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open access

$D^0 \bar{D}^0$ Mixing at BaBar

Description: This article reviews the recent measurement of D{sup 0}-{bar D}{sup 0} mixing with the D{sup 0} {yields} K{pi} decay channel from the BaBar experiment at the PEP-II B-Factory. Averages from the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group between this result and a previous result from BELLE are also presented.
Date: October 26, 2011
Creator: Coleman, Jonathon
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[1+1=Music, Part One]

Description: Audio recording from the Turtle Creek Chorale Collection (The Dallas Way) collection, an American men's chorus based in Dallas, Texas.
Date: October 9, 1988
Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes 21 seconds
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[1+1=Music, Part Two]

Description: Audio recording from the Turtle Creek Chorale Collection (The Dallas Way) collection, an American men's chorus based in Dallas, Texas.
Date: October 9, 1988
Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes 53 seconds
Creator: Turtle Creek Chorale
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

1-2 GeV synchrotron radiation facility at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Description: The Advanced Light Source (ALS), a dedicated synchrotron radiation facility optimized to generate soft x-ray and vacuum ultraviole (XUV) light using magnetic insertion devices, was proposed by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in 1982. It consists of a 1.3-GeV injection system, an electron storage ring optimized at 1.3 GeV (with the capability of 1.9-GeV operation), and a number of photon beamlines emanating from twelve 6-meter-long straight sections, as shown in Fig. 1. In addition, 24 bending-… more
Date: October 1, 1985
Creator: Berkner, K.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1,4-diphenylbutadiyne as a potential tritium getter

Description: Research on the acetylene compound 1,4-diphenylbutadiyne is an effort to develop an air-operative tritium gas scavenger. T/sub 2/ adds to the acetylene bond of the organic in the presence of a metal catalyst. The catalyst also stimulates the oxidation reaction as well. The butadiyne compound has shown good reaction efficiency at 300 ppM T/sub 2/ in static dry air. At this concentration 75% of the scavenged tritium was in the organic. This work has expanded to the investigation of liquid acetyle… more
Date: October 1, 1980
Creator: Miller, H. H.; Bissell, E. E.; Tsugawa, R. T. & Souers, P. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access Site system engineering implementation Fiscal Year 1998 multi-year work plan

Description: Manage the Site Systems Engineering process to provide a traceable, integrated, requirements-driven, and technically defensible baseline., Through the Site Integration Group, Systems Engineering ensures integration of technical activities across all site projects. Systems Engineering`s primary interfaces are with the Project Direction Office and with the projects, as well as with the Planning organization.
Date: October 3, 1997
Creator: Ferguson, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1/12-Scale mixing interface visualization and buoyant particle release tests in support of Tank 241-SY-101 hydrogen mitigation

Description: In support of tank waste safety programs, visualization tests were performed in the 1/12-scale tank facility, using a low-viscosity simulant. The primary objective of the tests was to obtain video records of the transient jet-sludge interaction. The intent is that these videos will provide useful qualitative data for comparison with model predictions. Two tests were initially planned: mixing interface visualization (MIV) and buoyant particle release (BPR). Completion of the buoyant particle rel… more
Date: October 1, 1993
Creator: Eschbach, E. J. & Enderlin, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1/12-Scale scoping experiments to characterize double-shell tank slurry uniformity: Test plan

Description: Million gallon double-shell tanks (DSTs) at Hanford are used to store transuranic, high-level, and low-level wastes. These wastes generally consist of a large volume of salt-laden solution covering a smaller volume of settled sludge primarily containing metal hydroxides. These wastes will be retrieved and processed into immobile waste forms suitable for permanent disposal. The current retrieval concept is to use submerged dual-nozzle pumps to mobilize the settled solids by creating jets of flui… more
Date: October 1994
Creator: Bamberger, J. A. & Liljegren, L. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1. Mono((8)annulene)Uranium(4) half-sandwich complexes, 2. Novel syntheses of symmetrically substituted cyclooctatetetraenes

Description: A reproducible, high-yield synthesis of mono((8)annulene)uranium(4)dichloride (1) is reported, along with the X-ray crystal structural of the bis(pyridine) adduct. Metathesis reactions of the half-sandwich complex 1 with a variety of simple alkyl and alkoxy reagents failed to generate any isolable mono-ring complexes. Reactions of 1 with polydentate, delocalized anions did produce stable derivatives, including mono((8)annulene)uranium(4)bis(acetylacetonate) (4). An X-ray crystal structure of 4 … more
Date: October 1, 1991
Creator: Boussie, T. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1. Mono([8]annulene)Uranium(4) half-sandwich complexes, 2. Novel syntheses of symmetrically substituted cyclooctatetetraenes

Description: A reproducible, high-yield synthesis of mono([8]annulene)uranium(4)dichloride (1) is reported, along with the X-ray crystal structural of the bis(pyridine) adduct. Metathesis reactions of the half-sandwich complex 1 with a variety of simple alkyl and alkoxy reagents failed to generate any isolable mono-ring complexes. Reactions of 1 with polydentate, delocalized anions did produce stable derivatives, including mono([8]annulene)uranium(4)bis(acetylacetonate) (4). An X-ray crystal structure of 4 … more
Date: October 1, 1991
Creator: Boussie, T. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2-D emittance equation with acceleration and compression

