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open access

A Study of Efficiencies and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Air-Filtering Media

Description: Removal of particles from air is discussed in terms of three classes of filtering media--air-sampling, respirator, and air-cleaning. Plots of efficiency versus filtering velocity are presented. The pressure drop characteristics of the filters are discussed in terms of initial pressure drops of the clean filters, variations in pressure drop of the individual filters, and comparison of loading rates.
Date: August 10, 1953
Creator: Adley, F. E.; Scott, R. H. & Gill, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diffusion of Stack Gases in Very Stable Atmospheres: Case II

Description: In 1949 Barad presented two solutions to the general diffusion equation. Basic in both solutions is the assumption that in very stable atmospheres a point source may be replaced by a vertical area of uniform concentration at a short distance downwind. This vertical area is considered to exist at the distance at which the plume finally "levels-off" and assumes a flat ribbon-like appearance. In addition if the distance over which diffusion takes place is limited to one or two miles and if only… more
Date: August 10, 1953
Creator: Barad, M. L. & Shorr, B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SM-1 Research and Development Program, Activity Buildup Program Task 1 : final report February 1958 to June 1959

Description: Abstract: The results of activity buildup studies in the SM-1 (APPR-1) performed from February 1958 to January 1959 are reported. Data are presented on the extent, nature, and mechanism of the buildup of long-lived gamma emitting nuclides in the reactor primary system. Mathematical equations to describe the activity buildup are derived. Radiation levels after reactor shutdown are presented, as well as the predicted radiation levels at the end of core life.
Date: August 10, 1959
Creator: Brown, William S.; Bergen, C. Richard.; Bergmann, Carl A.; Chupak, Julius.; Fitzsimmons, Susanne R. & Grant, Louis G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Dynamics of Stagewise Extraction Columns

Description: A calculation method has been developed in order to correlate continuous-flow extraction results in mixer-settlers with rate data for batch experiments. This correlation utilizes dynamic extraction coefficients (E's) that are calculated from the rate data and the equilibrium extraction coefficients. The dynamic coefficients may then be used in stage-by-stage calculations, or their average values used in equations derived herein from the overall performance of center-fed columns.
Date: August 10, 1953
Creator: Hicks, T. E.; Rubin, B. & Vermeulen, Theodore
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development and Evaluation of High-Temperature Tungsten Alloys: Quarterly Report Number 3, April - June 1960

Description: Quarterly report describing progress on a project to develop and evaluate high-temperature tungsten alloys. This report discusses experimentation with fabrication to improve thermal stability of tested combinations by further alloying.
Date: August 10, 1960
Creator: Holtz, F. C. & Van Thyne, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Boundary-layer formation in the pinch

Description: From abstract: "A study is made of various processes that occur prior to the pinch effect when an electric field is applied to a deuterium gas. The variables of the problem are percentage of ionization, the electron and ion temperatures, the resistivity of the gas, and the current density."
Date: August 10, 1959
Creator: Killeen, John; Gibson, Gordon & Colgate, Stirling A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energetic Neutral Injection into Thermonuclear Machines

Description: Abstract: "A scheme is discussed in which D+ ions would be accelerated to about 100 kev in a conventional accelerator, then be sent through a gas target frmo which about half the ions would emerge neutral with very little scattering or energy loss; the neutral beam would then cross into a magnetic field and part of the atoms would be ionized and trapped by colliding with the already trapped ions. The smallest mirror machine with a central field of 30-40 kilogauss, 2;1 mirror ratio and β = 01 to… more
Date: August 10, 1955
Creator: Lauer, Eugene J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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