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open access

Aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with unswept quarter-chord line, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A004 airfoil section: Transonic-bump method

Description: From Introduction: "This paper presents the results of the investigation of the wing alone and of the wing-fuselage configurations employing a wing with an unswept quarter-chord line, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and an NACA 65A004 airfoil section parallel to the air stream. The experimental results of a wing of identical plan from having an NACA 65A006 airfoil section which was tested as part of the transonic program are presented in reference 1.
Date: May 8, 1950
Creator: Myers, Boyd C., II & Wiggins, James W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamic study of a wing-fuselage combination employing a wing swept back 63 degrees : effectiveness of an elevon as a longitudinal control and the effects of camber and twist on the maximum lift-drag ratio at supersonic speeds

Description: Report presenting an investigation concerned with the measurement of the characteristics of longitudinal-control devices for a wing-fuselage combination with a wing with the leading edge swept back 63 degrees. Most of the investigation was devoted to testing a 30-percent-chord, 50-percent-semispan elevon, but some used upper-surface spoilers. Results regarding the characteristics of the wing with the elevon undeflected and control-surface effectiveness are provided.
Date: May 8, 1950
Creator: Olson, Robert N. & Mead, Merrill H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerodynamics of slender bodies at Mach number of 3.12 and Reynolds numbers from 2 x 10(exp 6) to 15 x 10(exp 6) 2: aerodynamic load distributions of series of five bodies having conical noses and cylindrical afterbodies

Description: Report presenting an experimental investigation to determine the aerodynamic load distributions of a series of five bodies with conical or slightly blunted noses and cylindrical afterbodies in the 1- by 1-foot supersonic wind tunnel. Pressure distributions and viscous drags were measured at Mach number 3.12 for a range of Reynolds numbers and angles of attack.
Date: May 8, 1952
Creator: Jack, John R. & Gould, Lawrence I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Africa: U.S. Foreign Assistance Issues

Description: This report discusses the issue of U.S. economic assistance to sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting the importance of continued assistance in light of U.S. national security and also various U.S.-led efforts to promote reform amongst African citizens themselves. U.S. assistance finds its way to Africa through a variety of channels, including the USAID-administered DA program, food aid programs, and indirect aid provided through international financial institutions and the United Nations.
Date: May 8, 2002
Creator: Copson, Raymond W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Agricultural Disaster Assistance

Description: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers several permanently authorized programs to help farmers recover financially from a natural disaster, including federal crop insurance, the noninsured assistance program, and emergency disaster loans. Since 1988, Congress regularly has made supplemental financial assistance available to farmers and ranchers, primarily in the form of crop disaster payments and emergency livestock assistance. The Senate-passed version of a pending FY2006 supplementa… more
Date: May 8, 2006
Creator: Chite, Ralph M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air Quality: Multi-Pollutant Legislation in the 109th Congress

Description: This report discusses air pollutants (petroleum, natural gas, and coal), which account for about two-thirds of U.S. electricity generation. These gases include several pollutants that directly pose risks to human health and welfare. The report also discusses the utilities that are subject to an array of environmental regulations.
Date: May 8, 2006
Creator: Parker, Larry & Blodgett, John E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aircraft Hushkits: Noise and International Trade

Description: This report discusses aircraft noise regulations as they relate to hushkits, which is a combination of strategies designed to reduce aircraft noise. These strategies can include new technologies, redesigned engine enclosures, replacement engine components, entirely new engines, or a combination of any of the above. This report dicusses the new EU regulation limiting hushkitted commercial jet aircraft in the EU, the United States' response to this regulation, and the effect this could have on in… more
Date: May 8, 2000
Creator: Fischer, John W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Amorphous Diamond Flat Panel Displays - Final Report of ER-LTR CRADA project with SI Diamond Technology

