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open access

Raising Photoemission Efficiency with Surface Acoustic Waves

Description: We are developing a novel technique that may help increase the efficiency and reduce costs of photoelectron sources used at electron accelerators. The technique is based on the use of Surface Acoustic Waves (SAW) in piezoelectric materials, such as GaAs, that are commonly used as photocathodes. Piezoelectric fields produced by the traveling SAW spatially separate electrons and holes, reducing their probability of recombination, thereby enhancing the photoemission quantum efficiency of the photo… more
Date: July 1, 2012
Creator: A. Afanasev, F. Hassani, C.E. Korman, V.G. Dudnikov, R.P. Johnson, M. Poelker, K.E.L. Surles-Law
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Global Boundary and Local Collisionality on Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma

Description: The magnetic reconnection process is studied in a wide range of operating conditions in the well-controlled Magnetic Reconnection Experiment. The reconnection rate is observed to be a function of both global (i.e., system size) and local (collisionality) plasma parameters. When only local collisionality is lowered, the current sheet is shortened while effective resistivity is enhanced, both accelerating reconnection rates. At a fixed collisionality, the current sheet length increases with syste… more
Date: July 24, 2007
Creator: A. Kuritsyn, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, Y. Ren, and M. Yamada
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermal characteristics of air flow cooling in the lithium ion batteries experimental chamber

Description: A battery pack prototype has been designed and built to evaluate various air cooling concepts for the thermal management of Li-ion batteries. The heat generation from the Li-Ion batteries was simulated with electrical heat generation devices with the same dimensions as the Li-Ion battery (200 mm x 150 mm x 12 mm). Each battery simulator generates up to 15W of heat. There are 20 temperature probes placed uniformly on the surface of the battery simulator, which can measure temperatures in the ran… more
Date: July 8, 2012
Creator: A., Lukhanin; U., Rohatgi; Belyaev, A.; Fedorchenko, D.; Khazhmuradov, M.; Lukhanin, O et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

F(1) for B (forward) D*ln from lattice QCD

Description: The authors would like to determine |V{sub cb}| from the exclusive semi-leptonic decay B{yields}D*lv. The differential decay rate is d{Lambda}/dw = G{sub F}{sup 2}/4{pi}{sup 3}(w{sup 2}-1){sup 1/2}m{sub D*}{sup 3} (m{sub B}-m{sub D*}){sup 2}G(w)|V{sub cb}|{sup 2}|F{sub B{yields}D*}(w)|{sup 2}, where w = v {center_dot} v{prime} and G(1) = 1. At zero recoil (w = 1) heavy-quark symmetry requires F{sub B{yields}D*}(1) to be close to 1. So, |V{sub cb}| is determined by dividing measurements of d{Lam… more
Date: July 12, 2002
Creator: A.S. Kronfeld, P.B. Mackenzie and J.N. Simone
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Letter: From Maison to Royal]

Description: A letter from Don Maison, from the AIDS Service of Dallas, to Charlie Royal, from the State Bar of Texas, discussing the attached legal documents.
Date: July 25, 1994
Creator: AIDS Service of Dallas
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Chemometric Analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data

Description: Chemometric analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has increased dramatically in recent years. A variety of different chemometric techniques have been applied to a wide range of problems in food, agricultural, medical, process and industrial systems. This article gives a brief review of chemometric analysis of NMR spectral data, including a summary of the types of mixtures and experiments analyzed with chemometric techniques. Common experimental problems encountered during th… more
Date: July 20, 2000
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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