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open access

Analysis of UO2 Grain Growth Data From "Out of Pile" Experiments

Description: Summary: Data on equlaxed UO2 grain growth from "out of pile" experiments have been gathered from all known sources and analyzed to determine the relationship between the grain size developed and annealing temperature and between grain size and the time at temperature. On the basis of the analysis, an equation relating gain size to time and temperate has been selected that appears to best describe the data considered as a whole. The coefficients in this grain growth equation have been evaluated… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Lyons, M. F.; Coplin, D. H. & Weidenbaum, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Asymptotic Neutron Spectra in Multiplying Media

Description: Asymptotic low energy neutron spectra have been measured for two multiplying systems. The reentrant hold spectrum (scalar flux) and the surface leakage spectrum were obtained for both assemblies using the pulsed-source chopper technique at the RPI linear accelerator.
Date: November 1963
Creator: Slovacek, R. E.; Fullwood, R. R.; Gaerttner, Erwin Rudolf, 1911- & Bach, D. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Automatic Exit Steam Quality Control for Boiling Water Reactors

Description: From American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York, Nov. 1963. The need for control of the flow distribution and/or steam quality in boiling reactors is discussed. A quality control device is being developed which consists of an entrance venturi and an exit venturi for measuring the flow rates into and out of the channel, means for comparing the two flow rate signals, and a value for regulating the flow rate. This device can be used either as a constant quality device or as a controlled-quality de… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Gall, D. A. & Doyle, E. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Behavior of Irradiated Metallic Fuel Elements Exposed to Nuclear Excursion in TREAT

Description: In fast reactor safety studies, it is imperative to know the effects of temperature excursions on the fuel elements. Previous controlled out-of-pile experiments on the behavior of uranium fuel elements under meltdown or near-meltdown conditions have been performed using direct electrical resistance heating or furnace heating. As a step toward obtaining more complete information on reactivity effects accompanying fuel meltdown, the behavior of irradiated EBR II and Fermi A samples under transien… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Monaweck, J. H.; Dickerman, Charles Edward, 1932- & Sowa, E. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Calculation of the Doppler Coefficient Plutonium-Oxide-Fueled Fast Reactors

Description: Report issued by the APDA over studies conducted on Doppler coefficient fast reactors. Calculations, methods, and results of the studies are presented. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: November 1, 1963
Creator: Fischer, E. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Compounds in the Binary Phase Diagrams of the Monovalent Chlorides With the Multivalent Chlorides

Description: The phase-diagram literature was surveyed to the end of 1960. Information about the binary systems of monovalent with multivalent chlorides was observed. Compounds of double chlorides occurring in these systems are listed in tabular form together with the available structural information. (auth)
Date: November 1, 1963
Creator: Gut, R.; Iberson, E. & Gruen, D. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion Experience with Aluminum Powder Products

Description: Extrusions of aluminum alloy powder products were obtained from several sources and evaluated for corrosion resistance to high-temperature (260-- 350 deg C) water. Several types of tubing impact-extruded by ALCOA were tested. The stronger tabing (M655) failed very rapidly. The weaker tubing suffered extensive localized surface attack and penetration of the corrosion attack along the extrusion direction after prolonged ( approximates 3 months) exposure to 290 deg C water. A precorrosion heat tre… more
Date: November 1, 1963
Creator: Draley, J. E.; Ruther, W. E. & Greenberg, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: A critical experiment was performed with 12 BORAX-V superheater subassemblies in a central voidable region plus 1228 to 1525 UO/sub 2/ fuel pins (3 wt% enriched) in a peripheral region. Removing water (28% of superheater volume) at room temperature decreased reactivity by 2.2%. The midplane (two- dimensional) peak-to-average power distribution in the voided superheater was approximately 1.24, mostly attributable to flux depressions within insulated fuel boxes. Cadmium ratios are also reported. … more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Plumlee, K. E.; Baird, Q. L.; Stanford, G. S. & Amundson, P. I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Crosscorrelation Method of Measuring System Dynamic Response

Description: The basic relations of the crosscorrelation method are presented; and variations of the method for dealing with practical cases for which the idealized relations are inaccurate due to finite experiment length, finite bandwidth of the input signal, and uncorrelated noise in the system response signal are discussed and demonstrated. (D.C.W.)
Date: November 1, 1963
Creator: Balcomb, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Demineralization by Transport Depletion

Description: Report concerning the demineralization of water via the transport depletion process, which is a variation of electrodialysis that uses just one ion-exchange membrane. The first portion of the report covers a year of studying the transport depletion method, while the second part includes details regarding the experiments, equipment, and complications in greater detail.
Date: November 1963
Creator: Lacey, Robert E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Determination of k∞ From Measurements on a Small Test Sample in a Critical Assembly

Description: Abstract. The determination of the infinite multiplication factor, k∞ , from measurement son a small test sample was investigated by both theoretical and experimental techniques. Theoretical relations were developed to calculate the error in the measurement due to a mismatch between the flux ratios in the critical assembly and those of the test sample. Experiments were carried out at the Hanford Laboratory of the General Electric Company with the PCTR, to obtain values of the multiplication f… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Lanning, David Dayton
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development and Evaluation of Large Volume Scintillation Detectors and Their Application to Radioisotope Process Control

Description: Preliminary phases of this investigation that have been completed include basic studies to determine optimum detector engineering characteristics and static tests of a number of designs. A pilot system for dynamic testing of the detectors in simulated process control applications is presently in operation.
Date: November 1963
Creator: Perry, J. Kent
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of Fueled Graphite Containing Pyrolytic-Carbon Coated Carbide Particles for Nonpurged, Gas-Cooled Reactor Systems

