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open access

Methods for Applying Transmission and n-vs-E Corrections in the Determination of n2200 by the Macklin-deSaussure Experiment

Description: A careful determination of n2200 from results of the Macklin-deSaussure manganese bath experiment involves corrections for (1) the weak but non-zero transmission of sub-cadmium neutrons through the uranium or plutonium foils, and (2) the small variation of n with energy in the sub-cadmium region. This report presents the derivation of a single general expression for applying both these corrections, and then describes two IBM 704 codes (MTC and GTC) which were written especially to facilitate th… more
Date: August 17, 1959
Creator: Halbert, Edith C.; Maskewitz, Betty F. & Wynn, R. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurement of the "Active Deposit" of Thoron

Description: A description is given of the properties of the nuclides included in the "active deposit" of thoron. A method is presented for obtaining a quantitative measurement of the activity of the transient-equilibrium mixture.
Date: August 17, 1959
Creator: Reynolds, S. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Determination of Suitable Insulation for a 1-5/16" Helium Filled Annulus in the ORR Helium In-Pile Loop, Design No. 4

Description: Heat loss tests were conducted with six insulation configurations for application in the riser regenerator and auxiliary regenerator sections of the loop. Insulation consisting of ten laminations of 0.003 in. stainless steel shim stock spaced 1/8 inch apart produced a temperature drop across the 15/16 inch annulus of 1200 F with a heat loss of 1.04 KW per foot of 2 inch schedule 40 pipe. The curve of heat loss vs. temperature difference is presented which, with results of similar tests with a 1… more
Date: August 17, 1959
Creator: Knight, R. B. & Helms, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Instantaneous Velocity Profile Measurement by Photography

Description: The following is taken from ORNL-2257, Instantaneous Velocity Profile Measurement by Photography, by R. E. Lynch, L. D. Palmer, and G. M. Winn. This report is in in preparation status; and errors, inconsistances, and omissions in he language, as well as in the technical aspects, may exist. The technique of using phosphorescent particles to enable photographic determination of qualitative and quantitative instantaneous velocity profiles is covered by AEC Patent Application No. SN-710, 371 issued… more
Date: August 17, 1959
Creator: Lynch, F. E.; Palmer, L. D.; Winn, G. M. & Hoffman, H. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Division of Reactor Development Programs Monthly Report- July 1959

Description: Basic Studies. Sinterability studies on the isomorphous system UO2-PuO2 have continued. One-half inch diameter X 3/8'' long compacts containing physical mixtures of the two components have been heated in hydrogen. Sintered density as a function of time and temperature has been determined for times of one and eight hours up to 1600 C. In general, there seems to be minima on isothermal plots of density versus composition in the intermediate range 20-40 w/o PuO2. At concentrations greater than 40 … more
Date: August 17, 1959
Creator: McEwen, L.H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Plant Modification for Reprocessing Non-Production Reactor Fuels Design Criteria for Fuel Element Storage Facility Building 221-U

Description: Facilities shall be provided in the 221-U Building for removing fuel elements from the casks as placed in the railroad tunnel from the transfer facility and moving the elements to modified existing 10' X 16' X 14' storage tanks in ten existing cells where they will be stored, until scheduled for processing.
Date: August 17, 1959
Creator: Yates, M. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Quarterly Report - October, November, December 1958 Plutonium Fuels Development Plutonium Metallurgy Operation

Description: A number of Pu-Al and UO2-PuO2 Zircaloy clad capsules have been fabricated for irradiation in the MTR. In addition, a four rod cluster containing Al 8 w/o Pu and Al 12 w/o Si 8 w/o Pu cores has been successfully irradiated and discharged from Loop 3 of the KER. A second four rod cluster is awaiting irradiation and design and fabrication of a seven rod cluster test element is underway.
Date: August 17, 1959
Creator: Wick, O.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sheet Metal Can Furnace

Description: A need for a small vertical cylinder-type furnace arises frequently in the Chemistry Department at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (LRL). Adequate heat is the major requirement; close control or calibration is not usually necessary. A heating unit of this type can either be used for quickly concentrating solutions in centrifuge cones or, by the addition of a refractory pedestal--can be made into a crucible furnace for size 0 and 00 crucibles. Because much of the chemistry done at LRL is with … more
Date: August 17, 1961
Creator: Doyle, Richard C. & Phillips, Will D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fabricating Liquid-Hydrogen Targets From Mylar

Description: The increasing popularity of liquid-hydrogen targets in physics research has emphasized the need for containers with maximum beam transparency (i.e., thin walls and low Z) and suitable strength at cryogenic temperatures. Fabrication of a Mylar container satisfying these requirements is described here.
Date: August 17, 1961
Creator: Mehr, David L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Close-Capture Adsorption System For Remote Radioisotope Chemistry

Description: Molecular sieves are synthetic zeolites which, when dehydrated, contain a network of empty pores and cavities that constitute almost 50% of the total volume of the crystals. They have the unique property of adsorbing within these cavities only those molecules that are small enough to pass through the pores of the crystals, Molecular sieves have a very strong affinity for water and other polar molecules. It is this selective property plus their stability and reasonable cost that make them of int… more
Date: August 17, 1961
Creator: Spencer, Neil C.; Parsons, Thomas C. & Howe, Patrick W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Warping Instability in Long Rods

