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open access

Power Technologies Energy Data Book - Fourth Edition

Description: This report, prepared by NREL's Strategic Energy Analysis Center, includes up-to-date information on power technologies, including complete technology profiles. The data book also contains charts on electricity restructuring, power technology forecasts, electricity supply, electricity capability, electricity generation, electricity demand, prices, economic indicators, environmental indicators, and conversion factors.
Date: August 1, 2006
Creator: Aabakken, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

New Concepts in Fish Ladder Design, Volume II of IV, Results of Laboratory and Field Research on New Concepts in Weir and Pool Fishways, 1982-1984 Final Project Report.

Description: A comprehensive review of fishway design practice led to new design concepts that had previously been untested. This concept was based on the observation that fish can be stimulated to leap when presented with certain hydraulic conditions. A laboratory test program was conducted to develop this concept into a new fishway configuration. Field testing revealed that components of the new design improved fish passage. Verification of the initial premise that fish can be stimulated to leap needs fur… more
Date: August 1, 1985
Creator: Aaserude, Robert G. & Orsborn, John F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Search for b {yields} X {mu} {sup +} {mu} {sup -} and B {sup 0} {yields} {mu} {sup +} {mu} {sup -} decays in p {anti p} Collisions at {radical} s= 1.8 TeV

Description: We have searched for the flavor-changing neutral current decays b {yields} X{mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} and B{sup 0} {yields} {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -} in p{anti p} collisions at {radical}s = 1.8 TeV with the D0 detector at Fermilab. Using our observed {mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup - } mass spectrum and the measured b production cross section we determine the 90% confidence limit for the branching fraction B(b {yields} s{mu}{sup +}{mu}{sup -}) < 3.6{times}10{sup -5}. For the exclusive, purely leptonic decay B{su… more
Date: August 1, 1996
Creator: Abachi, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Regional-seasonal weather forecasting

Description: In the interest of allocating heating fuels optimally, the state-of-the-art for seasonal weather forecasting is reviewed. A model using an enormous data base of past weather data is contemplated to improve seasonal forecasts, but present skills do not make that practicable. 90 references. (PSB)
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Abarbanel, H.; Foley, H.; MacDonald, G.; Rothaus, O.; Rudermann, M. & Vesecky, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stabilization and/or regeneration of spent sorbents from coal gasification. [Quarterly] technical report, December 1, 1991--February 29, 1992

Description: The objective of this investigation is to determine the effects of SO, partial pressure and reaction temperature on the conversion of sulfide containing solid wastes from coal gasifiers to stable and environmentally acceptable calcium-sulfate, while preventing the release of sulfur dioxide through undesirable side reactions during the stabilization step. An additional objective of this program is to investigate the use of the Spent Sorbent Regeneration Process (SSRP) to regenerate spent limesto… more
Date: August 1, 1992
Creator: Abbasian, J.; Hill, A. H. & Wangerow, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of novel copper-based sorbents for hot-gas cleanup. [Quarterly] technical report, December 1, 1991--February 29, 1992

Description: The objective of this investigation is to evaluate several novel copper-based binary oxides for their suitability as regenerable sorbents for hot gas cleanup application in the temperature range of 650{degrees} to 850{degrees}C. To achieve this objective, several novel copper-based binary oxide sorbents will be prepared. Experimental tests will be conducted at ambient pressure to determine the stability, sulfidation capacity, regenerability, and sulfidation kinetics of the novel sorbents. Tests… more
Date: August 1, 1992
Creator: Abbasian, J.; Hill, A. H.; Wangerow, J. R.; Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, M.; Bo, L. & Patel, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved methods for measuring radioactive tracer accumulation and excretion by microarthropods, with applications for a mite species, Tyrophagus longior (Acarina, Acaridae)

Description: Radioisotope retention measurements of /sup 85/Sr and /sup 51/Cr in Tyrophagus longior (Gervais) (Acari: Acaridae) were fit to 2 and 1 component models. Biological half-life for the rapid component of both radioisotopes was about 10 hours, with assimilation of /sup 85/Sr being 62%. The identification of /sup 51/Cr turnover as gut clearance must remain tentative. An inexpensive disposable culture chamber for measuring radioisotope retention in microarthropods is described along with details of m… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Abbott, David T. & Crossley, D. A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AGR-1 Data Qualification Interim Report

