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open access

Correlation of alluvial deposits at the Nevada Test Site

Description: Because characteristics of rock layers and problems in drilling must be studied before radioactive waste can be safely contained, an evaluation was made of methods for correlating alluvial deposits at Yucca Flat of the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Although correlation of Tertiary volcanic tuff beds at the NTS has been successfully achieved, correlation of stratigraphic zones in the overlying alluvium has posed technical difficulties. We have evaluated several methods for correlating alluvial deposit… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Grothaus, B. & Howard, N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Approach to decision modeling for an ignition test reactor

Description: A comparison matrix decision model is applied to candidates for a D-T ignition tokamak (TNS), including assessment of semi-quantifiable or judgemental factors as well as quantitative ones. The results show that TNS is mission-sensitive with a choice implied between near-term achievability and reactor technology.
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Howland, H.R. & Varljen, T.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pakistan: Situation Report

Description: This report is the situational report of Pakistan which includes its Political Affairs, Economy, and Foreign Relations.
Date: September 30, 1968
Creator: Niksch, Larry A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Engineering design solutions of flux swing with structural requirements for ohmic heating solenoids

Description: Here a more detailed publication is summarized which presents analytical methods with solutions that describe the structural behavior of ohmic heating solenoids to achieve a better understanding of the relationships between the functional variables that can provide the basis for recommended design improvements. The solutions relate the requirements imposed by structural integrity to the need for producing sufficient flux swing to initiate a plasma current in the tokamak fusion machine. A method… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Smith, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

State energy price and expenditure report 1989

Description: The State Energy Price and Expenditure Report (SEPER) presents energy price and expenditure estimates for the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the United States. The estimates are provided by energy source (e.g., petroleum, natural gas, coal, and electricity) and by major consuming or economic sector. This report is an update of the State Energy Price and Expenditure Report 1988 published in September 1990. Changes from the last report are summarized in a section of the documentation. E… more
Date: September 30, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal design and analysis of superconductors for the toroidal field coils of TNS. [NbTi]

Description: The toroidal field coils in two of the four TNS field coil design options are superconducting. NbTi superconductors are used in the low field design option and Nb/sub 3/Sn superconductors are used in the high field design option. The preliminary conceptual design parameters of the coils and the superconductors have been developed. The selected coil shape is the pure tension D-configuration. The superconductors are the multifilamentary, cabled design and are cooled by forced flow supercritical h… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Lee, A. Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Spectra of matrix isolated metal atoms and clusters. [In rare gases]

Description: The matrix isolation spectra of all of the 40 presently known atomic metal species show strong matrix effects. The transition energies are increased, and the bands are broad and exhibit splitting of sublevels which are degenerate in the gas phase. Several models have been proposed for splitting of levels, but basic effects are not yet understood, and spectra cannot be predicted, yet it is possible to correlate gas phase and matrix in many of the systems. Selective production of diatomics and cl… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Meyer, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nuclear structure at intermediate energies

Description: The theme that unites the sometimes seemingly disparate experiments undertaken by the Bonner Lab Medium Energy Group is a determination to understand in detail the many facets and manifestations of the strong interaction, that which is now referred to as nonperturbative QCD. Whether we are investigating the question of just what does carry the spin of baryons, or the extent of the validity of the SU(6) wavefunctions for the excited hyperons (as will be measured in their radiative decays in our … more
Date: September 30, 1991
Creator: Bonner, B. E. & Mutchler, G. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stable propagation of an electron beam in gas

Description: Conditions for the stable propagation of a pinched electron beam in low pressure gas (p approximately 0.1 to 100 torr) are described. The observed window of good propagation around p approximately 2 torr air is interpreted as the quenching of the two-stream mode by sufficiently high plasma density and collision frequency, and the simultaneous suppression of the resistive hose mode by sufficiently rapid generation of electrical conductivity from breakdown ionization.
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Lee, E. P.; Chambers, F. W.; Lodestro, L. L. & Yu, S. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Compact Fusion Advanced Rankine (CFARII) power cycle---Operating regimes

Description: Performance (cost/kWe and efficiency) of generic Compact Fusion Advanced Rankine (CFARII) power conversion is investigated for various working fluids, operating temperatures and pressures, and thermal power levels. A general conclusion is that good CFARII performance is found for a remarkably broad range of materials, temperatures, pressures and power levels, which gives considerable flexibility to future design studies which may apply CFARII energy conversion to specific fusion energy sources … more
Date: September 30, 1991
Creator: Logan, B. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Safety Analysis Report for Packaging (SARP): USA/9507/BLF (ERDA--AL), Model AL-M1. [Configurations 1, 3, and 5]

Description: The SARP includes structural integrity, thermal resistance, radiation shielding and radiological safety, nuclear criticality safety, and quality control of three insulated drum shipping containers identified as USA/9507/BLF (ERDA-AL), also called AL-M1, configurations 1, 3, and 5. Complete physical and technical descriptions of the packages are presented. Each package consists of an inner container centered within an insulated steel drum. The contents are plutonium-239 and uranium-235 in config… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Watkins, R. A.; Bertram, R. E.; Blauvelt, R. K.; Edling, D. A.; Flanagan, T. M.; Griffin, J. F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Poloidal field coil design for a fusion--fission breeder reactor

Description: The magnetic, structural, and thermal design of superconducting poloidal field coils for a tokamak fusion-fission breeder reactor are described. The design requirements and considerations, with the resulting parameters, are presented.
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Howland, H. R.; Kelly, J .L. & Chi, J. W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory year-end-report on heavy-ion fusion program

