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open access

Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: Fiscal Year 1968

Description: Annual report with the objectives of evaluating, producing, and maintaining an up-to-date set of basic nuclear data; producing and evaluating multigroup constants; and improving of present day methods of neutronic calculations as related to microscopic and macroscopic nuclear data, for unclassified research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission during FY 1968.
Date: May 24, 1969
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quarterly Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: Fiscal Year 1968

Description: Quarterly report with the objectives of evaluating, producing, and maintaining of an up-to-dat set of basic nuclear data; producing and evaluating of multigroup constants; and the improvement of present day methods of neutronic calculations as relates to microscopic and macroscopic nuclear data, for unclassified research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission during FY 1968.
Date: May 24, 1969
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Safety Evaluation of PNPF Modifications

Description: "The purpose of this report is to examine the safety aspects of PNPF restart on continued operation, after completion of the core cleanup and system modifications."
Date: May 1, 1969
Creator: Huntsinger, M. & Hart, R. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High heat flux heater development status report

Description: The development of a high heat flux heater for use in corrosion rate and stress-rupture tests of fuel cladding materials in a sodium environment is described.
Date: June 15, 1968
Creator: McKisson, R. L. & Babbe, E. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dibutyl Carbitol Solvent Extraction of Polonium-210 from Nitric Acid Solutions of Irradiated Bismuth

Description: Abstract: "A continuous countercurrent solvent extraction process utilizing dibutyl carbitol as the extractant has been developed for separating 210Po from large amounts of associated bismuth. Both laboratory and pilot plant data demonstrate the process is a suitable headend step in recovery of kilogram quantities of 210Po. Typically, the extraction process recovers over 98% of the 210Po, essentially free from bismuth (Bi DF>1500), in a dilute HNO3 solution suitable as a starting material for f… more
Date: February 1968
Creator: Schulz, Wallace W. & Richardson, G. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nitride Fuels for Fast Breeder Reactors: Fuel Cycle Considerations

Description: This report follows a study that was made to develop comparative fuel cycle costs for nitride and carbide fuels in a 1000 MWe sodium-cooled fast-breeder reactor.
Date: February 1968
Creator: Fletcher, John F. & Greenborg, Jess
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: 1966

Description: Annual report describing progress on unclassified research programs funded by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission during the 1965-66 fiscal year.
Date: August 31, 1966
Creator: North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: 1965

Description: Annual report describing progress on unclassified research programs funded by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission during the 1964-65 fiscal year.
Date: November 10, 1965
Creator: North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quarterly Progress Report, Research and Development Activities Fixation of Radioactive Residues: April-June 1965

Description: Introduction: "This progress report is the twenty-sixth in a series presenting research and development activities in the field of radioactive wastes. Experimental work charged to programs other than those of the Division of Reactor Development is included for general interest and completeness; such work is identified in the headings."
Date: September 1965
Creator: Pacific Northwest Labortoary. Chemistry Department.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The HASL Bone Program 1961-1964

Description: Report documenting the measuring of strontium-90 levels contained in the bones of children and adults of various age brackets across the United States.
Date: August 16, 1965
Creator: Rivera, Joseph & Harley, John H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ground Roughness Effects on the Energy and Angular Distribution of Gamma Radiation From Fallout

Description: Report examining "[t]he effect of ground roughness, or surface irregularities, on the radiation field above ground which had been contaminated with fallout from the explosion in the atmosphere of a nuclear device (Smallboy Event)" (p. v).
Date: December 1963
Creator: Huddleston, C. M.; Burson, Z. G.; Kinkaid, R. M. & Klingler, Q. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ICPP Waste Calcining Facility : Safety Analysis Report

Description: Report documenting a study "made of the radiological hazards associated with operation of the ICPP Waste Calcination Facility" and contains "[d]etails of the safety analysis and extensive information on the process, equipment, and operation procedures" (p. iii). Each section has its own pagination.
Date: December 1, 1963
Creator: Lakey, L. T. & Bower, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Summary Report of the Gas-Cooled Reactor Experiment-1

Description: Report describing the Gas-Cooled Reactor test facility, its ongoing testing and evaluations of a test reactor, and its operating conditions and characteristics.
Date: October 1963
Creator: Chesworth, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fort McClellan Radiological Instruction Area (ARMS-II)

Description: Report documenting the survey of the U. S. Army Chemical Corps Schoo, Radiological Instruction Area, Fort Mclellan, Alabama. This survey measures radiation an d gamma-ray flux in an approximately one square mile area.
Date: March 26, 1962
Creator: Guillou, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluation of Zirconium Hydride as Moderator in Integral, Boiling Water-Superheat Reactors

Description: This report summarizes the results and conclusions of a study made to evaluate the merits of using zirconium hydride as a solid moderator in an integral boiling water-nuclear superheat reactor of the pressure vessel type.
Date: March 1, 1962
Creator: Gylfe, J. D.; Rood, H.; Greenleaf, J.; Balkwill, K.; Prem, L. & Goldfisher, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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