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open access

Shark Predation on Hawaiian Monk Seals: Workshop II & Post-Workshop Developments, November 5-6, 2008

Description: Report on shark predation of Hawaiian monk seals that includes three parts : a report from Workshop II on November 5-6, 2008, knowledge about shark predation related to Hawaiian monk seals, and HMSRP premises, positions, and post-workshop developments.
Date: July 2010
Creator: Gobush, Kathleen S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

American Somoa as a Fishing Community

Description: From abstract: Monitoring the institutional, socioeconomic, and cultural aspects of fishing is just as important as monitoring fish populations and habitat in ensuring American Samoa's ability to sustain itself as a fishing community.
Date: July 2009
Creator: Allen, Stewart
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chemoreception in Loggerhead Sea Turtles: An Assessment of the Feasibility of Using Chemical Deterrents to Prevent Sea Turtle Interactions with Longline Fishing Gear

Description: From introduction: The following document presents results from a series of studies designed and conducted to assess the chemosensory abilities of loggerhead turtles and explores the feasibility of using chemical deterrents to present sea turtles from interacting with longline fishing gear.
Date: July 2007
Creator: Southwood, Amanda; Higgins, Benjamin; Brill, Richard & Swimmer, Yonat
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 2002

Description: The following document presents results of field studies of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal conducted in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during 2002. These studies provide information to evaluate the status and trends of monk seal subpopulations; natural history traits such as survival, reproduction, growth, behavior, and feeding habits; and the success of various activities designed to facilitate population growth.
Date: July 2005
Creator: Johanos, Thea C. & Baker, Jason D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Hawaiian Monk Seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 1995

Description: The following report is based on findings from the observational studies on the Hawaiian monk seal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands during 1995. The objectives of this research were to conduct beach counts (censuses), tag weaned pups and immature seals for permanent identification, identify other seals by previously applied tags and by natural or applied markings, monitor reproduction, survival, injuries, entanglements, interatoll movements, disappearances, and deaths, perform necropsies, c… more
Date: July 1997
Creator: Johanos, Thea C. & Ragen, Timothy J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aqueous Biphasic Extraction of Uranium and Thorium from Contaminated Soils : Final Report

Description: The aqueous biphasic extraction (ABE) process for soil decontamination involves the selective partitioning of solutes and fine particulates between two immiscible aqueous phases. The biphase system is generated by the appropriate combination of a water-soluble polymer (e.g., polyethylene glycol) with an inorganic salt (e.g., sodium carbonate). Selective partitioning results in 99 to 99.5% of the soil being recovered in the cleaned-soil fraction, while only 0.5 to 1% is recovered in the contamin… more
Date: July 1995
Creator: Chaiko, David J.; Gartelmann, J.; Henriksen, J. L.; Krause, T. R.; Deepak; Vojta, Y. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Extraction of Long-Lived Radionuclides from Caustic Hanford Tank Waste Supernatants

Description: A series of polymer-based extraction systems, based on the use of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) or polypropylene glycols (PPGs), was demonstrated to be capable of selective extraction and recovery of long-lived radionuclides, such as Tc-99 and I-129, from Hanford SY-101 tank waste, neutralized current acid waste, and single-shell tank waste simulants. During the extraction process, anionic species like TcO₄⁻ and I⁻ are selectively transferred to the less dense PEG-rich aqueous phase. The partitio… more
Date: July 1995
Creator: Chaiko, David J.; Mertz, C. J.; Vojta, Y.; Henriksen, J. L.; Neff, R. & Takeuchi, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Information Exchange within the U.S. Department of Energy Pollution Prevention Community

Description: Improving Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization Program (PP/WMIN) technologies, actions, and culture could be an important cost-cutting step for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Communicating ideas, concepts, process changes, and achievements is essential for the success of this program. The need to openly communicate ideas and concepts in a cost-effective manner is essential in an organization that has such diverse components as research and development, weapons production, and power g… more
Date: July 1995
Creator: Thuot, James R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

