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open access

Tests of large airfoils in the propeller research tunnel, including two with corrugated surfaces

Description: This report gives the results of the tests of seven 2 by 12 foot airfoils (Clark Y, smooth and corrugated, Gottingen 398, N.A.C.A. M-6, and N.A.C.A. 84). The tests were made in the propeller research tunnel of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at Reynolds numbers up to 2,000,000. The Clark Y airfoil was tested with three degrees of surface smoothness. Corrugating the surface causes a flattening of the lift curve at the burble point and an increase in drag at small flying angles.
Date: May 24, 1929
Creator: Wood, Donald H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Gaseous Explosive Reaction at Constant Pressure: The Reaction Order and Reaction Rate

Description: The data given in this report covers the explosive limits of hydrocarbon fuels. Incidental to the purpose of the investigation here reported, the explosive limits will be found to be expressed for the condition of constant pressure, in the fundamental terms of concentrations (partial pressures) of fuel and oxygen.
Date: May 9, 1929
Creator: Stevens, F. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The effect of cowling on cylinder temperatures and performance of a Wright J-5 engine

Description: This report presents the results of tests conducted to determine the effect of different amounts and kinds of cowling on the performance and cylinder temperatures of a standard Wright J-5 engine. These tests were conducted in conjunction with drag and propeller tests in which the same cowlings were used. Four different cowlings were investigated varying from the one extreme of no cowling on the engine to the other extreme of the engine completely cowled and the cooling air flowing inside the co… more
Date: May 2, 1929
Creator: Schey, Oscar W. & Biermann, Arnold E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic theory and tests of strut forms 2

Description: This report presents the second of two studies under the same title. In this part five theoretical struts are developed from distributed sources and sinks and constructed for pressure and resistance tests in a wind tunnel. The surface pressures for symmetrical inviscid flow are computed for each strut from theory and compared with those found by experiment. The theoretical and experimental pressures are found to agree quantitatively near the bow, only qualitatively over the suction range, the e… more
Date: May 1929
Creator: Smith, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Corrosion Embrittlement of Duralumin. VI: The Effect of Corrosion Accompanied by Stress on the Tensile Properties of Sheet Duralumin

Description: The effect of corrosion on the tensile properties of duralumin while stressed is shown in graphical form. According to the test results, duralumin sheet, coated with aluminum, maintains its initial properties unimpaired for corrosion periods as long as 60 days with an applied tensile stress as high as 20,000 lb/, which is approximately one-half the stress corresponding to the yield point as defined here. In these tests, that material which had been heat-treated by being quenched in cold w… more
Date: May 1929
Creator: Rawdon, Henry S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Curves Showing Column Strength of Steel and Duralumin Tubing

Description: Given here are a set of column strength curves that are intended to simplify the method of determining the size of struts in an airplane structure when the load in the member is known. The curves will also simplify the checking of the strength of a strut if the size and length are known. With these curves, no computations are necessary, as in the case of the old-fashioned method of strut design. The process is so simple that draftsmen or others who are not entirely familiar with mechanics can c… more
Date: May 1929
Creator: Ross, Orrin E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[A damaged building in Saucillo, Chihuahua]

Description: Photograph of a damaged building in Saucillo, Chihuahua in Mexico. Three men dressed in hats, long-sleeved shirts, and pants stand on and around a cart set atop a railroad. The building sits beyond the men and has multiple circles containing words marked on its outer walls. Blue handwriting occupies the back of the photograph.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Good food habits for children.

Description: Describes how to assist young children in transitioning from milk to solid food. Suggests ways to establish regular eating times, encourage self-feeding, and help the child develop a positive attitude toward eating.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Schmidt, C. Rowena
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Good Naval-Stores Practice.

Description: Describes best practices for tapping trees for naval stores, in order to yield the most gum and prevent damage to trees.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Cary, Austin, 1865-1936
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[A man standing outside a building in Chihuahua, Mexico]

Description: Photograph of a man standing outside a building in Chihuahua, Mexico. The man carries a large object in one hand and is dressed in a hat, long-sleeved shirt, and overalls. The building behind the man has a row of arched openings along its side and faces a set of train tracks. Blue handwritten text, including the words "Seccion de Meza," occupy the back of the photograph.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Men standing along train tracks, on a cart and near a fence]

Description: Photograph of men standing along train tracks in the Chihuahua division of Mexico. The men are wearing hats, long-sleeved shirts, and pants or overalls and stand in front of a fence or atop a cart placed on the train tracks. Behind the men is a long brick building with archways along its side and trees planted nearby. Blue handwriting, including the words "Seccion de la Cruz," occupies the back of the photograph.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Men standing on train tracks next to a building]

Description: Photograph of five men standing on train tracks next to a building labeled the "Santa Rosalia." One man stands on a cart sitting on the tracks while another man sits on a curb and the other three men stand. In the background, a man leans out of one of the Santa Rosalia's windows to talk to a man standing outside. Blue handwriting occupies the back of the photo.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Ocher and Ochery Earths

Description: Report about ocher or ochery earth, "a natural mineral pigment composed largely of clay permeated with hydrated iron (ferric oxide)" (p. 2). It includes information about the uses of choer, substitutes, artificial ocher, mining and local deposits, import and export of ocher, and related information.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Santmyers, R. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

On the Strength of Box Type Fuselages

Description: The present investigation relates to a box-type fuselage with sides consisting of thin smooth sheet metal, stiffened by longitudinal members riveted to the flanged channel-section bulkheads or transverse frames and to the semicircular corrugated corner stiffenings. The results obtained in this particular case can be applied to a great number of similar structures.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Mathar, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[The side of a train bridge]

Description: Photograph of the side of a train bridge in Chihuahua, Mexico. The bridge rises above sparse vegetation and extends from the right side of the image towards the left, disappearing into the distance. The text "Puente Ortiz Mayo 1929" and "Div Chihuahua Nacionales" are handwritten on the back of the photo, in blue ink.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Technical report of the 1928 Rhon soaring-flight contest

Description: Report presenting some information on the gliders that participated in the 1928 Rhön soaring flight contest. Almost all of the gliders represented an improvement over gliders used in the previous years. A great increase in the skill of the glider pilots is also noted.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Lippisch, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

[Three men standing in front of a burned bridge]

Description: Photograph of three men standing in front of a burned bridge in the Chihuahua division of Mexico. The men wear hats, long-sleeved shirts, and overalls and face towards the viewer. In the background, a railroad runs parallel to the burnt bridge, which two men with a cart are positioned on top of. Blue handwriting occupies the back of the photo.
Date: May 1929
Creator: Parlee, Lorena, 1945-2006
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Investigation of damping liquids for aircraft instruments

Description: "This report covers the results of an investigation carried on at the Bureau of Standards under a research authorization from, and with the financial assistance of, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. The choice of a damping liquid for aircraft instruments is difficult owing to the range of temperature at which aircraft operate. Temperature changes affect the viscosity tremendously. The investigation was undertaken with the object of finding liquids of various viscosities otherwise… more
Date: May 16, 1928
Creator: Keulegan, G. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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