Description: The objective of this project was to determine why diamond-based films are unusually efficient electron emitters (field emission cathodes) at room temperature. Efficient cathodes based on diamond are being developed by SI Diamond Technology (SIDT) as components for bright, sunlight-readable, flat panel displays. When the project started, it was known that only a small fraction (<1%) of the cathode area is active in electron emission and that the emission sites themselves are sub-micron in si… more
Date: May 8, 1998
Creator: Ager, Joel W., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis for Eccentric Multi Canister Overpack (MCO) Drops at the Canister Storage Building (CSB) (CSB-S-0073)

Description: The Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Canister Storage Building (CSB) is the interim storage facility for the K-Basin SNF at the US. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site. The SNF is packaged in multi-canister overpacks (MCOs). The MCOs are placed inside transport casks, then delivered to the service station inside the CSB. At the service station, the MCO handling machine (MHM) moves the MCO from the cask to a storage tube or one of two sample/weld stations. There are 220 standard storage tubes and si… more
Date: May 8, 2000
Creator: Hollenbeck, R. G. & Tu, K. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Analysis of Samples for the ICTAC Lifetime-Prediction Round-Robin Exercise

Description: Derivation of chemical kinetic models for prediction of material and component lifetimes is of broad interest and value. This work analyzes data that was distributed to me, among others, by the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC) as part of a blind study of kinetic analysis. The results from this report will be combined with results from other parties to create a broader comparison of kinetic analysis methods. In addition to the eight ICTAC data sets, which … more
Date: May 8, 2006
Creator: Burnham, A K
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Antineutrino Interactions in the 14' H(2)-Neon BC

Description: We propose a 50-100,000 photo exploratory exposure of the 14{prime} BC filled with {approx}30% Neon, 70% H{sub 2}, to a broad band {bar {nu}} beam produced by whatever intensity ({approx}> 10{sup 12}) IP/pulse and energy ({approx}> 200 GeV) external proton beam is initially available. The Ne-H{sub 2} mixture permits {approx}10 x higher event rate than pure H{sub 2}; also direct detection of {gamma}, K{sub 2}{sup o}, n; better {mu}{sup {+-}}, e{sup {+-}} identification and the possibility … more
Date: May 8, 1972
Creator: Bingham, H. H.; Fretter, W. B.; Yost, G.; Bastien, P.; Kirkpatrick, L.; Lubatti, H. J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Application of Advanced Reservoir Characterization, Simulation, and Production Optimization Strategies to Maximize Recovery in Slope and Basin Clastic Reservoirs, West Texas (Delaware Basin), Class III

Description: The objective of this Class 3 project was demonstrate that detailed reservoir characterization of slope and basin clastic reservoirs in sandstone's of the Delaware Mountain Group in the Delaware Basin of West Texas and New Mexico is a cost effective way to recover oil more economically through geologically based field development. This project was focused on East Ford field, a Delaware Mountain Group field that produced from the upper Bell Canyon Formation (Ramsey sandstone). The field, discove… more
Date: May 8, 2001
Creator: Dutton, Shirley P.; Flanders, William A. & Mendez, Daniel L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements

Description: This report provides an overview of many of the key arms control and nonproliferation agreements and endeavors of the past 40 years, divided into three sections. The first describes arms control efforts between the United States and the states of the former Soviet Union. The second section describes multilateral nuclear nonproliferation efforts. The final section reviews treaties and agreements that address chemical, biological, and conventional weapons.
Date: May 8, 2018
Creator: Woolf, Amy F.; Kerr, Paul K. & Nikitin, Mary Beth D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assessment of General Atomics accelerator transmutation of waste concept based on gas-turbine-modular helium cooled reactor technology.

