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Primary view of Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: 1965
North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
November 10, 1965
Primary view of Carnotite resources of Outlaw Mesa, Mesa County, Colorado
Brasher, G. K.
November 1952
Primary view of The Anodizing of Zirconium
Ray, William E.
November 3, 1953
Primary view of Nuclear Port Survey of the State of New York
Ebasco Services Incorporated
November 1961
Primary view of A Technical and Economic Evaluation of Solid-Fuel Gasification using Nuclear Heat: Production of Pipeline Gas, Liquid Fuels, and Chemicals from Lignite and Bituminous Coal
unknown creator
November 30, 1962
Primary view of Piqua Nuclear Power Facility Operations Analysis Program Progress Report Number 2: 1963
Auleta, J. J.
November 30, 1963
Primary view of Environmental Monitoring Semiannual Report: January-June 1962
Moore, J. D.; Fisher, W. L. & Rowe, P. A.
November 1962
Primary view of Organic Moderated Reactor Experiment Progress Report: August-October 1956
Trilling, C. A.
November 15, 1957
Primary view of Conceptual Design and Economic Evaluation of a Steam-Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor
Sofer, G.; Hankel, R.; Goldstein, L. & Birman, G.
November 15, 1961
Primary view of Hot-Pressure Bonding of OMR Fuel Plates
Alm, G. V.; Binstock, M. H. & Garrett, E. E.
November 15, 1959
Primary view of Terminal Status Report for the Processing Refabrication Experiment
Sinizer, D. I.; Mattern, K. L. & Kendall, E. G.
November 15, 1959
Primary view of SRE Fuel Element Damage: An Interim Report
Jarrett, A. A.
November 30, 1959
Primary view of Safe Handling of Chlorine Trifluoride and the Chemistry of the Chlorine Oxides and Oxyfluorides
Farrar, R. Lynn, Jr.
November 11, 1960
Primary view of Gamma-Ray Spectrometry of Neutron-Deficient Isotopes: Annual Progress Report, November 1964
Heath, R. L. & Cline, J. E.
November 1964
Primary view of Welded Repair of Fill and Drain Holes in High-Carbon Steel Gas Storage Cylinders
Thompson, J. C. & Lambert, F. J.
November 5, 1964
Primary view of PRTR second generation shim assembly
Rasmussen, D. E.
November 1964
Primary view of The Influence of Design and Production Parameters on Fabrication Costs of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements
Stein, P. E.; Ayers, A. C.; Braatz, R. J.; Bradford, C. M.; Holt, V. D. & Mattie, G. P.
November 1, 1961
Primary view of Nuclear Superheat Quarterly Project Report: Sixth Quarter, October-December 1960
Pennington, R. T.
November 1961
Primary view of Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report: September 1960
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
November 11, 1960
Primary view of Plutonium Recycle Program Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1958
Hanford Atomic Products Operation
November 11, 1958
Primary view of Routine Testing and Calibration Procedures for Multichannel Pulse Analyzers and Gamma-Ray Spectrometers
Crouch, D. F. & Heath, R. L.
November 1, 1963
Primary view of Reactor Physics Primer
Lockwood, E. H.
November 15, 1957
Primary view of The Radioactivity of Potassium 40: A Survey of Investigations
Weaver, B. S.
November 29, 1948
Primary view of Oak Ridge Analytical Chemistry Division Annual Progress Report: 1961
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
November 1968
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