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open access

Global Climate Change

Description: This report briefly reviews the status of climate science, international negotiations, and congressional activity focused specifically on climate change.
Date: October 29, 2004
Creator: Justus, John R. & Fletcher, Susan R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Global Climate Change: The Kyoto Protocol

Description: This report discusses the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that was completed December 11, 1997, committing the industrialized nations to specified, legally binding reductions in emissions of six “greenhouse gases.”
Date: October 27, 2004
Creator: Fletcher, Susan R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Endangered Species: Difficult Choices

Description: This report discusses issues debated in the 108th Congress while is considering various proposals to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA). Major issues in recent years have included changing the role of science in decision-making, changing the role of critical habitat, reducing conflicts with Department of Defense activities, incorporating further protection for property owners, and increasing protection of listed species, among others. In addition, many have advocated including signi… more
Date: October 26, 2004
Creator: Corn, M. Lynne; Buck, Eugene H. & Baldwin, Pamela
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mad Cow Disease: Agricultural Issues for Congress

Description: This report discuses lumber imports from Canada and provides a concise historical account of the dispute, summarizes the subsidy and injury evidence, and discusses the current issues and events.
Date: October 27, 2004
Creator: Becker, Geoffrey S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Higher Education Act: Reauthorization Status and Issues

Description: This report provides an overview of postsecondary education (institutions and students), an overview of the Higher Education Act (HEA) with a focus on its most significant programs and provisions, and a discussion of major issues that have been, or may be, of interest to the Congress during the HEA reauthorization process.
Date: October 20, 2004
Creator: Stedman, James B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Budget for Fiscal Year 2005

Description: The Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) January 2004 budget report for FY2005 (the Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2005-2014) estimated the FY2005 baseline deficit at $362 billion. CBO’s report provided estimates of the costs of selected alternative policies (measured from the baseline), such as estimates of the cost of extending the tax cuts, reforming the AMT, and discretionary spending growing at various rates.
Date: October 12, 2004
Creator: Winters, Philip D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Argentina's Sovereign Debt Restructuring

Description: The U.S. Congress has held numerous hearings to evaluate the causes and ongoing repercussions of Argentina’s financial crisis. This report analyzes Argentina’s debt situation in support of this interest and will be updated periodically.
Date: October 19, 2004
Creator: Hornbeck, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reducing Teen Pregnancy: Adolescent Family Life and Abstinence Education Programs

Description: Congressional Research Service (CRS) report entailing information about Adolescent Family Life (AFL) and Abstinence Education programs in regards to reducing teen pregnancy. Topics include, purpose of the programs, allowable projects, evaluations and research, etc.
Date: October 4, 2004
Creator: Solomon-Fears, Carmen
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Drug Control: International Policy and Approaches

Description: Over the past decade, worldwide production of illicit drugs has risen dramatically: opium and marijuana production has roughly doubled and coca production tripled. Street prices of cocaine and heroin have fallen significantly in the past 20 years, reflecting increased availability. Despite apparent national political resolve to deal with the drug problem, inherent contradictions regularly appear between U.S. anti-drug policy and other national policy goals and concerns. The mix of competing dom… more
Date: October 19, 2004
Creator: Perl, Raphael F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Border Security: Inspections Practices, Policies, and Issues

Description: Some argue that this reorganization of border inspections has been long needed and is resulting in a more streamlined and efficient set of procedures at the border with a clear, single, chain of command. Others warn that the different types of inspections are quite complex in their own right and that the reorganization is exacerbating the conflicting priorities at the border, ultimately resulting in many more people and goods being sent to secondary inspections. This report, discusses a range o… more
Date: October 13, 2004
Creator: Wasem, Ruth Ellen; Lake, Jennifer E.; Seghetti, Lisa M.; Monke, James & Viña, Stephen R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homeland Security: Defending U.S. Airspace

Description: This report discusses about Air Defense Challenge, Command & Control, Intercept and Surveillance.
Date: October 13, 2004
Creator: Bolkcom, Christopher
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Expanding Threat Reduction and Nonproliferation Programs: Concepts and Definitions

Description: The report of the 9/11 Commission called for continued support for threat reduction assistance. H.R. 10, the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act, calls for a review of U.S. policy in this area. President Bush, Members of Congress, and analysts outside government have suggested that the United States provide threat reduction and nonproliferation assistance to nations outside the former Soviet Union.
Date: October 5, 2004
Creator: Woolf, Amy F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Campaign Financing

Description: This is one report in the series of reports that discuss the campaign finance practices and related issues. Concerns over financing federal elections have become a seemingly perennial aspect of our political system, centered on the enduring issues of high campaign costs and reliance on interest groups for needed campaign funds. The report talks about the today’s paramount issues such as perceived loopholes in current law and the longstanding issues: overall costs, funding sources, and competi… more
Date: October 28, 2004
Creator: Cantor, Joseph E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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