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open access

Development of residential-conservation-survey methodology for the US Air Force. Interim report. Task two

Description: A US Air Force (USAF) Residential Energy Conservation Methodology was developed to compare USAF needs and available data to the procedures of the Residential Conservation Service (RCS) program as developed for general use by utility companies serving civilian customers. Attention was given to the data implications related to group housing, climatic data requirements, life-cycle cost analysis, energy saving modifications beyond those covered by RCS, and methods for utilizing existing energy cons… more
Date: November 13, 1981
Creator: Abrams, D. W.; Hartman, T. L. & Lau, A. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Investigation at Low Speed of a Large-Scale Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio Two 1: Characteristics of a Wing Having a Double-Wedge Airfoil Section With Maximum Thickness at 20-Percent Chord

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the low-speed characteristics of a 25-foot span triangular wing with an aspect ratio of 2. the airfoil section of the wing was a symmetrical double wedge with 5-percent maximum thickness at 20-percent chord. Results regarding the longitudinal characteristics, lateral characteristics, and directional characteristics are provided.
Date: November 13, 1947
Creator: Anderson, Adrien E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Catalyst and process development for synthesis gas conversion to isobutylene. Quarterly report, July 1, 1992--September 30, 1992

Description: A series of zirconia catalysts prepared by a modified sol gel procedure, coprecipitation with ammonium hydroxide, and by a hydrothermal method were evaluated for catalytic activity. These catalysts were prepared containing silicon, thorium, titanium, cerium and the alkali metals. A catalyst containing 2% thorium on zirconia was the most active. The isobutylene and isobutane selectivity were 19.4 wt % and 1.82 wt %, respectively. Macro- and micro-kinetic models indicate that C0{sub 2} formation … more
Date: November 13, 1992
Creator: Anthony, R. G. & Akgerman, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

TART calculations using the new 2021 energy group cross section library compared with B. Czirr's resonance self-shielding experiments

Description: Results from calculations using a 2021-energy-group cross section library with sufficient energy definition in the lower energy range to resolve the known resorances in /sup 239/Pu and /sup 235/U are compared with flat-plate resorance self-shielding experimental data. The results are somewhat ambiguous. The lower energy ranges appear to agree better with experimental data for small areal densities, but disagree more as the areal density increases. (20 figures) (RWR)
Date: November 13, 1973
Creator: Bacon, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Probabilistic Risk Assessment: Number 219

Description: This report describes a methodology for analyzing the safety of nuclear power plants. A historical overview of plants in the US is provided, and past, present, and future nuclear safety and risk assessment are discussed. A primer on nuclear power plants is provided with a discussion of pressurized water reactors (PWR) and boiling water reactors (BWR) and their operation and containment. Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), utilizing both event-tree and fault-tree analysis, is discussed as a too… more
Date: November 13, 1985
Creator: Bari, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monte Carlo Research Series: Monte Carlo Program for a Linear Reactor With Void Gaps

Description: A Monte Carlo calculation for computing the diffusion coefficient and diffusion length in a linear system, with alternate solid and void segments is described. The program code is for the IBM 704. (auth)
Date: November 13, 1957
Creator: Beeler, J. R., Jr.; Nelson, R. H. & Dyer, P. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gasoline Prices: Causes of Volatility and Congressional Response

Description: This report, after analyzing factors that have contributed to high gasoline prices, describes the major legislative initiatives and discusses the issues involved.
Date: November 13, 2008
Creator: Behrens, Carl E. & Glover, Carol
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Colombia: Issues for Congress

Description: This report provides an overview of recent political developments in Colombia, including the administration of President Uribe (2002-2010), continuing into the election of President Juan Manuel Santos. It discusses the political issues including Colombia's longstanding conflict with internal armed groups and ongoing challenges such as human rights, demobilization and displacement, drug trends, and Colombia's regional relations.
Date: November 13, 2009
Creator: Beittel, June S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of radiant energy on vaporization and combustion of liquid fuels