Description: Since both acceleration and compression are required for an Inertial Fusion Driver, the understanding of their effect on the beam quality, emittance, is important. This report attempts to generalize the usual emittance formula for the drifting beam to include these effects. The derivation of the 2-D emittance equation is carried out and a comparison with the particle code results is given. The 2-D emittance at a given axial location is reasonable to consider for a long beam, particularly with v… more
Date: October 1, 1988
Creator: Hahn, K. D. & Smith, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 2-GHz Rectangular Corrugated Horn

Description: We have designed, constructed and tested a large, rectangular horn antenna with a center frequency of 2.0 GHz, corrugated on the E-plane walls, made out of aluminum sheet. A new technique has been developed to solder thin aluminum strips onto the back plane to form the corrugations. The radiation beam pattern shows half-power beamwidths of 12{sup 0} and 14{sup 0} in the H and E planes respectively, and side lobe response below -40 dB at angles greater than 50{sup 0} from horn axis. The measured… more
Date: October 1, 1991
Creator: Bersanelli, M.; Bensadoun, M.; De Amici, Giovanni; Limon, M.; Smoot, George F.; Tanaka, S. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2-pi Photoproduction from CLAS and CB-ELSA - The Search for Missing Resonances

Description: 2-pi-photoproduction is one of the promising reactions to search for baryon resonances that have been predicted but have not yet been observed. The gamma-rho --> rho-pi{sup 0}-pi{sup 0}(CB-ELSA) and the gamma-rho --> rho-pi{sup +}-pi{sup -} (CLAS) data show interesting resonance structures. A partial wave analysis (PWA) has to be done to determine which baryon resonances contribute what their quantum numbers and their relative couplings to the different accessible rho-2-pi-channels and to… more
Date: October 1, 2003
Creator: Thoma, Ulrike
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

2 x 2 TeV mu(superscript +) mu (superscript) collider

Description: The scenarios for high-luminosity 2 x 2 TeV and 250 x 250 GeV {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} colliders are presented. Having a high physics potential, such a machine has specific physics and technical advantages and disadvantages when compared with an e{sup +}e{sup -} collider. Parameters for the candidate designs and the basic components - proton source, pion production and decay channel, cooling, acceleration and collider storage ring - are considered. Attention is paid to the areas mostly affecting … more
Date: October 1, 1996
Creator: Mokhov, N. V. & Noble, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Micro-Scale Machining Implementation

Description: The KCP investigated milling, turning, and wire EDMing features at a micro-scale using existing equipment to find the limitations and hindrances to producing future designs.
Date: October 20, 2008
Creator: Boucher, Christopher L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Microprobe Metrology

Description: This report documents the results of a project undertaken to develop an ultra-high-accuracy measurement capability, which is necessary to address a rising trend toward miniaturized mechanical products exhibiting dramatically reduced product tolerances. A significant improvement in measurement capability is therefore required to insure that a 4:1 ratio can be maintained between product tolerances and measurement uncertainty.
Date: October 14, 2008
Creator: Swallow, Kevin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D numerical analysis of a high-gain free-electron laser

Description: We present a novel approach to the 3-dimensional high-gain free- electron laser amplifier problem. The method allows us to write the laser field as an integral equation which can be efficiently and accurately evaluated on a small computer. The model is general enough to allow the inclusion of various initial electron beam distributions to study the gain reduction mechanism and its dependence on the physical parameters. 16 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.
Date: October 19, 1988
Creator: Gallardo, J.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D numerical investigation of the mantle dynamics associated with the breakup of Pangea

Description: Three-dimensional finite element calculations in spherical geometry are performed to study the response of the mantle with platelike blocks at its surface to an initial condition corresponding to subduction along the margins of Pangea. The mantle is treated as an infinite Prandtl number Boussinesq fluid inside a spherical shell with isothermal, undeformable, free-slip boundaries. Nonsubducting rigid blocks to model continental lithosphere are included in the topmost layer of the computational m… more
Date: October 1, 1992
Creator: Baumgardner, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D object reconstruction emission and transmission tomography with limited angular input

Description: The effects of the angular range of data taking in reconstructions in planar positron cameras using the deconvolution method and the matrix method, respectively, are investigated. It is found that in the absence of any a priori information there are undetermined components in the reconstruction if the field of view of the positron camera is limited. However, most of the undetermined components are recovered in the case in which the transverse spacing of the object is discrete, and all of them a… more
Date: October 1978
Creator: Tam, K. C.; Perez-Mendez, V. & Macdonald, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D research transport codes at Los Alamos

Description: We describe 3-D research transport codes which have been developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory over the last three years. Some simple example calculations are presented.
Date: October 1, 1994
Creator: Morel, J. E.; McGhee, J. M. & Walters, W. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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