Search Results

Primary view of 0-G experiments with advanced ceramic fabric wick structures
Antoniak, Z. I.; Webb, B. J.; Bates, J. M.; Cooper, M. F. & Pauley, K. A.
July 1991
Primary view of 1. 2-GeV damping-ring complex for the Stanford Linear Collider
Fischer, G. E.; Davies-White, W.; Fieguth, T. & Wiedemann, H.
July 1983
Ruggiero, A. G.; Blaskiewicz, M.; Trbojevic, D.; Tsoupas, N. & Zhang, W.
July 5, 2004
Primary view of 1/5-scale experiment of a Mark I boiling-water reactor pressure-suppression system under hypothetical LOCA conditions
Pitts, J. H. & McCauley, E. W.
July 8, 1977
Primary view of 1.06 μm 150 psec laser damage study of diamond turned, diamond turned/ polished and polished metal mirrors
Saito, T. T.; Milam, D.; Baker, P. & Murphy, G.
July 24, 1975
Primary view of E-1 Common Analog Model (U)
unknown creator
July 1, 1969
Primary view of 1. K+ Charge Exchange - Search For K+ Charge Exchange
Birge, Robert W.; Courant, Hans J.; Lanou, Robert E., Jr. & Whitehead, Marian N.
July 29, 1959
Primary view of 2-1/2-D electromagnetic modeling of nodular defects in high-power multilayer optical coatings
Molau, N. E.; Brand, H. R.; Kozlowski, M. R. & Shang, C. C.
July 1996
Primary view of (2,2-Bipyridyl)bis(eta5-1,2,3,4,5-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)Strontium(II)
Kazhdan, Daniel; Kazhdan, Daniel; Hu, Yung-Jin; Kokai, Akos; Levi, Zerubba & Rozenel, Sergio
July 3, 2008
Primary view of 2-D ACAR measurements of Ni/sub 3/A1
Smedskjaer, L. C.; DasGupta, A.; Legnini, D. G. & Stahulak, M. D.
July 1987
Primary view of A 2-D imaging heat-flux gauge
Noel, B.W.; Borella, H.M. (Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States)); Beshears, D.L.; Sartory, W.K.; Tobin, K.W.; Williams, R.K. (Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)) et al.
July 1, 1991
Primary view of 2-D Imaging of Electron Temperature in Tokamak Plasmas
Munsat, T.; Mazzucato, E.; Park, H.; Domier, C. W.; Johnson, M.; Luhmann, N. C. Jr. et al.
July 8, 2004
Primary view of 2-D Path Corrections for Local and Regional Coda Waves: A Test of Transportability
Mayeda, K M; Malagnini, L; Phillips, W S; Walter, W R; Dreger, D S & Morasca, P
July 13, 2005
Primary view of 2-D Tomography With Bolometry in DIII-D
Leonard, A. W.; Meyer, W. H.; Geer, B.; Behne, D. M. & Hill, D. N.
July 1, 1994
Primary view of 2 Letters from concerned citizens in response to the recommendation regarding the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals in Fort Meade
unknown creator
July 30, 2005
Primary view of 2 letters from George H. Newman in response to the recommendations regarding Eglin Air Force Base
Newman, George H. Major
July 30, 2005
Primary view of 2-MW plasmajet facility thermal tests of concrete. [PWR and BWR]
Goin, Kenneth L.
July 1, 1977
Primary view of 3,4,3-LI(1,2-HOPO): In Vitro Formation of Highly Stable Lanthanide Complexes Translates into Efficacious In Vivo Europium Decorporation
Sturzbecher-Hoehne, Manuel; Ng Pak Leung, Clara; Daleo, Anthony; Kullgren, Birgitta; Prigent, Anne-Laure; Shuh, David K. et al.
July 13, 2011
Primary view of 3-D field computation: The near-triumph of commerical codes
Turner, L. R.
July 1995
Primary view of 3-D Finite Element Analysis of Induction Logging in a Dipping Formation
Everett, Mark E.; Badea, Eugene A,; Shen, Liang, C.; Merchant, Gulamabbas A. & Weiss, Chester J.
July 20, 2000
Primary view of 3-D Model of Broadband Emission from Supernova Remnants Undergoing Non-linear Diffusive Shock Acceleration
Lee, Shiu-Hang; Kamae, Tuneyoshi & Ellison, Donald C.
July 2, 2008
Primary view of 3-D Seismic Methods for Geothermal Reservoir Exploration and Assessment--Summary
Majer, E. L.
July 14, 2003
Primary view of 3-D Silicon Photonic Lattices- Cornerstone of an Emerging Photonics Revolution
Fleming, J.G. & Lin, Shawn-Yu
July 8, 1999
Primary view of 3-D TECATE/BREW: Thermal, stress, and birefringent ray-tracing codes for solid-state laser design
Gelinas, R. J.; Doss, S. K. & Nelson, R. G.
July 20, 1994
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