Description: An assessment has been performed for an Accelerator Transmutation of Waste (ATW) concept based on the use of the high temperature gas reactor technology. The concept has been proposed by General Atomics for the ATW system. The assessment was jointly conducted at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and Los Alamos national laboratory to assess and to define the potential candidates for the ATW system. This report represents the assessment work performed at ANL. The concept uses recycled light water… more
Date: May 8, 2001
Creator: Gohar, Y.; Taiwo, T. A.; Cahalan, J. E. & Finck, P. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Assistance to Firefighters Program: Distribution of Fire Grant Funding

Description: This report discusses the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program, also known as fire grants of the FIRE Act grant program, which provides federal grants directly to local fire departments and unaffiliated Emergency Medical Services (EMS) organizations to help address a variety of equipment, training, and other firefighter-related and EMS needs. This report also discusses the possible reauthorization of AFG and the related Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Firefighters (S… more
Date: May 8, 2009
Creator: Kruger, Lennard G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Avian Flu Pandemic: Potential Impact of Trade Disruptions

Description: Concerns about potential disruptions in U.S. trade flows due to a global health or security crisis are not new. The possibility of an avian flu pandemic with consequences for global trade is a concern that has received attention recently, although some experts believe there is little cause for alarm. This report considers possible trade disruptions, including possible impacts on trade between the United States and countries and regions that have reported avian influenza infections.
Date: May 8, 2008
Creator: Langton, Danielle
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Avian risk behavior and fatalities at the Altamont Wind Resource Area: March 1998 - February 1999

Description: Since 1981, more than 7,000 wind turbines have been installed in the Altamont Wind Resource Area in north-central California. Currently, about 5,000 turbines are operating. Past research efforts demonstrated that wind turbines frequently kill birds, especially raptors. Little is known about the specific flight and perching behaviors by birds near wind turbines. A better understanding of these interactions may one day yield insights on how to minimize bird fatalities. This Phase 1 progress repor… more
Date: May 8, 2000
Creator: Thelander, C. & Rugge, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Backpulse and filter feed velocity effects on Norton filter performance

Description: A series of tests have been conducted using the 2.2 ft{sup 2} Norton filter to solve the fouling problems observed with the ETF Norton system. The objective of these tests was to determine filter efficiency as a function of backpulse strength and feed velocity. Based on experimental results, it is recommend that the filters should be operated at the following conditions: (1) Backpulse Transmembrane Pressure/FeedTransmembrane Pressure (BP/FP) > 1.5, preferably 2 or 3. (2) Feed crossflow velocity… more
Date: May 8, 1990
Creator: Siler, J. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bahrain: Reform, Security, and U.S. Policy

Description: This report discusses the current state of reform and foreign policy in Bahrain. An uprising against Bahrain's Al Khalifa royal family that began on February 14, 2011, has not achieved the goals of Shiite oppositionists to establish a constitutional monarchy. Public unrest has diminished since 2012, but occasional large demonstrations, opposition boycotts of elections, and continued arrests of dissidents counter government assertions that Bahrain has "returned to normal."
Date: May 8, 2015
Creator: Katzman, Kenneth
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Beam stability issues of the VLHC rings

Description: Beam stability issues of the VLHC rings in Phase 1 and Phase 2 are reviewed. For accelerator rings of circumference 232 km and beam pipe radius of the order of 1 cm, the impedance of the vacuum chamber is dominated by the resistive wall. The most dangerous instabilities are the single-bunch transverse mode coupling instability and the transverse coupled bunch instability driven by the resistive wall at sub-revolution frequency. Scaling is studied concerning the thresholds of these instabilities… more
Date: May 8, 2001
Creator: Ng, K.-Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Bench-Scale Studies With Mercury Contaminated SRS Soil

Description: The Savannah River Technology Center (SRTC) has been charactered by the Department of Enregy (DOE) - Office of Technology Development (OTD) to investigate vitrification technology for the treatment of Low Level Mixed Wastes (LLMW). In fiscal year 1995, LLW streams containing mercury and organics were targeted. This report will present the results of studies with mercury contaminated waste. In order to successfully apply vitrification technology to LLMW, the types and quantities of glass forming… more
Date: May 8, 1996
Creator: Cicero, C.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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