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open access

Experimental Investigation of the Physical Properties of Medium and Heavy Oils, Their Vaporization and Use in Explosion Engines Part 1

Description: While little has been accomplished in obtaining an abundant supply of light oils from coal and heavy oils, progress has been made on engine design to make use of the heavier oils. Progress has been made in two different directions which are outlined in this paper: the group of engines with medium and high-pressure carburetion in the cylinder; and the group of engines with low-pressure carburetion of the heavy oils before reaching the cylinder.
Date: May 1926
Creator: Heinlein, Fritz
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metal Airplane Construction

Description: It has long been thought that metal construction of airplanes would involve an increase in weight as compared with wood construction. Recent experience has shown that such is not the case. This report describes the materials used, treatment of, and characteristics of metal airplane construction.
Date: May 1926
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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