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Primary view of N-Reactor Department monthly report, October 1963
unknown creator
November 7, 1963
Primary view of Analysis of E-N target conversion data
Carter, R. D.
November 21, 1963
Primary view of Preliminary survey, Reactor formation of rhenium-tungsten alloy
Lang, L. W. & Meichle, R. H.
November 11, 1963
Primary view of A review of the philosophy and future use of the Ball-3X system in the IPD reactors
Nilson, R.
November 6, 1963
Primary view of A Method for Detecting Disulfide Interchanges in Protein Modification Studies
Koshland, D. E. & Mozersky, S. M.
November 18, 1963
Primary view of Chemical Processing Department Monthly Report: October 1963
Hanford Atomic Products Operation. Chemical Processing Department.
November 21, 1963
Primary view of Resonance Absorption in Thorium Metal and Oxide Rods. Final Report
Pettus, W. G.; Baldwin, M. N. & Samuel, C.
November 1, 1963
Primary view of Radiological Hazards Comparison of SNAP 9A to SNAP 10A
Willis, C. A.
November 19, 1963
Primary view of Selection of material, number and distribution of poison wires for the anticriticality poison system
Call, D.W. & Parker, G.E.
November 19, 1963
Primary view of Pre-irradiation analysis, Rosemount pressure transducer model 810C
Fluke, G. L.
November 22, 1963
Primary view of SNP-1SA3 contract monthly letter report for the period 27 September 1963-- 26 October 1963
Peterson, J.J.
November 1, 1963
Primary view of Radiation effects program planning details for General Dynamics, Fort Worth for contract year 1964
unknown creator
November 1, 1963
Primary view of Destructive Examination of a SNAP Heat Source
Wyder, W. C.; Powers, J. A. & Vallee, R. E.
November 25, 1963
Primary view of Activation of electrical machinery. Supplement 1. [Preliminary evaluation; not applicable to ground tests]
Smolen, J.R.
November 15, 1963
Primary view of Digital computer program for investigating flow instabilities
Collier, G.
November 1, 1963
Primary view of Feed system performance, NE8010E
Cemi, S.
November 14, 1963
Primary view of Eddy current tester
unknown creator
November 11, 1963
Primary view of Control Drum Actuator Checker
unknown creator
November 15, 1963
Primary view of Summary report, Flexible VSR`s and VSR channel sleeve development programs
Kempf, F. J.
November 15, 1963
Primary view of The reactivity evaluation of PITA-IP22 demonstration load, Supp. 3
Essig, T. H.
November 18, 1963
Primary view of Reactor Physics monthly technical report, October 1963
Nichols, P. F.
November 1, 1963
Primary view of Development status and incentives for the hot die sizing process
Blanton, W. A.
November 20, 1963
Primary view of Fabrication process test evaluation: Shipping, HI-74-SL
Barber, A. E.
November 8, 1963
Primary view of Fuel element design for co-product pilot load
Shields, R. J.
November 11, 1963
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