Description: An intensive theoretical program was launched to try to understand the conditions for safe propagation of intense beam currents in focussing systems, such as continuous and interrupted solenoid lens systems, and quadrupole strong-focussing systems. Analytic methods have led to significant advances in understanding of the new problems; with computational techniques a large amount of new information has been generated on space-charge-dominated transport phenomena; also, at this time a new LBL par… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Keefe, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Impurity and gas throughput control for TNS

Description: A model of the interaction between an ignited plasma and a wall is utilized to study the impact of impurities and recycled fuel ions and helium ash on the burn time of the plasma. The model indicates that the impurity concentration, n/sub im/, grows exponentially toward a maximum value determined by the confinement time for impurities, tau/sub im/, the sputtering coefficient, S/sub i/, and the isolation coefficient, ..cap alpha... The time for n/sub im/ to reach a critical value and quench the … more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Sucov, E. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Silicon on ceramic process. Silicon sheet growth development for the Large-Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low-Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Annual report No. 2, September 17, 1976--September 19, 1977

Description: The objective of this research program is to investigate the technical and economic feasibility of producing solar-cell-quality sheet silicon by coating one surface of carbonized ceramic substrates with a thin layer of large-grain polycrystalline silicon from the melt. In the past year significant progress was made in all areas of the program. The physical and chemical properties of the standard mullite refractory used for the majority of the coating runs (McDanel MV20 and Coors S1SI) have been… more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Zook, J.D.; Heaps, J.D.; Maciolek, R.B.; Koepke, B.; Butter, C.D. & Schuldt, S.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Annual work plan for FY 1992

Description: The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has an overall mission to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and mismanagement in Department of Energy (DOE) programs. As part of its responsibility in accomplishing its mission, the DOE Office of Audits publishes an Annual Work Plan'' in September of each year. The prime focus of the plan is to identify opportunities for audits to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and integrity of the DOE's programs and operations. Through this plan, we are able to maxi… more
Date: September 30, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Site selection and preliminary evaluation of potential solar-industrial-process-heat applications for federal buildings in Texas

Description: The potential for solr process heat applications for federal buildings in Texas is assessed. The three sites considered are Reese Air Force Base, Lubbock; Fort Bliss, El Paso; and Dyess Air Force Base, Abilene. The application at Lubbock is an electroplating and descaling facility for aircraft maintenance. The one at El Paso is a laundry facility. The Abilene system would use solar heat to preheat boiler feedwater makeup for the base hospital boiler plant. The Lubbock site is found to be the mo… more
Date: September 30, 1980
Creator: Branz, Michael A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Framework for monitoring the social and economic impacts associated with the construction of the Skagit Nuclear Project in Skagit County, Washington

Description: The paper discusses an information system which has been developed to monitor the social and economic impacts associated with the construction of twin nuclear reactors in Skagit County, Washington, by Puget Sound Power and Light Company. The monitoring system has been specifically designed to track the social and economic impacts of the Skagit Nuclear Project as they occur.
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Merwin, D. J. & Greene, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Inspection of surveillance equipment and activities at DOE Field Office, Richland

Description: The purpose of this inspection was to review surveillance activities by the Department of Energy's (DOE) Field Office, Richland (RL) and contractor employees at the RL Hanford site for efficiency and economy and compliance with laws and regulations. The scope included surveillance activities, procedures, training, types of surveillance equipment, and management controls over the equipment and activities. We also looked at Departmental policies and procedures regarding the equipment and activiti… more
Date: September 30, 1991
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Model for ion confinement in a hot-electron tandem mirror anchor

Description: Anisotropic, hot electrons trapped in local minimum-B wells have been proposed as MHD-stabilizing anchors to an otherwise axisymmetric tandem configuration. This work describes a model for plasma confinement between the anchors and the remainder of the system and calcuates the power loss implied by maintenance of this plasma.
Date: September 30, 1980
Creator: Baldwin, D.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MIT LMFBR blanket physics project progress report No. 7, July 1, 1975--September 30, 1976

Description: Work during the period was devoted primarily to a range of analytical/numerical investigations, including evaluation of means to improve external blanket designs, beneficial attributes of the use of internal blankets, improved methods for the calculation of heterogeneous self-shielding and parametric studies of calculated spectral indices. Experimental work included measurements of the ratio of U-238 captures to U-235 fissions in a standard blanket mockup, and completion of development work on … more
Date: September 30, 1976
Creator: Driscoll, M.J. (ed.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electrical design of TNS

Description: The electrical design of the ORNL-Westinghouse next step (TNS) fusion reactor was begun in 1976, using a set of ground rules which were based on the overall program objectives. These objectives were to identify the design of reasonably-priced reactors, which would achieve ignition and be technology forcing. The term ''technology forcing'' was understood to mean the desirability of a large number of ignited D-T pulses and the incorporation of superconducting toroidal field (TF) coils, if at all … more
Date: September 30, 1977
Creator: Heck, F. M.; Schultz, J. H. & Smeltzer, G. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

5cm aperture dipole studies

Description: The results obtained during the evolution of the design, construction, and testing program of the design ''B'' dipole are presented here. Design ''B'' is one of the original three competing designs for the Superconducting Super Collider ''SSC'' arc dipoles. The final design parameters were as follows: air cored (less than a few percent of the magnetic field derived from any iron present), aluminum collared, two layered winding, 5.5T maximum operating field, and a 5 cm cold aperture. There have … more
Date: September 30, 1986
Creator: McInturff, A.D.; Bossert, R.; Carson, J.; Fisk, H.E.; Hanft, R.; Kuchnir, M. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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