LEVSEEP: Analysis Software for Levee Underseepage and Rehabilitation

Description: This report uses the computer software LEVSEEP to describe analysis methodology for levee underseepage analyses and rehabilitation. Information required for data input, calculation procedures, output, and graphics is presented. In addition, comprehensive results of case studies and parameter analyses utilizing LEVSEEP are included.
Date: July 1995
Creator: Brizendine, Anthony L.; Taylor, Hugh M., Jr. & Gabr, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Nonlinear Dynamics of a Stack/Cable System

Description: In this study, we developed a coupled model of wind-induced vibration of a stack, based on an unsteady-flow theory and nonlinear dynamics of the stack's heavy elastic suspended cables. Numerical analysis was performed to identify excitation mechanisms. The stack was found to be excited by vortex shedding. Once lock-in resonance occurred, the cables were excited by the transverse motion of the stack. Large-amplitude oscillations of the cables were due to parametric resonance. Appropriate techniq… more
Date: July 1995
Creator: Cai, Y. & Chen, Shoei-Sheng
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Technology Development Goals for Automotive Fuel Cell Power Systems

Description: Directed Technologies, Inc. has previously submitted a detailed technical assessment and concept design for a mid-size, five-passenger fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), under contract to Argonne National Laboratory. As a supplement to that contract, DTI has reviewed the literature and conducted a preliminary evaluation of two energy carriers for the FCEV: hydrogen and methanol. This report compares the estimated fuel efficiency, cost of producing and delivering the fuel, and the resultant life… more
Date: July 1995
Creator: Thomas, C. E. & James, Brian D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Critical Review of Glass Performance Modeling

Description: Borosilicate glass is to be used for permanent disposal of high-level nuclear waste in a geologic repository. Mechanistic chemical models are used to predict the rate at which radionuclides will be released from the glass under repository conditions. The most successful and useful of these models link reaction path geochemical modeling programs with a glass dissolution rate law that is consistent with transition state theory. These models have been used to simulate several types of short-term l… more
Date: July 1994
Creator: Bourcier, William L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Ion Replacement Program Annual Report: 1993

Description: Annual report of the Ion Replacement Electrorefining Program at Aronne National Laboratory describing their research and activities. There are three key accomplishments highlighted for the year: (1) identification of a suitable sodium(beta){double_prime}-alumina/molten salt electrolyte system that functions reproducibly at 723 K, (2) actual separation of dysprosium and lanthanum in experiments, and (3) the identification of a metal alloy, Li{sub x}Sb, as an alternative ion replacement electro… more
Date: July 1993
Creator: Tomczuk, Z.; Willit, J. L. & Fischer, A. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

User`s Guide for the Casting Process Simulator Software CaPS-2D, Version 1.0

Description: Most casting defects occur during initial pouring and therefore the design of the running system, which guides the metal from the ladle into the mold, is crucial. Traditionally, the running system and mold filling are designed by trial and error, which is tedious, time consuming, and expensive. The uncertainties that remain can be overcome by a computer simulation that demonstrates the actual process of mold filling and subsequent solidification. Computer simulation of various processes has bec… more
Date: July 1993
Creator: Domanus, H. M.; Schmitt, R. C. & Ahuja, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Is There a Large Risk of Radiation? a Critical Review of Pessimistic Claims

Description: A number of situations where it has been claimed that moderate radiation doses cause leukemia or other cancers are carefully reviewed. We look at cases in the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Usually it can be demonstrated that there is an alternative, more probable, explanation for the effect seen. In several cases the authors of the papers have fallen into statistical traps. The most frequent is a posteriori selection of cohort boundaries in both space and time: a trap illu… more
Date: July 1992
Creator: Shihab-Eldin, Adnan; Shlyakhter, Alexander & Wilson, Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Use of a Centrifugal Contactor for Component Concentration by Solvent Extraction