Description: Abstract. If a pile rod gets bowed within its cooling tube it becomes warmer on the side which approaches the tube wall, and thermal expansion tends to warp it in the same direction as the original displacement. This was discussed roughly in N-601, and it was there concluded that the mechanism was not important for an isolated short slug. In connection with current development of continuous jacket (cartridge) assemblies, it seems desirable to look at this question again. In this case it is poss… more
Date: August 17, 1944
Creator: Young, Gale Jay
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Thermal Expansion of Five Titanium Carbide Cermets from 68 to 1800F

Description: This technical report presents measurements of the thermal expansion of five titanium carbide type cermets from 68 to 1800F. These cermets are designated by Kennametal, Inc., as K 138A, K 150A, K 152B and K 162B. They contain from 64 to 80 weight percent titanium carbide, 10 to 30 weight percent metal binder and 6 to 10 weight percent other carbides. The metal binders are cobalt, nickel, and nickel and molybdenum. An attempt was made to calculate the thermal expansion of each type cermet fr… more
Date: August 17, 1962
Creator: Harrington, L. C. & Rowe, G. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Monitoring Thermal and Resonance Neutron Flux

Description: The monitoring of thermal and resonance neutron flux in a thermal reactor having high flux over periods of time from 1 to 12 months using think Co foils is considered. Special attention is paid to the many correction factors to be applied to the activation data; neutron temperature, effective cadmium cutoff energy, burnout of Co59 and Co60, and decay of Co60. Results on a homogeneity test of 10 mil, 0.08% Co-A1 alloy foils is given.
Date: August 17, 1953
Creator: Heineman, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Process Monitor, Mark 10, Model 20

Description: This report describes a specific apparatus used to monitor the intensity of gamma radiation. The report includes a diagram of the apparatus.
Date: August 17, 1946
Creator: Jesse, William P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Deposit Summary

Description: Deposit summary of $215.00 made on August 17, 2009.
Date: August 17, 2009
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Maximum acceptable temperatures of wastes and containers during retrievable geologic storage

Description: Estimates of maximum acceptable temperatures of waste and containers during retrievable geologic storage were needed for use in evaluating and comparing conceptual designs for repositories for wastes from reprocessing and for spent fuel in several different rock types. Estimates of these temperatures and discussions of the bases for the estimates are presented.
Date: August 17, 1977
Creator: Jenks, G. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved beam current densities at high voltages

Description: The performance of ion extractors is analyzed with crude approximations that show improved performance to be possible with the certain modifications. However, additional studies are required to evaluate the beam optics in the presence of the deformed grids.
Date: August 17, 1976
Creator: Fink, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

July 2004 Working Group Meeting on Heavy Vehicle Aerodynamic Drag: Presentation, Summary of Comments, and Conclusions

Description: A Working Group Meeting on Heavy Vehicle Aerodynamic Drag was held in Portland, Oregon on July 1, 2004. The purpose of the meeting was to provide a summary of achievements, discuss pressing issues, present a general overview of future plans, and to provide a forum for dialogue with the Department of Energy (DOE) and industry representatives. The meeting was held in Portland, because the DOE Aero Team participated in an exclusive session on Heavy Truck Vehicle Aerodynamic Drag at the 34th AIAA F… more
Date: August 17, 2004
Creator: McCallen, R.; Salari, K.; Ortega, J.; Castellucci, P.; Eastwood, C.; DeChant, L. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Kinetic Considerations of Defect Clustering

Description: Kinetic approaches to the description of point defect clustering phenonema are reviewed. High divacancy mobility is shown to complicate both analytic and computer solutions except in the special cases in which the number of vacancy sinks is pre-established by some special characteristic of the metal under investigation. Interstitial clustering is complicated by the presence of vacancies. An approximate solution has been found for interstitial clustering kinetics in the presence of impurities or… more
Date: August 17, 1966
Creator: Damask, A. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PFP Harrington lever hoists

Description: Document identifies vendor suggested maintenance, deviations from suggested requirements and provides support for preventive maintenance procedures.
Date: August 17, 1994
Creator: Morley, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor effluent water analytical data, January--June 1970

Description: This report contains all of the analytical results from cooling water effluent samples from KE and KW Reactors for the first six months of 1970. The results are reported in pCi/ml (p=10{sup -12}) corrected to the time of sampling.
Date: August 17, 1970
Creator: Larrick, A. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Innovative Clean Coal Technology (ICCT): 180 MW demonstration of advanced tangentially-fired combustion techniques for the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NO{sub x}) emissions from coal-fired boilers. Topical report, LNCFS Levels 1 and 3 test results

Description: This report presents results from the third phase of an Innovative Clean Coal Technology (ICC-1) project demonstrating advanced tangentially-fired combustion techniques for the reduction of nitrogen oxide (NO{sub x}) emissions from a coal-fired boiler. The purpose of this project was to study the NO{sub x} emissions characteristics of ABB Combustion Engineering`s (ABB CE) Low NO{sub x} Concentric Firing System (LNCFS) Levels I, II, and III. These technologies were installed and tested in a step… more
Date: August 17, 1993
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

PFP budgit hand chain hoists

Description: Document identifies vendor suggested maintenance, deviations from suggested requirements and provides support for preventive maintenance procedures.
Date: August 17, 1994
Creator: Morley, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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