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Primary view of ABWR: PL-2 Design Report
Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
October 15, 1960
Primary view of ABWR Design and Development Quarterly Progress Report: July 1 - September 30, 1961
Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
October 16, 1961
Primary view of Advanced Indirect Cycle Water Reactor Studies for Maritime Applications: Part 3. Analog Simulation of Reactor Plant Transients
Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
October 23, 1961
Primary view of Advanced Indirect Cycle Water Reactor Studies for Maritime Applications: Part 5. Spiked Core Concept
Combustion Engineering, inc. Nuclear Division.
October 23, 1961
Primary view of Analysis of Stresses in Bellows
Anderson, W. F.
October 15, 1964
Primary view of Boiling of Freon-114 in a Three-Foot Straight Tube Evaporator
Allen, Charles F.
October 19, 1961
Primary view of Boiling Studies for Sodium Reactor Safety: Part 2, Pool Boiling and Initial Force Convection Tests and Analyses
Lurie, H. & Noyes, R. C.
October 15, 1964
Primary view of Carbide Fuel Development: Phase 1 Report, Period of May 15 to September 15, 1959
Bolomey, R.; Lazerus, S.; Sapir, J.; Sofer, G.; Steinmetz, H.; Strasser, A. et al.
October 15, 1959
Primary view of Chemical Coolants for Machining Uranium in the Presence of Trace Amounts of Chloride
Sprague, T. P.; Googin, J. M. & Phillips, L. R.
October 14, 1964
Primary view of Chemical Technology Division Annual Progress Report: for Period Ending May 31, 1969
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Chemical Technology Division.
October 1969
Primary view of Condensation of Metal Vapors: Mercury and the Kinetic Theory of Condensation
Wilhelm, Donald J.
October 1964
Primary view of Construction Completion Report: CAI-816, 100-N Reactor Plant
Buckner, C. L.
October 15, 1964
Primary view of Corrosion and Activity Transfer in the SRE Primary Sodium System
Johnson, H. E.
October 30, 1961
Primary view of Criticality-Accident Dosimetry Studies
Bailey, J. C.
October 15, 1964
Primary view of Design of an Experimental Bowable Fuel Element for the SRE
Peckinpaugh, C. L.
October 15, 1964
Primary view of Development and Demonstration of an Ion-Exchange Process for Kilogram-Scale Production of High Purity Promethium
Wheelwright, E. J. (Earl J.) & Roberts, F. P.
October 1963
Primary view of The Effect of Deionized Water on the Reactor Effluent Activities: Part 2 - Zirconium and Aluminum Clad Fuel
Silker, W. B. & Thomas, C. W.
October 1964
Primary view of Effect of Radiation Damage on SM-1, SM-1A and PM-2A Reactor Vessels
McLaughlin, D. W.; Rowekamp, B. J.; Chittum, R. A.; Coombe, J. R.; Kelleman, R. W.; Bobe, P. E. et al.
October 14, 1961
Primary view of The Effects of Chemical Impurities on the Quality of Rolled Uranium Rod
Saller, Henry A.; Keeler, J. R. & Cuddy, L. J.
October 1, 1954
Primary view of Effects of Major Parameters on Cycle Efficiency and Cost for a Gas-Cooled Reactor Turbine Power Plant
Miskell, R. V.
October 5, 1962
Primary view of An Engineering Test Program to Investigate a Loss of Coolant Accident
Wilson, T. R.; Hauge, O. M.; Matheney, G. B. & Homer, G. B.
October 1964
Primary view of EOCR Control Rod and Driver Fuel Hydraulic Tests
Harrison, L. J.
October 19, 1962
Primary view of Evaluation of Coolant Impurity Removal Equipment at the OMRE
Barbour, P. & Davis, W. W.
October 15, 1964
Primary view of An Evaluation of Fossil Superheat for Nuclear Power Plants
unknown creator
October 1960
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