Description: Projects for the very-high-temperature reactor (VHTR) program provide data in support of Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing of the VHTR. Fuel and materials to be used in the reactor are tested and characterized to quantify performance in high temperature and high fluence environments. The VHTR Program has established the NGNP Data Management and Analysis System (NDMAS) to ensure that VHTR data are (1) qualified for use, (2) stored in a readily accessible electronic form, and (3) analyzed t… more
Date: August 1, 2009
Creator: Abbott, Machael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

AGR-2 Data Qualification Report for ATR Cycles 147A, 148A, 148B, and 149A

Description: This report presents the data qualification status of fuel irradiation data from the first four reactor cycles (147A, 148A, 148B, and 149A) of the on-going second Advanced Gas Reactor (AGR-2) experiment as recorded in the NGNP Data Management and Analysis System (NDMAS). This includes data received by NDMAS from the period June 22, 2010 through May 21, 2011. AGR-2 is the second in a series of eight planned irradiation experiments for the AGR Fuel Development and Qualification Program, which sup… more
Date: August 1, 2011
Creator: Abbott, Michael L. & Daum, Keith A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Surface-wave and refraction tomography at the FACT Site, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Description: We present a technique that allows for the simultaneous acquisition and interpretation of both shear-wave and compressive-wave 3-D velocities. The technique requires no special seismic sources or array geometries, and is suited to studies with small source-receiver offsets. The method also effectively deals with unwanted seismic arrivals by using the statistical properties of the data itself to discriminate against spurious picks. We demonstrate the technique with a field experiment at the Faci… more
Date: August 1, 2006
Creator: Abbott, Robert E.; Bartel, Lewis Clark; Pullammanappallil, Satish (Optim, Inc., Reno, NV) & Engler, Bruce Phillip
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health effects models for nuclear power plant accident consequence analysis: Modifications of models resulting from recent reports on health effects of ionizing radiation

Description: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has sponsored several studies to identify and quantify the potential health effects of accidental releases of radionuclides from nuclear power plants. The most recent health effects models resulting from these efforts were published in two reports, NUREG/CR-4214, Rev. 1, Part 1 (1990) and Part 2 (1989). Several major health effects reports have been published recently that may impact the health effects models presented in these reports. This addendum to the Par… more
Date: August 1, 1991
Creator: Abrahamson, S.; Bender, M. A.; Boecker, B. B.; Scott, B. R. & Gilbert, E. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary geologic report on the Missoula/Bitterroot Drilling Project, Missoula/Bitterroot Basins, Montana

Description: The objective of the drilling project was to obtain information to assess the favorability of the Tertiary sedimentary units in the Missoula and Bitterroot Valleys for uranium potential. The group of Montana Tertiary basins, including the Missoula and Bitterroot Basins, has been assigned a speculative uranium potential of 46,557 tons of U/sub 3/O/sub 8/ at $100/lb by the 1980 National Uranium Resource Evaluation report. The seven drill holes, two in the Missoula Valley and five in the Bitterroo… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Abramiuk, I.N. (comp.)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transport Phenomena and Interfacial Kinetics in Planar Microfluidic Membraneless Fuel Cells

Description: Our work is focused on membraneless laminar flow fuel cells, an unconventional fuel cell technology, intended to create a system that not only avoids most typical fuel cell drawbacks, but also achieves the highest power density yet recorded for a non-H{sub 2} fuel cell. We have employed rigorous electrochemistry to characterize the high-energy- density fuel BH4-, providing important mechanistic insight for anode catalyst choice and avoiding deleterious side reactions. Numerous fuel cell oxidant… more
Date: August 1, 2013
Creator: Abruna, Hector Daniel
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Water Reactor Safety Research Division. Quarterly progress report, April 1-June 30, 1980

