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open access

Computer Programs Using Zonal Harmonics for Magnetic Properties of Current Systems with Special Reference to the IBM 7090

Description: Report that "discusses the magnetic vector and scalar potentials, magnetic field components and their derivatives, and flux linkage for single current systems, and the mutual inductance, forces and torques between two such systems, whose axes are coplanar but not necessarily coincident" (p. 1).
Date: December 4, 1962
Creator: Garrett, M. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Properties of Irradiated Zircaloy-2 Pressure Tube from KER Loop 1

Description: Report describing the evaluation of the effects of irradiation on a high pressure water loop that ruptured while testing fuel elements. Includes photographs of the damaged tube as well as chemical analyses.
Date: December 1962
Creator: Defferdin, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Facility 350 Helium-Atmosphere System

Description: Report describing the helium atmosphere system in the Argonne National Laboratory's Facility 350. The atmosphere's ability to remove moisture, oxygen, and other impurities, how the atmosphere is purified, and experimental data regarding the use of activated carbon to absorb oxygen from helium are discussed.
Date: December 1962
Creator: Mayfield, R. M.; Tope, W. G. & Shuck, A. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Technical and Economic Evaluation of Solid-Fuel Gasification using Nuclear Heat: Production of Pipeline Gas, Liquid Fuels, and Chemicals from Lignite and Bituminous Coal

Description: From abstract: Results are reported of a study to determine the most economical method of utilizing nuclear heat to gasify a North Dakota lignite and a West Virginia bituminous coal so that the resulting gas is suitable as a source of synthesis gas for fuels and chemicals.
Date: November 30, 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

EOCR Control Rod and Driver Fuel Hydraulic Tests

Description: Report discussing the results of experiments on an EOCR prototype control rod, control rod drive, and driver fuel assembly that were extensively tested in 500 deg F Santowax and 132 deg F water. These tests not only established the operating characteristics of these assemblies but also revealed a number of deficiencies in the various components. It includes descriptions of the control rod, control rod drive, and driver fuel assembly together with descriptions of their method of operation.
Date: October 19, 1962
Creator: Harrison, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: June 1, 1962 - September 1, 1962

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: October 1, 1962
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ionic Equilibria and Anion Exchange of Uranyl Sulfate Solutions

Description: Theoretical investigation on the nature of ion exchange of acidified uranyl sulfate solutions with Dowex 21K, a strong base ion exchange resin.
Date: September 28, 1962
Creator: Stein, P. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) Shield Design

Description: Report describing the EBR-II shield and the methods employed in arriving at the final design. The major shield design problems for that reactor are enumerated and discussed.
Date: September 1962
Creator: Grotenhuis, M.; McArthy, A. E. & Rossin, A. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Technology Report Number 22: Chemistry

Description: Quarterly report issued by the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory to report to the industry on developments in unclassified reactor technology. This issue focuses on chemistry information.
Date: September 1962
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal Conductivity of UO2

Description: Report discussing the thermal conductivity of uranium dioxide. The first part of the report includes the thermal effects on the substance's physical form, while the second part describes the experimental details.
Date: September 1962
Creator: Daniel, J. L.; Matolich, J., Jr. & Deem, H. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Capsule Irradiation of Unalloyed Uranium at High Temperatures

Description: Abstract: Cast and Wrought specimens and restrained wrought specimens of unalloyed uranium were irradiated in the Materials Testing Reactor, as the first in a series of experiments to develop fuel materials for sodium cooled reactors.
Date: August 15, 1962
Creator: Harrington, D. G. & Newton, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculated Costs of Fabrication of Plutonium-Enriched Fuel Elements

Description: Report regarding the study of the calculated costs of fabricating plutonium-enriched fuel elements for Hanford Laboratories' Plutonium Recycle Program. Topics include descriptions of the process, design study of plants that use U235 and plutonium enriched fuel, and estimates of costs.
Date: August 1962
Creator: Hanthorn, H. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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