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External-Fuel Thermionic Reactors

Description: The concept of the external-fuel thermionic converter, in which the fuel surrounds an inner emitter annulus, is introduced and the major advantages of its use in a thermionic reactor are discussed. In-core reactors, ranging from 15-ekW to megawatts, can be designed based on external-fuel converter modules of fixed emitter and collector dimensions. Sizes and weights of typical reactors in this power range are shown.
Date: May 1, 1968
Creator: Abbate, M. J.; Eisen, C. L.; Raab, B. & Schock, Alfred
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Development Program Progress Report: April 1963

Description: Report issued by the Argonne National Laboratory discussing progress made by the Reactor Development Program during April 1963. Reactor physics, experiments, and safety studies are presented. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: May 15, 1963
Creator: Adams, R. M. & Glassner, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Final report: PITA-18 use of nonpoisonous splines for longitudinal flux traversing

Description: Optimization of the reactor process involves the knowledge of the longitudinal flux distribution on a semicontinuous, routine basis. The nonpoisonous spline was proposed as a way for obtaining flux traverses at any time during reactor operation, in virtually any location in the core. This report summarizes the findings of a feasibility study conducted in conjunction with PITA-18 and thus serves as a termination of the test phase of spline traversing.
Date: May 1, 1963
Creator: Albertson, D. G. & Bowers, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Scale "Up or Down" Analysis for Prototype Test

Description: Introduction: In conjunction with the final design and development of a 70 MW sodium intermediate heat exchanger and a sodium steam generator, an analysis is required which can be used as a basis for a determination to scale up or scale down the designs. Included in this analysis are those considerations leading to the recommendation of the best prototype test unit and to some of the limits imposed on scaling up or down when considering future applications of designs other than those actually … more
Date: May 1, 1960
Creator: Alco Products (Firm).
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The performances of aqueous-homogeneous (AHBR), molten-salt (MSBR), liquid-bismuth (LBBR), gas-cooled graphite-moderated (GGBR), and deuterium- moderated gas-cooled (DGBR) breeder reactors were evaluated in respect to fuel yield, fuel cycle costs, and development status. A net electrical plant capability of 1000 Mwe was selected, and the fuel and fertile streams were processed continuously on-site. The maximum annual fuel yields were 1.5 mills/ kwhr. The minimum estimated fuel cycle costs were … more
Date: May 24, 1961
Creator: Alexander, L. G.; Carter, W. L.; Chapman, R. H.; Kinyon, B. W.; Miller, J. W. & Van Winkle, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thorium Breeder Reactor Evaluation. Part I. Fuel Yield and Fuel Cycle Costs in Five Thermal Breeders

Description: The performances of aqueous-homogeneous (AHBR), molten-salt (MSBR), liquid-bismuth (LBBR), gas cooled graphite-moderated (GGBR), and deuterium-moderated gas-cooled (DGBR) breeder reactors were evaluated in respect to fuel yield, fuel cycle costs, and development status. A net electrical plant capability of 1000 Mwe was selected, and the fuel and fertile streams were processed continuously on-site.
Date: May 24, 1961
Creator: Alexander, L. G.; Carter, W. L.; Chapman, R. H.; Kinyon, B. W.; Miller, J. W. & Van Winkle, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The performances of aqueous-homogeneous (AHBR), molten-salt (MSBR), liquid-bismuth (LBBR), gas-cooled graphite-moderated (GCBR), and deuterium- moderated gascooled (DGBR) breeder reactors were evaluated in respect to fuel yield, fuel cycle costs, and development status. A net electrical plant capability of 1000 Mwe was selected with continuous processing of fuel and fertile streams. The maximum annual fuel yields were 16, 7, 4, 4, and 4.5%/yr, respectively at a fuel cycle cost of 1.5 mills/kwhr… more
Date: May 24, 1961
Creator: Alexander, L. G.; Carter, W. L.; Chapman, R. H.; Kinyon, B. W.; Miller, J. W. & Van Winkle, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thorium Breeder Reactor Evaluation. Part I. Fuel Yield and Fuel Cycle Costs in Five Thermal Breeders. Appendices

Description: The performances of aqueous-homogeneous (AHBR), molten-salt (MSBR), liquid-bismuth (LBBR), gas-cooled graphite-moderated (GCBR), and deuterium-moderated gas-cooled (DGBR) breeder reactors were evaluated in respect to fuel yield, fuel cycle costs, and development status. A net electrical plant capability of 1000 Mwe was selected, and the fuel and fertile streams were processed continuously on-site.
Date: May 24, 1961
Creator: Alexander, L. G.; Carter, W. L.; Chapman, R. H.; Kinyon, B. W.; Miller, J. W. & Van Winkle, R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

NPR delayed neutron fractions and decay constants

Description: This report discusses the delayed neutron characteristics of a reactor which are a function of the distribution of fissions in the various fissionable isotopes. The delayed neutron characteristics of the NPRL delayed fraction and decay constants, are presented as functions of exposure to 2000 MWD/T for both room temperature and operating temperature. It is of importance to note that the delayed neutron fraction decreases from 0.693% to 0.539% with increased exposure. Thus 22% less reactivity ch… more
Date: May 26, 1961
Creator: Allen, C. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thorium Isotopes Method for Dating Marine Sediments

Description: This thesis is concerned with a possible method of improving the well-known ionium method of age determination of deep-sea sediment sections (Pet-53, Zou-58, Kul-55, Ran-54) both with respect to accuracy of individual determinations and with respect to the range of applicability of the method.
Date: May 31, 1960
Creator: Almodóvar, Ismael
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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