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open access

Improved resolution of hydrocarbon structures and constitutional isomers in complex mixtures using Gas Chromatography-Vacuum Ultraviolet-Mass Spectrometry (GC-VUV-MS) (Supplementary Info)

Description: Understanding the composition of complex hydrocarbon mixtures is important for environmental studies in a variety of fields, but many prevalent compounds cannot be confidently identified using traditional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques. This work uses vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) ionization to elucidate the structures of a traditionally"unresolved complex mixture" by separating components by GC retention time, tR, and mass-to-charge ratio, m/Q, which are used to d… more
Date: September 5, 2011
Creator: Aerosol Dynamics Inc.,; Aerodyne Research, Inc.,; Tofwerk AG, Thun, Switzerland; Isaacman, Gabriel; Wilson, Kevin R.; Chan, Arthur W. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress on the Europium Neutron-Capture Study using DANCE

Description: The accurate measurement of neutron-capture cross sections of the Eu isotopes is important for many reasons including nuclear astrophysics and nuclear diagnostics. Neutron capture excitation functions of {sup 151,153}Eu targets were measured recently using a 4{pi} {gamma}-ray calorimeter array DANCE located at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center for E{sub n} = 0.1-100 keV. The progress on the data analysis efforts is given in the present paper. The {gamma}-ray multiplicity distributions for t… more
Date: September 5, 2006
Creator: Agvaanluvsan, U.; Becker, J. A.; Macri, R. A.; Parker, W.; Wilk, P.; Wu, C. Y. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Role of Artificial Intelligence for Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination-Related Tweets: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Trends

Description: Article states that vaccines, though reliable preventative measures for diseases, also raise public concerns; public apprehension and doubts challenge the acceptance of new vaccines including the COVID-19 vaccines. This study is the first attempt to review the role of AI approaches in COVID-19 vaccination-related sentiment analysis.
Date: September 5, 2022
Creator: Aljedaani, Wajdi; Saad, Eysha; Rustam, Furqan; de la Torre Díez, Isabel & Ashraf, Imran
Partner: UNT College of Engineering
open access

1996-2004 Trends in the Single-Family Housing Market: Spatial Analysis of the Residential Sector

Description: This report provides a detailed geographic analysis of two specific topics affecting the residential sector. First, we performed an analysis of new construction market trends using annual building permit data. We report summarized tables and national maps to help illustrate market conditions. Second, we performed a detailed geographic analysis of the housing finance market. We analyzed mortgage application data to provide citable statistics and detailed geographic summarization of the residenti… more
Date: September 5, 2006
Creator: Anderson, Dave M. & Elliott, Douglas B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Unvented Attic Increases Energy Efficiency and Reduces Duct Losses - Sun Lake at Banning, California

Description: New houses in the Sun Lakes at Banning subdivision are designed by Pulte Homes with technical support from the Building Science Consortium as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Building America Program. These homes save their homeowners money by applying the principles of ''whole-building'' design, which considers the house as a complete system instead of separate components.
Date: September 5, 2001
Creator: Anderson, R. & Wells, N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus reveals differences in sulfur metabolism among heterotrophic Crenarchaeota

Description: Staphylothermus marinus is an anaerobic, sulfur-reducing peptide fermenter of the archaeal phylum Crenarchaeota. It is the third heterotrophic, obligate sulfur reducing crenarchaeote to be sequenced and provides an opportunity for comparative analysis of the three genomes. The 1.57 Mbp genome of the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeote Staphylothermus marinus has been completely sequenced. The main energy generating pathways likely involve 2-oxoacid:ferredoxin oxidoreductases and ADP-forming acetyl-… more
Date: September 5, 2008
Creator: Anderson, iain J.; Dharmarajan, Lakshmi; Rodriguez, Jason; Hooper, Sean; Porat, Iris; Ulrich, Luke E. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Post-Remediation Biomonitoring of Pesticides in Marine Waters Near the United Heckathorn Superfund Site, Richmond, California

Description: This report, PNNL-11911 Rev. 1, was published in July 2000 and replaces PNNL-11911, which was published in September 1998. The revision corrects tissue concentration units that were reported as dry weight but were actually wet weight, and updates conclusions based on the correct reporting units. Marine sediment remediation at the United Heckathorn Superfund Site was completed in April 1997. Water and mussel tissues were sampled in January 1998 from four stations near Lauritzen Canal in Richmond… more
Date: September 5, 2000
Creator: Antrim, LD & Kohn, NP
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Post-Remediation Biomonitoring of Pesticides in Marine Waters Near the United Heckathorn Site, Richmond, California

Description: Marine sediment remediation at the United Heckathorn Superfund Site was completed in April 1997. Water and mussel tissues were sampled in January 1998 from four stations near Lauritzen Canal in Richmond, California, for the first post-remediation monitoring of marine areas near the United Heckathorn Site. Dieldrin and DDT were analyzed in water samples, tissue samples from resident mussels, and tissue samples from transplanted mussels deployed for 4 months. Concentrations of dieldrin and total … more
Date: September 5, 2000
Creator: Antrim, Liam D. & Kohn, Nancy P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of the Pseudoscalar Decay Constantf_D_s Using Charm-Tagged Events in e+e- Collisions atsqrt{s}=10.58 GeV

