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open access

Revision of the NBS Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities Below 2450 Å

Description: From Abstract: "A calibration is applied to the intensity measurements of the 1400 lines below 2450 A in the NBS Tables of Spectral-Line Intensities. Tables of the new values are presented with the lines arranged by elements and by wavelengths."
Date: July 7, 1967
Creator: Corliss, Charles H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns: Section 3. Data for 51 Substances

Description: Report documenting standard x-ray diffraction powder patterns for various compounds, intended to replace previous data or provide information for new substances. It describes the methods and, for each substance, outlines any previous data as well as information about the sample used and structural data, with a table of diffraction patterns.
Date: July 31, 1964
Creator: Swanson, Howard E.; Morris, Marlene Cook; Evans, Eloise H. & Ulmer, Linda
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tables of Einstein Functions: Vibrational Contributions to the Thermodynamic Functions

Description: From Introduction: "The recent acceptance by physicists and chemists of new values for the fundamental constants and the continued demand for expanded and convenient tables prompted the recomputation and preparation of this volume. The authors have tried to incorporate this work a number of the more desirable features of the above-cited works, particularly with respect to their use in calculations involving: Thermodynamic properties of gases; specific heats, electrical and thermal conductivity … more
Date: July 12, 1962
Creator: Hilsenrath, Joseph & Ziegler, Guy G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tables of Chemical Kinetics : Homogeneous Reactions (Supplementary Tables)

Description: From Preface: "A brief description of the method used in compiling these tables and the limitation of coverage are given in the preface to Supplement 1 of the NBS Circular 510. The present volume contains information pertaining to substitution, exchange, and elimination reaction types and extends the material on these types found in NBS Monograph 34, Volume 1. The date on each page gives the year and month to which the literature had been surveyed."
Date: July 1, 1964
Creator: United States. Bureau of Standards.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

HASL Contributions to the Study of Fallout in Food Chains

Description: Report compiling data from previous HASL reports regarding the radioactive contamination of foods. Individual food items as well as total diets are analyzed.
Date: July 1, 1964
Creator: Rivera, Joseph & Harley, John H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Engineering Method for Calculating Protection Afforded by Structures Against Fallout Radiation

Description: From Introduction: "The purpose of the paper is to discuss the assumptions and the reasoning by which the calculations described in the Engineering Manual were derived from the data in [1]. The relevant curves from [1] are given in Appendix A and the technical charts from the Engineering Manual are given in appendix B."
Date: July 2, 1964
Creator: Eisenhauer, Charles
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Electric Energy Usage in Air Force Houses Equipped with Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

Description: From Introduction: "One part of this study, which is presented in this Monograph, consists of an analysis of electric energy usage and electric power demand data obtained from a sample group of occupied houses at Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas, equipped with heat pumps, water heaters, cooking ranges, clothes dryers, and miscellaneous appliances all operated by electricity."
Date: July 13, 1962
Creator: Achenbach, Paul R.; Davis, Joseph C. & Smith, William T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Transition Probabilities for Spectral Lines of Seventy Elements: Derived from the NBS Tables of Spectral-line Intensities

Description: From introduction: "The goal of the work was to provide lists of the principal lines of the elements generally observed under ordinary conditions in arc spectra, together with their relative intensities on a true scale of relative energy."
Date: July 20, 1962
Creator: Corliss, Charles H. & Bozman, William R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1964 - June 1, 1964

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1964
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1965 - June 1, 1965

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1965
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr. & Rivera, Joseph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Procedure to Determine the Relative Extent of Reactor Fission Product Releases Under Various Meteorological Conditions

Description: From Abstract and Introduction: "A procedure for the application of these programs and graphs to the review and evaluation of reactor safety problems is presented. The purpose of this work is to present of the subsequent meteorological considerations suitable for review and analysis using a small digital computer."
Date: July 1964
Creator: Lanes, Stephen J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Capacities of Stacks in Sanitary Drainage Systems for Buildings

Description: "Some of the important results obtained in investigations of capacities of plumbing stacks in test systems at the National Bureau of Standards and elsewhere are discussed. Data are shown from experiments on the flow of water and air in such systems, and analyses of certain flow phenomena are given. Methods are shown for applying the results of research in hydraulics and pneumatics to the preparation of loading tables (for drainage and vent stacks) suitable for use in plumbing codes" (p. 1).
Date: July 3, 1961
Creator: Wyly, Robert S. & Eaton, Herbert N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1960 - June 1, 1960

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1960
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Klein, Stanley & Rivera, Joseph
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1961 - June 1, 1961

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1961
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Survey of Fallout Operations

Description: From Abstract: "The Laboratory has made a survey of fallout operations in the various countries of the world. The source of information has largely been the reports submitted to UNSCEAR forwarding data for their consideration. The abstracts are given in order of type of operation as shown in the table of contents."
Date: July 1, 1962
Creator: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Health and Safety Laboratory.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1962 - June 1, 1962

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1962
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Frankel, Robert
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Health and Safety Laboratory Fallout Program Quarterly Summary Report: March 1, 1963 - June 1, 1963

Description: Report that summarizes multiple laboratories' reports on global fallout deposition. Reports include data on Strontium-90 deposition recorded by the Health and Safety Laboratory, data from other laboratories, related interpretive reports, and recent publications related to fallout.
Date: July 1, 1963
Creator: Hardy, Edward P., Jr.; Rivera, Joseph & Collins, William R., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Experimental Investigation of Two-Phase, Two-Component Flow in a Horizontal, Converging-Diverging Nozzle

Description: Report that "describes an investigation of the flow characteristics in a horizontal, converging-diverging nozzle for a two-phase, two-component system" (p. 1) using air and water and "attempting to determine the effects of accelerating the liquid phase by the gaseous phase" (p. 1).
Date: July 1963
Creator: Vogrin, Joseph A., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Control of Condensation Heat Transfer Rates Using an Electromagnetic Field

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory over "the use of an electromagnetic field to control the laminar film condensation of a vapor whose liquid is electrically conducting" (p. 7). This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: July 1964
Creator: Singer, Ralph M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pictorial Studies of Molecules 1: Molecular Orbital Density Comparisons of H2, Li2, B2, C2, N2, O2, and F2

Description: From Review of Theory: " In practice, a very close approximation to the molecular orbitals can be obtained in this way. Recent calculations of this type, utilizing analysis and computer programs developed by the author, have resulted in the determination of the molecular orbitals for a large number of diatomic molecules in the form of Eq. (2). These functions, which are thought to be very close to the Hartree-Fock (i.e., the molecular orbitals demanded by theory) result, were used in the pictor… more
Date: July 1965
Creator: Wahl, Arnold C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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