Search Results

Primary view of COMP: a BASIC language nonlinear least-squares curve fitting program
Thomas, J. M.; Cochran, M. I.; Watson, C. R. & Eberhardt, L. L.
November 1, 1977
Primary view of Magnetic field, closed orbit, and energy measurement in the Bevatron
Crebbin, K. C.
November 1, 1981
Primary view of Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project Monthly Report
Dennis, B.S. (comp.)
November 1, 1989
Primary view of Fusion utilization projections in the United States energy economy
Powell, J.R. & Fillo, J.A.
November 1, 1979
Primary view of Enhanced durability and reactivity for zinc ferrite desulfurization sorbent
Jha, Mahesh C. & Berggren, Mark H.
November 14, 1988
Primary view of Digital SLIFER Recorder, Model A. [Underground nuclear explosions]
Breding, D.R.; Fogel, D.; Loukota, J.J.; Worthen, G.S. & Watterberg, J.P.
November 1, 1977
Primary view of Results of the radiological survey at 12 Long Valley Road, Lodi, New Jersey (LJ054)
Foley, R.D.; Floyd, L.M. & Carrier, R.F.
November 1, 1989
Primary view of Efficiencies of gas neutralizers for multi-MeV beams of light negative ions
Grisham, L. R.; Post, D. E.; Johnson, B. M.; Jones, K. W.; Barette, J.; Kruse, T. H. et al.
November 1, 1981
Primary view of General multi-configuration Hartree--Fock program: MCHF77. [In FORTRAN (double precision) for IBM 360 and 370]
Fischer, C F
November 1, 1977
Primary view of Investigations of the Natural Fission Reactor Program. Progress report, October 1976--September 1977
Apt, K.E. (ed.)
November 1, 1977
Primary view of Ocean thermal difference power plant turbine design
Ambs, L. L. & Marshall, J.
November 1, 1973
Primary view of Preliminary design of a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) channel for the U. S. S. R. U-25 facility. Final report
Brogan, T R; Aframe, A M & Hill, J
November 1, 1974
Primary view of Studies on transition metals and alloy Fischer-Tropsch catalysts, their electronic and bulk properties. (I: Fe/MnO; II: Fe/TiO/sub 2/; III: Fe/Mord. ). Final report, July 1, 1982-September 30, 1983
Mulay, L.N.
November 1, 1983
Primary view of Improved ceramic heat exchanger material
Rauch, H. W., Sr.
November 1, 1977
Primary view of Titanium/gold process characterization
Fajardo, L.S.
November 1, 1991
Primary view of Hot-gas cleanup system model development. Volume I. Final report
Ushimaru, K.; Bennett, A. & Bekowies, P.J.
November 1, 1982
Primary view of Coal fracture measurements using in situ electrical methods: preliminary results
Lytle, R.J.; Laine, E.F. & Lager, D.L.
November 20, 1974
Primary view of System for evaluating the deformation of various materials under compressive loads
Gallman, R. A.
November 1, 1975
Primary view of Development of mild gasification process
Chu, C.I.C. & Gillespie, B.L.
November 1, 1987
Primary view of Design of a water jet drill for development of geothermal resources. Progress report, October 1--November 30, 1977
unknown creator
November 30, 1977
Primary view of Islets of stability beyond period doubling
Mackay, R.S.
November 1, 1981
Primary view of Central receiver solar thermal power system, Phase 1. CDRL Item 2. Pilot plant preliminary design report. Volume IV. Receiver subsystem. [10-MW Pilot Plant and 100-MW Commercial Plant]
Hallet, Jr., R. W. & Gervais, R. L.
November 1, 1977
Primary view of Phase-change thermal energy storage: Final subcontract report
unknown creator
November 1, 1989
Primary view of The Federal Flag Code Including Selected Questions and Answers
Hutton, E. Jeremy
November 27, 1968
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