Description: The Water Reactor Safety Research Programs quarterly report describes current activities and technical progress in the programs at Brookhaven National Laboratory sponsored by the USNRC Division of Reactor Safety Research. The projects reported each quarter are the following: LWR Thermal Hydraulic Development, Advanced Code Evlauation, TRAC Code Assessment, and Stress Corrosion Cracking of PWR Steam Generator Tubing.
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Abuaf, N.; Levine, M. M.; Saha, P. & van Rooyen, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Gas-cooled fast breeder reactor steady-state irradiation testing program

Description: The requirements for the gas-cooled fast breeder reactor irradiation program are specified, and an irradiation program plan which satisfies these requirements is presented. The irradiation program plan consists of three parts and includes a schedule and a preliminary cost estimate: (1) a steady-state irradiation program, (2) irradiations in support of the design basis transient test program, and (3) irradiations in support of the GRIST-2 safety test program. Data from the liquid metal fast bree… more
Date: August 1, 1980
Creator: Acharya, R.T.; Campana, R.J. & Langer, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Law of Church and State: Public Aid to Sectarian Schools

Description: One of the most difficult issues of constitutional law concerns the extent to which the establishment of religion clause of the First Amendment imposes constraints on the provision of public aid to private sectarian schools. This report gives a brief overview of the evolution of the Court’s interpretation of the establishment clause in this area and itemizes the categories of aid that have been addressed by the Court and held to be constitutionally permissible or impermissible, both at the elem… more
Date: August 1, 2000
Creator: Ackerman, David M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced fuel cell development progress report, April--June 1977. [Electrolyte mixtures of Li/sub 2/CO/sub 3/-K/sub 2/CO/sub 3/ containing rod-shaped particles of. beta. -LiAlO/sub 2/]

Description: This report describes advanced fuel cell research and development activities at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) during the period April--June 1977. These efforts have been directed toward understanding and improvement of molten-carbonate-electrolyte fuel cells operating at temperatures near 923 K. A primary focus of the work has been on developing electrolyte structures which have high strength and conductivity, as well as good electrolyte retention, and on developing methods of synthesis for… more
Date: August 1, 1977
Creator: Ackerman, J P; Kinoshita, K; Sim, J W; Swaroop, R & Nelson, P A
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This Bulletin presents a summary of accomplishments and highlights in the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory's (INEL) Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) Program for August 1991. This bulletin includes information on the brain tumor and melanoma research programs, Power Burst Facility (PBF) technical support and modifications, PBF operations, and updates to the animal data charts.
Date: August 1, 1991
Creator: Ackermann, A. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Power Burst Facility/Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Program for cancer treatment

Description: This report discusses monthly progress in the Power Boron Facility/Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (PBF/BNCT) Program for Cancer Treatment. Highlights of the PBF/BNCT Program during August 1990 include progress within the areas of: Gross Boron Analysis in Tissue, Blood, and Urine, boron microscopic (subcellular) analytical development, noninvasive boron quantitative determination, analytical radiation transport and interaction modeling for BNCT, large animal model studies, neutron source and faci… more
Date: August 1, 1990
Creator: Ackermann, A.L. (ed.) & Dorn, R.V. III.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Sandia Sodium Purification Loop (SNAPL) description and operations manual

Description: Sandia's Sodium Purification Loop was constructed to purify sodium for fast reactor safety experiments. An oxide impurity of less than 10 parts per million is required by these in-pile experiments. Commercial, reactor grade sodium is purchased in 180 kg drums. The sodium is melted and transferred into the unit. The unit is of a loop design and purification is accomplished by ''cold trapping.'' Sodium purified in this loop has been chemically analysed at one part per million oxygen by weight. 5 … more
Date: August 1, 1985
Creator: Acton, R. U.; Weatherbee, R. L.; Smith, L. A.; Mastin, F. L. & Nowotny, K. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pu, U redistribution in (U,Pu)O/sub 2/ fuels by temperature gradients

Description: A predictive model of the time-dependent evolution of radial Pu/U + Pu gradients in operating nonmolten mixed oxide fuels is being developed. This model is based on preferential evaporation-condensation and vapor transport of metal-bearing species either along cracks and porosity channels within the fuel or inside closed pores migrating up the temperature gradient; equilibrium thermodynamics are applied to calculate the continually changing vapor composition over the hot fuel. Predictions of th… more
Date: August 1, 1972
Creator: Adamson, M. G. & Aitken, E. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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