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open access

Advanced Indirect Cycle Water Reactor Studies for Maritime Applications: Part 2. Plant Conceptual Studies

Description: Second part of the "final report of a study directed toward the evolution, design, and demonstration of the principle design features of interim indirect cycle water cooled and moderated nuclear power plants which will be useful in early cooperative programs between the Atomic Energy Commission and the United States maritime industry" (p. II-i).
Date: March 1962
Creator: Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Quarterly Progress Report: Period Ending December 10, 1951

Description: This quarterly progress report details the ongoing research and experiments at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as part of the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project. The first part of this report discusses reactor theory and design. The second part of this report is not included. The third part of this report discusses materials research. The fourth part of this report includes appendixes
Date: March 6, 1952
Creator: Briant, R. C. & Cottrell, W. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Cold Pressing of Sinterable UOâ‚‚

Description: The intent of this work was to explore more fully the pressing of sinterable UO2 powders into cylindrical compacts in the hope that a more precise prediction of green density in terms of powder properties, pressure, and geometry could be evolved.
Date: March 27, 1961
Creator: Levey, R. P., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion of the Volatility Pilot Plant INOR-8 Hydrofluorinator and Nickel 201 Fluorinator During Forty Fuel-Pprocessing Runs with Zirconium-Uranium Alloy

Description: Report documenting the corrosion of fluorinators of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's volatility pilot plant. Includes descriptions of the fluorinators, their operating environments, and the results of their corrosion.
Date: March 1965
Creator: Youngblood, E. L.; Milford, R. P.; Nicol, R. G. & Ruch, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design and Testing of a High-Heat Flux Electron-Bombardment Heater

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory discussing the testing of an electron-bombardment heater. As stated in the abstract, "the applications of electron-bombardment heating to liquid-metal heat transfer and reactor safety experiments are discussed. The design of a high-heat-flux, electron-bombardment heater (EBH) is presented" (p. 7). This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: March 1968
Creator: Carlson, R. D. & Holtz, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Doppler and related measurements in a soft fast-reactor spectrum

Description: This report deals with a group of both theoretical and experimental investigations which have been carried out, utilizing Core 15, one in a series of critical assemblies that have been constructed at Atomics International's Epithermal Critical Experiments Laboratory (ECEL).
Date: March 24, 1969
Creator: Springer, T. H.; Tuttle, R. J.; Otter, J. M. & Pachall, R. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of an Engineering Demonstration of the Modified Zirflex and Neuflex Processes for the Preparation of Solvent Extraction Feeds from Unirradiated Zirconium-Base Reactor Fuels

Description: Report that investigates the concept of using ammonium fluoride-oxidant systems to dissolve spent U-Zr-Sn reactor fuels in both batch and continuous operation.
Date: March 1964
Creator: Kitts, F. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Irradiated OMRE Fuel Elements First Core Loading

Description: Abstract: Irradiated fuel elements from the Organic Moderated Reactor Experiment (OMRE) first core loading have been examined and evaluated to determine: (1) the stability of the floating plate fuel element design, (2) the stability of the stainless steel clad UO2 - stainless steel cermet core fuel plates under irradiation and exposure to the organic coolant, (3) the extent and nature of deposits on the fuel element services, and (4) the distribution of burnup in the fuel elements.
Date: March 1, 1960
Creator: Walter, J. H.; Leirich, J. F. & Calkins, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Zirconium Hydride as Moderator in Integral, Boiling Water-Superheat Reactors

Description: This report summarizes the results and conclusions of a study made to evaluate the merits of using zirconium hydride as a solid moderator in an integral boiling water-nuclear superheat reactor of the pressure vessel type.
Date: March 1, 1962
Creator: Gylfe, J. D.; Rood, H.; Greenleaf, J.; Balkwill, K.; Prem, L. & Goldfisher, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Evaluation of the Fallout-Radiation Protection Afforded by a Southwestern Residence

Description: Report regarding experiments made to determine the fallout-radiation protection offered by a "single-story stucco and frame house with a heavy shake roof and no basement," (p. 5) which is noted as being popular in the southwestern United States.
Date: March 14, 1961
Creator: Burson, Z.; Parry, D. & Borella, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extrusion Cladding of Fuel Element

Description: From introduction: "This investigation was undertaken with the general objective of determining whether uranium core could be sheathed with aluminum by an extrusion-cladding process. The ultimate objective of this work was to determine the feasibility of extrusion cladding flat plates of uranium."
Date: March 22, 1955
Creator: Slunder, C. J.; Fiorentino, R. J. & Hall, A. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fast Neutron Flux Measurements and Analysis in SM-1 and PM-2A Core and Vessel Mockups

Description: Abstract: This technical report contains a summary of experimental and analytical work performed on cold clean SM-1 Core II with special components and PM-2A Core I each with thermal shield and vessel mockups. The purpose of this work was to define the neutron intensity and spectra to which the pressure vessels are subjected in order to assess the effect of irradiation on the vessel lifetimes. The radial distributions of the energy dependent neutron flux per unit power in the core and vessel m… more
Date: March 31, 1962
Creator: Sontheimer, K. C.; Kemp, S. N.; Lois, L.; Clancy, E. F. & McCool, W. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report: Investigation of Boiling Flow Regimes and Critical Heat Flux

Description: From abstract: A program to investigate the mechanism of the critical heat flux condition from the standpoint of flow regimes has been initiated at Dynatech for the AEC. This report covers the work done on this investigation in the first year.
Date: March 1, 1965
Creator: Suo, M.; Bergles, Arthur E.; Doyle, Edward F.; Clawson, L. & Goldberg, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Neutron-Deficient Isotopes: Annual Progress Report, March 1964

Description: From abstract: "The objective of this program is to produce a set of pulse-height spectra representing the response of a standard gamma-ray scintillation spectrometer to radiations emitted in the decay of neutron-deficient nuclides."
Date: March 27, 1964
Creator: Heath, R. L. & Cline, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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