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open access

Corrosion of the Volatility Pilot Plant INOR-8 Hydrofluorinator and Nickel 201 Fluorinator During Forty Fuel-Pprocessing Runs with Zirconium-Uranium Alloy

Description: Report documenting the corrosion of fluorinators of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's volatility pilot plant. Includes descriptions of the fluorinators, their operating environments, and the results of their corrosion.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Youngblood, E. L.; Milford, R. P.; Nicol, R. G. & Ruch, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Computer Code (CDC 1604A or IBM 7090) for Calculating the Cost of Shipping Spent Reactor Fuels as a Function of Burnup, Specific Power, Cooling Time, Fuel Composition, and Other Variables

Description: Report presenting the calculation of the costs incurred in shipping irradiated uranium-containing fuel elements. A computer code that designs a cask and calculates the shipping costs is presented. By use of the code, shipping costs were calculated for typical reactor fuels.
Date: August 1964
Creator: Salmon, Royes
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.1

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.2

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.4

Description: This report is a segment providing smoothed thermocouple tables of extended significance in degrees Celsius (°C) for [section name]. It includes [1] a figure illustrating the difference in microvolts between the values in the smoothed table and those in the reference table and [2] a reference table containing (i) a tabulation of smoothed emf (in absolute millivolts) vs. temperature for a specific thermocouple and (ii) a tabulation of emf differences.
Date: 1965
Creator: Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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