Description: Abstract: Progress is reported in several areas of development of fueled graphite containing coated particles for nonurged gas-cooled reactor systems. The sol-gel process has been modified for making spherical particles of both thorium-uranium carbide and thorium-uranium oxide suitable for coating. Equipment has been assembled and methods have been developed for deposition of pyrolytic-carbon coating under well-controlled conditions. Damage to coated particles during fabrication into a graphi… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Carlsen, F. L., Jr.; Bomar, E. S. & Harms, W. O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Diffusion of Fast Neutrons

Description: From American Nuclear Society Meeting, New York, Nov. 1963. The use of the asymptotic solution to the one-velocity transport equation is considered. The angular distribution for fast neutron elastic scattering by heavy elements is discussed. An exponential angular distribution on is assumed to simplify the decay length calculation. The diffusion length of 1 to 15 Mev neutrons in iron is calculated, as well as the vector flux angular dependence. The asymptotic solution for an arbitrary angular d… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Francis, N. C.; Brooks, E. J. & Watson, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Eddy Diffusion on Temperatures in a Fixed Bed, Particulate-Fueled Nuclear Reactor

Description: Abstract: To assess diffusion's importance, the temperature distribution in a cylindrical reactor is derived for a coolant with uniform properties and velocity, taking into account both radial and axial diffusion, for a cosine-J0 power distribution. The fractional temperature rise of the coolant is found to be [chemical formula] where E(z) = [sin(z) + sin(Z)]/2 sin(Z), z= π x/2′, x is the axial distance from the core center, -H and ′ are the core half-height and extrapolated half-height, -H≤x≤… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Barker, James J. & Benenati, Robert F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Fluoride Ions on the Aqueous Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys

Description: Abstract. A review has been made of the effects of fluoride ions on the corrosion behavior of zirconium alloys in high-temperature water. Corrosion was found to occur as the result of contamination of the water or the zirconium surface. A major source of fluorides is undue delay in rinsing the HF-HNO3 pickling solution during surface preparation. The oxide on corrosion-resistant material has been found to contain up to 7600 ppm fluoride from this source. The threshold concentration of fluoride … more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Berry, Warren E., 1922-
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of Radiation on Mechanical Properties of CVTR Pressure Tube Material

Description: An essential part of establishing the acceptability of warm extruded Zircaloy-4 for the CVTR pressure tube application was the determination of irradiation effects on mechanical properties of the alloy. Representative specimens were irradiated in low temperature process water in the WTR for simulated two, three and five year exposure. The effects of this irradiation were then evaluated in terms of changes in tensile, impact and creep properties. The experiment results concluded that the irra… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Smalley, W. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of Row Charge Spacing and Depth on Crater Dimensions

Description: From preface: The work described in this document is directed toward determining the optimum method of employing explosives to form a ditch, channel, or canal of certain desired dimensions.
Date: November 1963
Creator: Vortman, Luke J. & Schofield, L. N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy Deposition by Fast Neutrons. [Part] II, Yield of the Fricke Dosimeter at 14.6 Mev

Description: A measurement of the yield of the aerated, ferrous sulfate-sulfuric acid (Fricke) dosimeter for 14.6-Mev neutrons gave a value of GF /sub Fe/sup +5/= 11.5 plus or minus 1.8. G/sub Fe/ number of ferric ions produced per 100 ev deposited. The determination combined an analysis of the energy deposit by scattering and charged particle reactions with a determination of the neutron flux by two independent means: (1) a "long counter" method and (2) an activation technique. The result is in reasonable … more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Axtmann, Robert C. & Licari, Joseph A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Evaluation of the Substitution of Zircaloy for Stainless Steel in n.s. Savannah Fuel-Element Containers. Summary Report

Description: The possibility of reducing fuel-cycle costs for the N.S. SAVANNAH by replacing the stainless steel fuelelement containers in the permanent reactor core structure by similar containers of a zirconium alloy was investigated. These containers, although not integral parts of the fuel-bearing components, are located within the active core and divide the core into 32 separate channels into which the fuel elements are placed. Areas of investigation included reactor physics, fuel-cycle economics, mate… more
Date: November 1, 1963
Creator: Anderson, T. D.; Gross, E. E.; McCurdy, H. C.; Schaffer, L. D.; Shobe, L. R. & Whitmarsh, C. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experience in the Fabrication of Uranium - 233 Bearing ThO2UO2 Rods in a Lightly Shielded Facility at ORNL

Description: The potential of the thorium fuel cycle for achieving low nuclear fuel costs is complicated by the presence of 232U associated with 233U formed in the reactor. The decay of the 232U daughters produces penetrating radiation making the consideration of shielding and fast process times mandatory. The construction and operation of a lightly shielded, semi remote factify, known as the Kilorrod Facility, in which fuel rods containing (Th-3 wt % 233U)O2 are fabricated, is the first step in determining… more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Van Cleve, J. E., Jr. & Lotts, A. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fluxes and Reaction Rates in the Presence of Interferring Resonances

Description: The effects of competition between resonances of different isotopes were investigated. Flux and reaction rate calculations on a Pu/sup 239/-- U/sup 238/ system revealed that U/sup 238/ exhibits both self-shielding and interference effects, the latter becoming noticeable at enrichment of a few per cent. Gold activation was also found to be depressed by the presence of U, but was insensitive at low enrichment values, Investigation of the Pu/sup 239/ resonance integral showed an asymmetric effect … more
Date: November 1963
Creator: Kelber, Charles N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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