Lakey, L. T. & Bower, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development Program for Increased Output in the Garigliano Nuclear Reactor. Quarterly Report No. 2

Description: The United States and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), on May 29, and June 18, 1958, signed an agreement which provides a basis for co-operation in programs for the advancement of the peaceful applications of atomic energy. The work described in this report represents the Joint U.S.-Euratom effort. The over-all development program is designed to obtain the test data and operating experience necessary to eventually realize a 50 percent increase in the output of the Garigliano Nuc… more
Date: April 1, 1963
Creator: Quinn, E. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Protective Clothing Monitoring System

Description: Report describing the development and installation of an automated conveyor-type laundry system for the purpose of monitoring laboratory clothing for beta-gamma contamination.
Date: August 1, 1963
Creator: Rankin, M. O. & Spear, W. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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