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open access

Process Engineering Report on Production of Thorium at Iowa State College

Description: Technical report presenting the results of a study of the AEC thorium production facilities at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Operating procedures, descriptions of equipment and a production cost analysis have been included in this study.
Date: January 16, 1952
Creator: Bulkowski, H. H.; Holby, G. V.; Pfeiffer, C.; Maerker, J. B. & Winn, F. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

FMPC Solvent Treatment Area - Process Design

Description: This memorandum presents the process design for the solvent reast area of the Feed Materials Production Center. The purpose ofthe transmittal is to provide the basis for the detailed mechanical design and layout of this section of the refinery. Drawings, flowsheets, and specifications are included.
Date: July 6, 1951
Creator: Pfeiffer, Carl & Maerker, John B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Results of exploration at Lost Creek schroeckingerite deposit, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, July 1951-February 1952: an interim report

Description: "his interim report presents the grade and tonnage data collected during exploration at the Lost Creek schroeckingerite deposit, Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Between July 1951 and February 1952. Discussions of he geologic results of exploration (lithology, mineralogy, structure, origin, etc.) are not included in this report and consequently the detailed lithology and structure have been omitted from the illustrations (figs. 1-7)"
Date: July 1952
Creator: Sheridan, Douglas M.; Collier, John T. & Sears, Richard S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Spectrophotometric Determination of Boron in Plutonium Using an Oxalate Separation

Description: An improved method for the determination of boron in plutonium is reported. Precipitation of plutonium (III) acid oxalate prior to color development with curcumin results in increased precision, greater speed, and lower costs. Results are presented of a statistical study involving all variables.
Date: June 25, 1953
Creator: Newell, Donald M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Anodizing of Zirconium

Description: Five continuous coatings were produced on zirconium coupons using an anodizing technique. These layers appear to be quite adherent and not subject to visible or audible failure caused by flaxion of the basis metal, Their abrasion resistance, though not investigated thoroughly, appears to be moderately good.
Date: November 3, 1953
Creator: Ray, William E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sigma Plug Welding of Spun-Over Fuel Cans

Description: Summary: Purpose of the investigation is to improve the peripheral welding of the brazed joint at the top of aluminum-sheathed fuel slugs by forming the can over the top of the cap and welding the resulting center opening. This investigation looked at the applicability of the inert-gas-shielded, consumable electrode process, using commercially available equipment, for producing a weld closure in spun-over fuel cans. Using commercially available sigma welding equipment, no practical combinatio… more
Date: 1952
Creator: Winsor, F. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Simple Leak Detector for Tritium

Description: From abstract: "An ionization chamber of the integrating type was built that could detect a tritium leak rate of 10[^-13] cc per second within a few minutes, after a gas-collecting period of 16 hours. Electronic circuitry was avoided by using a quartz fiber voltmeter to indicate the rate of discharge of the chamber."
Date: January 1957
Creator: Colvin, D. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary Report on Thorium Metal Quality for Production Reactor Use

Description: From abstract: "Background material leading to the development of the metal quality of reactor-grade thorium is given. The metal should be sound and of uniform hardness, free of internal cracks and inclusions, and corrosion resistant. It should contain only small amounts of natural uranium, thorium oxide, and elements that act as reactor poisons. Because of their effect upon metal quality, various methods for the production of thorium are discussed. Use of consumable electrode arc melting as th… more
Date: July 1958
Creator: Hayes, Edgar E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metallurgy Division Quarterly Progress Report: Period Ending October 31, 1951

Description: This quarterly progress report discusses ongoing research and experiments at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Metallurgy Division. This report discusses thorium research, the mechanical properties of metals including thorium, uranium, inconel, and z-nickel, the ANP program (including the following topics: the physical chemistry of liquid metals, and welding research), and the materials testing reactor program.
Date: April 21, 1952
Creator: Frye, John H., Jr., 1908-2001 & Bridges, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemistry Division Quarterly Progress Report: Period Ending September 30, 1951

