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open access

Analysis of Electric Energy Usage in Air Force Houses Equipped with Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

Description: From Introduction: "One part of this study, which is presented in this Monograph, consists of an analysis of electric energy usage and electric power demand data obtained from a sample group of occupied houses at Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas, equipped with heat pumps, water heaters, cooking ranges, clothes dryers, and miscellaneous appliances all operated by electricity."
Date: July 13, 1962
Creator: Achenbach, Paul R.; Davis, Joseph C. & Smith, William T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Determination of Contact Conductance for Some Stainless Steel Contacts

Description: "Contact conductances for three semi-smooth and rough stainless steel contacts involving six steels are determined. The procedure and equipment used are fully described, and the results are given. Graphs display thermal conductance and conductivity versus pressure and temperature."
Date: July 1962
Creator: Adamantiades, Achilles
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Nuclear Spin Of Neodymium-141

Description: The spin of neodymium-141 was measured by the method of atomic beams and found to be 3/2. A lower limit placed on the hyperfine separation of the states with total angular momentum [formula] by second-order perturbation theory shows [formula]. A prerequisite for the determination of the nuclear spin from hyperfine-structure measurements is the knowledge of the electronic structure. The ground-state configuration of neodymium is known and the value is used throughout this work.
Date: July 3, 1961
Creator: Alpert, Seymour S.; Budick, Burton; Lipworth, Edgar & Marrus, Richard
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

X-Ray Fluorescence Tables: Program Description

Description: Report discussing the mechanics of X-Ray and COMBO computer programs.
Date: July 20, 1964
Creator: Amsbury, W. P.; Lee, W. W.; Rowan, J. H. & Walden, G. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Economic and Technical Evaluation of the Wiped Film Evaporator

Description: Report concerning the efforts to make the sea water distillation process more economical by improving the heat transfer surface. The General Electric wiped film process is one such improvement and is discussed along with its history, description, and related testing.
Date: July 1964
Creator: Anderson, Ralph E. & Lotz, Charles W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measurements on the Environmental Radioactivity in India from Nuclear Weapon Tests. Data Collected During 1956-61

Description: In this report the data on the measurements of radio activity of air, rainwater, milk and a variety of food samples is tabulated. A brief outline of the sampling and counting procedures is also given. Interpretation and discussion of the results as well as further details of the methods of sampling and counting have already been given in the various reports published by this section. A bibliography of those reports is given at the end.
Date: July 1962
Creator: Atomic Energy Establishment (India)
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Piqua Nuclear Power Facility Operations Analysis Program Progress Report Number 3: July-December 1963

Description: Progress report for the Piqua Reactor Operations Analysis Program describing observations and analyses at the Piqua Nuclear Power Facility (PNPF). The program goals are to monitor operations and collect data in order to ensure that the plant's operation is safe, to improve design and performance, to evaluate the performance and lifetime of the plant's components and systems, to evaluate plant safety and safeguards, and to disseminate all information to the scientific community.
Date: July 15, 1964
Creator: Auleta, J. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Hazards Summary Report: Babcock & Wilcox Test Reactor

Description: This preliminary Hazards Summary Report presents to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), Division of Licensing and Regulation, a description of the Nuclear Development Center, the characteristics of the proposed site, and an evaluation of the potential hazards associated with operating the test reactor at this location.
Date: July 1962
Creator: Babcock & Wilcox Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design for a Fast Flux Liquid Metal Loop in the Advanced Test Reactor

Description: The purpose of this document is to present criteria for the Titles I and II design of the Fast Flux Loop Facility which is to be a part of the Advanced Test Reactor. This facility is to be used for irradiation of fast reactor assemblies under simulated fast reactor operating conditions.
Date: July 1962
Creator: Babcock & Wilcox Company. Atomic Energy Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Consolidated Edision Thorium Reactor Physics Design

Description: The nuclear characteristics of the CETR are described. Core operating lifetime, control-rod worth, and power density distribution are discussed in relation to maximizing the core operating life. Other objectives of nuclear design are to minimize the power-density variation and to assure control of the reactor.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Barringer, H. S.; Flickinger, R. B. & Spetz, S. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some Applications of the Distorted Wave Approximation for Direct Nuclear Reactions

Description: The subject which I will discuss is the distorted - waves theory of direct reactions and its application to the study of nuclei. I shall mainly be concerned with a study of the reaction theory, its range of validity, and its ability to give quantitative information about nuclear structure.
Date: July 1964
Creator: Bassel , R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Consolidated Edison Thorium Reactor Critical Experiments with Oxide Fuel Pins

Description: This report describes the critical experiments with pin-type oxide fuel elements for the Consolidated Edison Thorium Reactor (CETR). This report also describes the measurements and gives a brief interpretation of the results in some cases
Date: July 1960
Creator: Batch, M. L. & Snidow, N. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Second Two Years' Progress on Study and Field Evaluation of Solar Sea-Water Stills