Description: Theoretical and experimental work was undertaken to explore the use of the Argonne design centrifugal contactor as a concentrating device for metal ions in solutions such as transuranic-containing waste streams and contaminated groundwater. First, the theoretical basis for operating the contactor as a concentrator was developed. Then, the ability of the contactor to act as a concentrating device was experimentally demonstrated with neodymium over a wide range of organic-to-aqueous (O/A) flow ra… more
Date: July 1992
Creator: Leonard, R. A.; Wygmans, D. G.; McElwee, M. J.; Wasserman, M. O. & Vandegrift, G. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Argonne National Laboratory-East Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year

Description: This report discusses the results of the environmental protection program at Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL) for 1990. To evaluate the effects of ANL operations on the environment, samples of environmental media collected on the site, at the site boundary, and off the ANL site were analyzed and compared to applicable guidelines and standards.
Date: July 1991
Creator: Golchert, N. W.; Duffy, T. L. & Moos, L. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chaotic Dynamics of Loosely Supported Tubes in Crossflow

Description: By means of the unsteady-flow theory and a bilinear mathematical model, a theoretical study was conducted of the chaotic dynamics associated with the fluid-elastic instability of loosely supported tubes. Calculations were performed for the RMS of tube displacement, bifurcation diagram, phase portrait, power spectral density, and Poincare map. Analytical results show the existence of chaotic, quasi-periodic, and periodic regions when flow velocity exceeds a threshold value.
Date: July 1991
Creator: Cai, Y. & Chen, Shoei-Sheng
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

COMMIX-1AR/P. a Three-Dimensional Transient Single-Phase Computer Program for Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Single and Multicomponent Systems

Description: The COMMIX-1AR/P computer code is designed for analyzing the steady-state and transient aspects of single-phase fluid flow and heat transfer in three spatial dimensions. This version is an extension of the modeling in COMMIX-1A to include multiple fluids in physically separate regions of the computational domain, modeling descriptions for pumps, radiation heat transfer between surfaces of the solids which are embedded in or surround the fluid, a k-{var epsilon} model for fluid turbulence, and i… more
Date: July 1991
Creator: Blomquist, R. A.; Garner, P. L. & Gelbard, Ely M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Electronic Transport Properties in Copper Oxides

Description: Oxidation of copper and electronic transport in thermally grown large-grain poly-crystals of non-stoichiometric copper oxides were studied at elevated temperatures. Thermogravimetric copper oxidation was studied in air and oxygen at temperatures between 350 and 100 C. From the temperature-dependence of oxidation rates, three different processes can be identified for the oxidation of copper: bulk diffusion, grain-boundary diffusion, and surface control with whisker growth; these occur at high, i… more
Date: July 1991
Creator: Park, J.-H. & Natesan, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Leaching Action of EJ-13 Water on Unirradiated UO₂ Surfaces under Unsaturated Conditions at 90 C : Interim Report

Description: A set of experiments, based on the application of the Unsaturated Test method to the reaction of uranium dioxide with EJ-13 water, has been conducted over a period of 182.5 weeks. One half of the experiments have been terminated, while one half are still ongoing. Solutions that have dripped from uranium dioxide specimens have been analyzed for all experiments, while the reacted uranium dioxide surfaces have been examined for only the terminated experiments. A pulse of uranium release from the u… more
Date: July 1991
Creator: Wronkiewicz, D. J.; Bates, John K.; Gerding, Thomas J.; Veleckis, Ewald; Tani, B. & Hoh, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Field Manual for Phocid Necropsies (Specifically Monachus schauinslandi)

Description: From introduction: This necropsy manual is a guide for students and technicians in the examination of dead phocids, specifically the Hawaiian monk seal. With this manual, the person performing the necropsy should be able to conduct a gross examination of a monk seal and collect the necessary tissues for microscopic pathology and toxicological studies. The necropsy instructions are based on the assumption that the seal's carcass is very fresh and time is not a limiting factor.
Date: July 1990
Creator: Winchell, Jane M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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