Description: This quarterly progress report discusses topics of research and experimentation at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, including inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, radio-organic chemistry, chemistry of separations processes, chemical physics, radiation chemistry, chemistry of the solid state, instrumentation, reactor chemistry.
Date: September 30, 1951
Creator: Lind, Samuel C., (Samuel Colville), 1879-1965; Boyd, G. E. & Bredig, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Quarterly Progress Report: Period Ending September 10, 1951

Description: The first part of this quarterly progress report details reactor theory and design, discussing the aircraft reactor experiment, experimental reactor engineering, reactor physics, and critical experiments. The second part of this report is not included. The third part of this quarterly progress report details materials research, discussing corrosion research, physical properties and heat-transfer research, metallurgy and ceramics, chemistry of high-temperature liquids, and radiation damage. The … more
Date: January 9, 1952
Creator: Briant, R. C.; Ellis, C. B. & Cottrell, William B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Materials Testing Reactor Project Handbook

Description: The following handbook was made for the purpose of: (1) to give a semidetailed description of the testing reactor, and (2) to explain, in so far as possible, the reasons for the design.
Date: May 7, 1951
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Shielding Design Manual

Description: The purpose of this manual is to help an engineer or scientist to design a practical shield by making available to them the techniques and data developed by the Naval Reactors Program and Pressurized Water Reactor Program.
Date: March 1956
Creator: Rockwell, Theodore, III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mechanical Properties of Zirconium and Zirconium-Uranium Alloys Containing Tin

Description: Abstract: "The mechanical properties of a large number of zirconium alloys have been investigated. These alloys include zirconium-tin and zirconium-tin-uranium. Tensile tests have been run on these alloys at room temperature, 500 F, and 600 F. Hot-hardness data have been obtained from room temperature to 1600 F, with particular emphasis on the hot-rolling range. Creep tests and fatigue tests have been run on a number of zirconium-tin alloys at 500 F."
Date: September 29, 1952
Creator: Schwope, A. D.; Muehlenkamp, G. T. & Chubb, Walston
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Fabrication of Subassemblies for the Supercritical-Water Reactor

Description: In studies of the fabrication of fuel subassemblies for the supercritical-water reactor, the limited ductility of stainless steel-UOâ‚‚ fuel sheet made the fabrication of corrugated-flat-plate-type subassemblies impractical. A fabricable MTR-type assembly, 5/8 in. square and 30 in. long, was developed. Methods for edge cladding fuel sheet were developed and a brazing alloy, GE-75, was found to be corrosion resistant in supercritical water.
Date: August 16, 1954
Creator: Keeler, J. R. & Hare, Alan W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mechanical Properties of Zirconium and Zirconium-Uranium Alloys Containing Tin

Description: Abstract: "The mechanical properties of a large number of zirconium alloys have been investigated. These alloys include zirconium-tin and zirconium-tin-uranium. Tensile tests have been run on these alloys at room temperature, 500 F, and 600 F. Hot-hardness data have been obtained from room temperature to 1600 F, with particular emphasis on the hot-rolling range. Creep tests and fatigue tests have been run on a number of zirconium-tin alloys at 500 F."
Date: September 29, 1952
Creator: Schwope, A. D.; Muehlenkamp, G. T. & Chubb, Walston
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Ductility of Brazed Stainless Steel Joints

Description: Abstract: "The ductility of Type 310 stainless steel T-joints brazed with GE-62 brazing alloy was measured at room temperatures 1200, 1650, and 1800 F. The measure of ductility was taken as the plastic axial strain required to crack braze fillets in T-section tensile specimens. At elevated temperatures, the ductility of as-brazed joints approximated that of the stainless steel, but at room temperature the brazed joints had only one-tenth the ductility of the base metal. Annealing for 16 hr at 1… more
Date: July 8, 1953
Creator: Saller, Henry A.; Stacy, J. T. & Eddy, N. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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