Description: From Introduction: "The investigation of solar distillation described in this Summary Report is part of the wide-ranging program of the Office of Saline Water to develop economical processes for the conversion of saline water to fresh water." From Summary: " Since the submission of the Summary Report which covered the first two years' progress, several new stills have been constructed, including four basin-type stills for the evaluation of basin liners and other materials."
Date: July 1965
Creator: Battelle Memorial Institute
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final Report : Large Reactor Study for Sea Water Distillation

Description: From introduction: This report presents the results of a study of large nuclear reactor systems for supplying energy for the distillation of sea water.
Date: July 1963
Creator: Bechtel Corporation
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The High Temperature Heat Contents and Related Thermodynamic Properties of Lanthanum, Praseodymium, Europium, Ytterbium and Yttrium

Description: From abstract: "The high temperature enthalpies of five rare-earth metals were measured from 0° to 1100°C using a Bunsen ice calorimeter. The enthalphy of yttrium metal was studied from 1100° to 1675°C using a modified high temperature vacuum Bunsen calorimeter. The data were fitted to empirical equations from which the heat of transition and fusion, the heat capacity, and the related thermodynamic quantities were calculated. These results confirmed indications from other properties that europi… more
Date: July 26, 1961
Creator: Berg, J. R.; Spedding, F. H. (Frank Harold), 1902- & Daene, A. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Project CGC-830 Plant Modifications for Reprocessing Non-Production Reactor Fuels

Description: Facilities are to be designed for installation at Hanford for the reprocessing of irradiated, low enrichment fuels from non-production reactors, see Reference 1 and 2. The initial design of the processing facilities is to be based on processing the fuels discharged from the Dresden, Yankee, Piqua, Pathfinder and Shippingport (blanket elements only) reactors. Properties of the fuels and cladding make it impossible to completely process them in existing equipment, although the separation and deco… more
Date: July 29, 1960
Creator: Bierman, S. R.; Graf, W. A.; Kass, M.; Kligfield, G.; McKee, R.W.; Patridge, L. F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Solid State Division Semiannual Progress Report For Period Ending February 28, 1955

Description: This semiannual progress report and future reports will be published as two documents to permit a wider distribution of the unclassified material. The report numbers are assigned in sequence so that the two reports will fall together when filed by report number.
Date: July 12, 1960
Creator: Billington, D. S. & Crawford, J. H., Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Conceptual Design of an In-Pile Package Loop for Fast Reactor Fuel Testing

Description: Report issued by the APDA over a design study conducted on an "in-pile package loop for use as a reactor fuel test facility" (p. 5). The results are presented and discussed. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: July 28, 1961
Creator: Blessing, W. G.; Balsbaugh, R. R.; Bloomfield, D. E.; Busch, J. S.; Hennig, R. J.; Jens, W. H. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

SNAP 10A Structural Analysis

Description: Abstract: this report discusses and summarizes all stress analysis done on the SNAP 10A system; it also mentions many of the structural tests which were accomplished.
Date: July 15, 1964
Creator: Boulanger, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Cost Study of a 100-Mw(e) Direct-Cycle Boiling Water Reactor Plant

Description: Report issued by the Argonne national Laboratory discussing a technical and economic evaluation of a direct-cycle light-water boiling reactor designed for natural circulation and internal steam-water separation. The reference 100-Mw(e) reactor power plant design evolved from the study should have the best chance (compared to similar plants) of approaching the 8 to 9 mill/kwh total power-cost level. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: July 1960
Creator: Bullinger, C. F. & Harrer, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Precipitation of Neptunium Peroxide

Description: Technical report. From Abstract : "Optimum conditions were determined for the precipitation of neptunium (IV) peroxide from nitric acid solutions. The results indicate that the precipitation could be applied successfully on a plant scale. ... Two crystalline modifications of the peroxide were prepared; these two crystalline structures were similar to structures previously reported for plutonium peroxide."
Date: July 1961
Creator: Burney, Glenn A. & Dukes, Ernest K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experimental Radiation Measurements in Conventional Structures: Part 1, Radiation Measurements in Two Two-Story and Three One-Story Typical Residential Structures Before and After Modification

Description: Report discussing the methods, data, and analysis of results for "An experimental study designed to provide a basis for estimating protection against fallout radiation " (p. v) using one- and two-story structures with basements.
Date: July 1966
Creator: Burson, Z. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Single Particle Excitation Theory Of The Photonuclear Giant Resonance

Description: Calculations of the photonuclear giant resonance according to the Wilkinson model are presented in this report. In this model the giant resonance in the cross section for absorption of gamma rays by nuclei is ascribed to the excitation of large numbers of nucleons in closed shells. The model generally predicts correctly the integrated cross section for the giant resonance, bu the resonance energy is too low. Results are presented in a series of tables and formulas so that the integrated cross s… more
Date: July 30, 1963
Creator: Buskirk, F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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