Description: Using 230.2 fb{sup -1} of e{sup +}e{sup -} annihilation data collected with the BABAR detector at and near the peak of the {Upsilon}(4S) resonance, 489 {+-} 55 events containing the pure leptonic decay D{sub s}{sup +} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{nu}{sub {mu}} have been isolated in charm-tagged events. The ratio of partial widths {Lambda}(D{sub s}{sup +} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{nu}{sub {mu}})/{Lambda}(D{sub s}{sup +} {yields} {phi}{pi}{sup +}) is measured to be 0.143 {+-} 0.018 {+-} 0.006 allowing a deter… more
Date: September 5, 2006
Creator: Aubert, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: An integrated code system consisting of RELAP5-3D and a multiphase CFD program has been created through the use of a generic semi-implicit coupling algorithm. Unlike previous CFD coupling work, this coupling scheme is numerically stable provided the material Courant limit is not violated in RELAP5-3D or at the coupling locations. The basis for the coupling scheme and details regarding the unique features associated with the application of this technique to a four-field CFD program are presented… more
Date: September 5, 2001
Creator: Aumiller, D.L., Tomlinson, E.T., and Weaver, W.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Failure and Reliability Analysis for the Master Pump Shutdown System

Description: The Master Pump Shutdown System (MPSS) will be installed in the 200 Areas of the Hanford Site to monitor and control the transfer of liquid waste between tank farms and between the 200 West and 200 East areas through the Cross-Site Transfer Line. The Safety Function provided by the MPSS is to shutdown any waste transfer process within or between tank farms if a waste leak should occur along the selected transfer route. The MPSS, which provides this Safety Class Function, is composed of Programm… more
Date: September 5, 2000
Creator: BEVINS, R.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Surplus Equipment Disposal, Including the Law Enforcement 1033 Program

Description: This report focuses on the disposal of defense surplus property that is delegated to Department of Defense (DOD) from the General Services Administration. Law enforcement agencies are a recipient of defense surplus property, along with many other recipients.
Date: September 5, 2014
Creator: Bailey Grasso, Valerie
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Life Zones and Crop Zones of New Mexico

Description: Discusses geography, climate, agricultural practices, and crops of each life zone in New Mexico. Provides mammal, breeding bird, reptile, amphibian, and plant species list for each zone. Includes a life zone map.
Date: September 5, 1913
Creator: Bailey, Vernon
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Status of irradiations performed by fuel and target irradiation technology for BNW as of August 31, 1969

Description: This report itemizes the irradiations performed by Testing and Irradiation Services for Battelle-Northwest. It lists the materials being irradiated, awaiting disposition and material shipped during the report period. The data are given in table form. Information consists of: TISR No.; request number; target material; piece number; operating time; CMK absorbed; charge date; location; exposure to date-NVT; discharge, date and time; and shipping date.
Date: September 5, 1969
Creator: Barker, L. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Parental stressor exposure simultaneously conveys both adaptive and maladaptive larval phenotypes through epigenetic inheritance in the zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Description: This article is a study using crude oil as an example of an environmental stressor in adult zebrafish. The offspring obtained were then assessed for transgenerational epigenetic transfer of oil-induced phenotypes. The authors conclude that epigenetic transgenerational inheritance can lead to an immediate and simultaneous inheritance of both beneficial and maladaptive traits in a large proportion of the F1 larvae. The adaptive responses may help fish populations survive when facing transient env… more
Date: September 5, 2019
Creator: Bautista, Naim M. & Burggren, Warren W.
Partner: UNT College of Science
open access

Federal Stafford Act Disaster Assistance: Presidential Declarations, Eligible Activities, and Funding

Description: This report provides information about the Presidential Declarations, Eligible Activities, and Funding on Federal Stafford Act Disaster Assistance. Congress appropriates money to DRF for disaster assistance authorized by the Stafford Act, which is administered by FEMA.
Date: September 5, 2005
Creator: Bea, Keith
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The effects of oscillation amplitude and frequency on the experimental damping in pitch of a triangular wing having an aspect ratio of 4

Description: Memorandum presenting the results of a wind-tunnel investigation of the damping in pitch of a model triangular wing with an aspect ratio of 4 combined with a slender pointed body. The investigation was conducted at Mach numbers from 0.10 to 0.95 for Reynolds numbers of 550,000 and 1,250,000 with additional data obtained at Reynolds numbers of 3,000,000 and 6,000,000 at Mach number 0.23. Results regarding the effects of oscillation amplitude, Mach number, Reynolds number, angle of attack, freque… more
Date: September 5, 1952
Creator: Beam, Benjamin H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agricultural Biotechnology: Background and Recent Issues

Description: Since the first genetically engineered (GE) crops (also called GM [genetically modified] crops, or GMOs, genetically modified organisms) became commercially available in the mid-1990s, U.S. soybean, cotton, and corn farmers have rapidly adopted them. As adoption has spread, there have been policy debates over the costs and benefits of GE products. Issues include the impacts of GE crops on the environment and food safety, and whether GE foods should be specially labeled. Congress generally has b… more
Date: September 5, 2006
Creator: Becker, Geoffrey S. & Cowan, Tadlock
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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