Search Results

Primary view of 300,000-KWE SGR Nuclear Power Plant of Current Technology
Renard, J.; Peckinpaugh, C. L. & Aronstein, R. E.
August 1, 1960
Primary view of Acid-Base Equilibria in Tertiary Butyl Alcohol
Marple, Leland & Fritz, James S. (James Sherwood), 1924-
August 6, 1962
Primary view of Activation Energy for Fission
Seaborg, Glenn T.
August 29, 1952
Primary view of Adsorption of Radioactive Gases on Activated Carbon
Madey, Richard; Barker, J. J.; Beebe, M. R. & Stephenson, T. E.
August 31, 1960
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Powder River 2 Project: Volume 2. Casper Quadrangle, Wyoming
EG & G GeoMetrics
August 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Raton Basin Project: Flagstaff Quadrangle, Arizona: Final Report, Volume 1, Appendix C
August 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Raton Basin Project, The Flagstaff Quadrangle of Arizona: Final Report, Volume 1
United States. Department of Energy. Grand Junction Office.
August 1979
Primary view of Aerial Gamma Ray and Magnetic Survey, Volume 1. Final Report: Torrington Quadrangle (Wyoming/Nebraska) and Casper Quadrangle (Wyoming)
EG & G GeoMetrics
August 1979
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey of the Amarillo National Topographic Map, NI 14-1, Texas
Geodata International
August 19, 1976
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey of the Brownfield National Topographic Map, NI 13-9, Texas and New Mexico
Geodata International
August 19, 1976
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey of the Clovis National Topographic Map, NI 13-6, Texas and New Mexico: Volume 1
Geodata International
August 19, 1976
Primary view of Aerial Radiometric and Magnetic Survey of the Tucumcari National Topographic Map NI 13-3, Texas and New Mexico: Volume 1
Geodata International
August 19, 1976
Primary view of Aeroradioactivity Survey and Areal Geology of Parts of East-Central New York and West-Central New England (ARMS-I)
Popenoe, Peter
August 1962
Primary view of Air Sampling Chamber for S.I.R.
Dewes, R. A. & Goodale, E. E.
August 8, 1952
Primary view of Airborne Radiometric Survey in Northern New Jersey and Southeastern New York
Richards, Arthur J. & Gershten, Gerald.
August 1955
Primary view of Airborne Radiometric Survey, Kern and San Bernardino Counties, California, and Nye County, Nevada
Barrett, D. C. & Magleby, Dan N.
August 1954
Primary view of Airborne Reconnaissance Survey of Northwestern Arizona (Arizona Strip) and Southwestern Utah
Meehan, R. J.; Lovejoy, Earl M. P. & Rambosek, A. J.
August 1954
Primary view of Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending June 10, 1952
Briant, R. C.; Buck, J. H.; Miller, A. J. & Cottrell, W. B.
August 5, 1952
Primary view of The Aluminum Nitrate Process for the Conversion of Tuballoy Tetrafluoride to Tuballoy Peroxide
Lord, E. J.; Andrews, L. J. & Gates, J. W.
August 22, 1945
Primary view of Analytical Studies of Transient Effect in Fast Reactor Fuels: [Part] 1
Osborn, R. B. & Sherer, D. B.
August 1962
Primary view of Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Programs: 1966
North American Aviation. Atomics International Division.
August 31, 1966
Primary view of Applied Health Physics Annual Report for 1963
Morgan, K. Z.; Davis, D. M.; Hart, J. C.; Abee, H. H.; Gupton, E. D. & Warden, A. D.
August 1964
Primary view of Approximate Models for Distributed-Parameter Heat-Transfer Systems
Ball, S. J.
August 20, 1963
Primary view of The Argonne Heavy Water Reactor (CP-3 Prime)
Zinn, Walter H.
August 10, 1951
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