Search Results

Primary view of D-0 End Calorimeter Warm Tube/TeV Dry Air Purge
Leibfritz, J. R.
August 14, 1991
Primary view of D-0 North End Cap Calorimeter Cold Test Results
Michael, J.
August 2, 1990
Primary view of 1,2-HOIQO--A highly versatile 1,2-HOPO analog
Seitz, Michael; Pluth, Michael D. & Raymond, Kenneth N.
August 7, 2006
Primary view of $1.2 Million in Savings Identified in Akzo Nobel Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Summary--Chemicals (Fact Sheet)
unknown creator
August 1, 2003
Primary view of $1.2 Million in Savings Identified in Caraustar Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Summary--Forest Products (Fact Sheet)
unknown creator
August 1, 2003
Primary view of $1.6 Million in Savings Identified in Anchor Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Summary--Glass (Fact Sheet)
unknown creator
August 1, 2003
Primary view of $1.6 Million in Savings Identified in Augusta Newsprint Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Summary--Forest Products (Fact Sheet)
unknown creator
August 1, 2003
Primary view of 1-10 Mbar Laser-Driven Shocks Using the Janus Laser Facility
Dunn, J.; Price, D. F.; Moon, S. J.; Cauble, R. C.; Springer, P. T. & Ng, A.
August 10, 2001
Primary view of 1-D Equilibrium Discrete Diffusion Monte Carlo
Evans, T. M.; Urbatsch, T. J. & Lichtenstein, H.
August 2000
Primary view of A 1-kW power demonstration from the advanced free electron laser
Sheffield, R. L.; Conner, C. A. & Fortgang, C. M.
August 1997
Primary view of 1: Mass asymmetric fission barriers for {sup 98}Mo; 2: Synthesis and characterization of actinide-specific chelating agents
Veeck, A. C.
August 1, 1996
Primary view of $2.9 Million in Savings Identified in Georgia-Pacific Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Study--Forest Products (Fact Sheet)
unknown creator
August 1, 2003
Primary view of [2 copies of Motion to Quash Supoena (filed 8/7/80) and notarized subpoena from state of Texas to Don Maison]
State of Texas
August 7, 1980
Primary view of 2 Hz, 30 T Split Pulse Water Cooled Magnet for Neutron Scattering Experiments (Materials Characterization and Design Options)
Eyssa, Y. M.; Walsh, R. P.; Miller, J. R.; Miller, G. E.; Pernambuco-Wise, P.; Bird, M. D. et al.
August 26, 1997
Primary view of A 2-MeV microwave thermionic gun
Tanabe, E.; Borland, M.; Green, M. C.; Miller, R. H.; Nelson, L. V.; Weaver, J. N. et al.
August 1, 1989
Primary view of 2 Questions pertaining to DON-0133 and the non-BRAC Scenario (Portsmouth Naval Shipyard)
United States. Department of Defense.
August 12, 2005
Primary view of N = 2 string amplitudes
Ooguri, H.
August 1, 1995
Primary view of 2$sup 0$K vacuum pumping system for Baseball II
Denhoy, B.S.
August 20, 1973
Primary view of $3.5 Million in Savings Identified in Appleton Assessment: Plant-Wide Assessment Summary--Forest Products (Fact Sheet)
unknown creator
August 1, 2003
Primary view of $3.6 Million in Savings Identified in AMCAST Assessment (Revised)
unknown creator
August 2004
Primary view of A 3-D adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for multimaterial gas dynamics
Puckett, E. G. & Saltzman, J. S.
August 12, 1991
Primary view of 3-D Characterization of the Structure of Paper and Paperboard and Their Application to Optimize Drying and Water Removal Processes and End-Use Applications
Shri Ramaswamy, University of Minnesota & B.V. Ramarao, State University of New York
August 29, 2004
Primary view of 3-D Hydrodynamic Modeling in a Geospatial Framework
Bollinger, J.; Alfred Garrett, A.; Larry Koffman, L. & David Hayes, D
August 24, 2006
Primary view of 3-D Mapping Technologies for High Level Waste Tanks
Marzolf, A. & Folsom, M.
August 31, 2010
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