Description: Report presenting an investigation of the radiative processes involved in combustion to determine the present role of radiant energy transfer in combustors. The equivalent gray-body emissivity of a hydrocarbon fuel may be increased by use of liquid or solid, soluble or nonsoluble, additives. Results regarding the experimental apparatus and methods, emission characteristics of luminous and nonluminous flames, absorptivity of fuels and of solutions of possible additives, and absorption by slurrie… more
Date: November 13, 1952
Creator: Berlad, A. L. & Hibbard, R. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High Temperature Particle Filtration Technology

Description: High temperature filtration can serve to improve the economic, environmental, and energy performance of chemical processes. This project was designed to evaluate the stability of filtration materials in the environments of the production of dimethyldichlorosilane (DDS). In cooperation with Dow Corning, chemical environments for the fluidized bed reactor where silicon is converted to DDS and the incinerator where vents are cornbusted were characterized. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) an… more
Date: November 13, 2001
Creator: Besmann, T.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comments on cathode contaminants and the LBNL test stand

Description: This report collects information on cathode contaminants we have gathered in the process of operating the LBNL DARHT cathode test stand. Information on contaminants is compiled from several sources. The attachment, ''Practical Aspects of Modern Dispenser Cathodes'', is from Heat Wave Corp. (TB-134) and was originally published in Microwave Journal, September 1979. Cathode contamination depends on both material choices and residual gases. Table 1 of TB-134 lists materials that can poison dispens… more
Date: November 13, 2006
Creator: Bieniosek, F.; Baca, D.; Greenway, W.; Leitner, M. & Kwan, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance and operability study of the Raft River 5 MW(e) pilot geothermal power plant steady-state behavior

Description: Estimates of the steady-state performance of the Raft River 5 MW(e) Pilot Geothermal Power Plant have been made using an existing digital computer simulation which has been updated to reflect the individual performance of the actual components in the plant. The plant output (gross and net) has been obtained as a function of geothermal fluid inlet temperature and flow rate and isobutane preheater bypass (boiler inlet subcooling). The plant performance has been determined for two ambient conditio… more
Date: November 13, 1979
Creator: Bliem, C.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bosnia: U.S. Military Operations

Description: This report outlines U.S. military operations in Bosnia and discusses issues such as U.S. and Allied Participation in Bosnia Peacekeeping (IFOR/SFOR), duration, cost, arms control and military assistance. This report also includes most recent development, background analysis, and legislation.
Date: November 13, 2001
Creator: Bowman, Steven R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemical Weapons Convention: Issues for Congress

Description: The Convention provides the most extensive and intrusive verification regime of any arms control treaty, extending its coverage to not only governmental but also civilian facilities. The Convention also requires export controls and reporting requirements on chemicals that can be used as warfare agents and their precursors. The CWC establishes the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to oversee the Convention's implementation. Chemical Weapons Convention implementing legis… more
Date: November 13, 2001
Creator: Bowman, Steven R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fruits and Vegetables: Ongoing Issues for Congress

Description: The FY2001 appropriations for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and related agencies (P.L. 106-387/H.R. 4461) was signed into law on October 28, 2000. The act addressed agricultural emergency assistance (disasters and market losses) for specific fruits, vegetables, and nursery; contingency funding for APHIS to control crop diseases; funding for the methyl bromide transition program; and funding for the National Organic Program. It also would provide for the establishment of a marketing … more
Date: November 13, 2000
Creator: Branaman, Brenda
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Alternate immersion stress corrosion testing of 5083 aluminum

Description: The stress corrosion susceptibility of Type 5083 aluminum--magnesium alloy in plate form and press-formed shapes was determined in the short transverse direction. C-ring type specimens were exposed to alternate immersion in a sodium chloride solution. The test equipment and procedure, with several innovative features, are described in detail. Statistical test results are listed for seven thermomechanical conditions. A certain processing scheme was shown to yield a work-strengthened part that is… more
Date: November 13, 1978
Creator: Briggs, J.L.; Dringman, M.R.; Hausburg, D.E. & Jackson, R.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 110th Congress

Description: Report detailing issues and legislative concerns regarding immigration during the 110th Congress, with a focus on comprehensive reform.
Date: November 13, 2007
Creator: Bruno, Andorra; Wasem, Ruth Ellen; Siskin, Alison; Nuñez-Neto, Blas; Haddal, Chad C. & Garcia, Michael John
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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