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open access

Temperature Measurements in Bessemer and Open-Hearth Practice

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over studies conducted on different types of furnaces, specifically the Bessemer and the open-hearth furnace. The results of the studies are presented and discussed. This paper includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: May 8, 1917
Creator: Burgess, George K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Commencement Program for North Texas State College, May 19, 1917]

Description: Commencement program for the May 1917 graduating class of North Texas State College. The program is a plain sheet of cardstock. The program reads, "Commencement Program May 29, 1917 10:00 AM. College Band. Entrance of the Faculty and the Senior Class. Invocation...Mr. J. R. Swenson. Choruses a. Butterfly Boat...Millocker b. Comin through the Rye...Scotch Junior Girls. Address...President J. D. Sandefer, Simmons College, Abiline. Vocal Duet-Passage Birds' Farewell...Eugene Hildach Mrs. Will T. E… more
Date: May 1917
Creator: North Texas State College
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections

[Postcard from Lula Watkins to Linnet White, May 21, 1917]

Description: Letter to Linnet White from Lula Watkins. Two of the corners are ripped and there is an illustration of a few flowers with a backdrop of water and greenery on the front. The writing is on both sides. Lula writes with a brief update of her life and hopes Linnet gets over her whooping cough soon.
Date: May 21, 1917
Creator: Watkins, Lula
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Envelope to Claude D. White]

Description: Envelope addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. White. Mrs. White was C. B. Moore's daughter, Linnet Moore. It was sent care of L. B. Price Mercantile Company, of Fort Worth, Texas.
Date: May 31, 1917
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Letter from Lillian to Linnet White, May 21, 1917]

Description: Letter to Linnet White from Lillian. She wrote to send Linnet her sympathies on the whooping cough Linnet and her daughter have and to express her excitement on the prospect of Linnet visiting this summer. She sends some news about her own well being along with her excitement.
Date: May 21, 1917
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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