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Primary view of Applied Health Physics Annual Report for 1963
Morgan, K. Z.; Davis, D. M.; Hart, J. C.; Abee, H. H.; Gupton, E. D. & Warden, A. D.
August 1964
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Semiannual Progress Report: September 1964
Trauger, D. B. & Whitman, G. D.
February 1965
Primary view of Fuels and Materials Development Program Quarterly Progress Report, September 30, 1968
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Metals and Ceramics Division.
February 1969
Primary view of Physics Division Annual Progress Report, January 31, 1964
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Physics Division.
June 1964
Primary view of Corrosion of the Volatility Pilot Plant INOR-8 Hydrofluorinator and Nickel 201 Fluorinator During Forty Fuel-Pprocessing Runs with Zirconium-Uranium Alloy
Youngblood, E. L.; Milford, R. P.; Nicol, R. G. & Ruch, J. B.
March 1965
Primary view of Development of the Assembly Method for Fuel Elements for the Advanced Test Reactor
Knight, R. W. & Leitten, C. F., Jr.
Primary view of A Computer Code (CDC 1604A or IBM 7090) for Calculating the Cost of Shipping Spent Reactor Fuels as a Function of Burnup, Specific Power, Cooling Time, Fuel Composition, and Other Variables
Salmon, Royes
August 1964
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.1
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.2
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.4
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.5
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.6
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.7
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.8
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.9
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.10
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.11
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.13
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
Primary view of Smoothed Thermocouple Tables of Extended Significance (°C), Volume 2: Section 2.14
Adams, R. K. & Davisson, E. G.
March 1965
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: September 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
November 11, 1960
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: December 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Primary view of Superposition of Forced and Diffusive Flow in a Large-Pore Graphite
Evans, R. B., III; Truitt, J. & Watson, G. M.
Primary view of Chemical Technology Division Annual Progress Report: for Period Ending May 31, 1969
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Chemical Technology Division.
October 1969
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Semiannual Progress Report: March 1965
Trauger, D. B. & Whitman, G. D.
June 1965
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