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open access

Electron Charged Graphite-based Hydrogen Storage Material

Description: The electron-charge effects have been demonstrated to enhance hydrogen storage capacity using materials which have inherent hydrogen storage capacities. A charge control agent (CCA) or a charge transfer agent (CTA) was applied to the hydrogen storage material to reduce internal discharge between particles in a Sievert volumetric test device. GTI has tested the device under (1) electrostatic charge mode; (2) ultra-capacitor mode; and (3) metal-hydride mode. GTI has also analyzed the charge distr… more
Date: March 14, 2012
Creator: 0812, Dr. Chinbay Q. Fan R&D Manager Office of Technology and Innovations Phone: 847 768
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pump Side-scattering in Ultra-powerful Backward Raman Amplifiers

Description: Extremely large laser power might be obtained by compressing laser pulses through backward Raman amplification (BRA) in plasmas. Premature Raman backscattering of a laser pump by plasma noise might be suppressed by an appropriate detuning of the Raman resonance, even as the desired amplification of the seed persists with a high efficiency. In this paper, we analyze side-scattering of laser pumps by plasma noise in backward Raman amplifiers. Though its growth rate is smaller than that of backsca… more
Date: March 2, 2004
Creator: A.A. Solodov, V.M. Malkin, and N.J. Fisch
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Simulation of Alpha-Channeling in Mirror Machines

Description: Applying α-channeling techniques to mirror machines can significantly increase their effective reactivity, thus making open configurations more advantageous for practical fusion. A large fraction of α particle energy can be extracted using rf waves. Effects employed to cool α particles can also in principle be used to heat the fusion ions; the possibility to design a configuration of rf waves which could be used to perform both tasks is demonstrated.
Date: March 17, 2008
Creator: A.I. Zhmoginov, N.J. Fisch
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Diagnostics for the Biased Electrode Experiment on NSTX

Description: A linear array of four small biased electrodes was installed in NSTX in an attempt to control the width of the scrape-off layer (SOL) by creating a strong local poloidal electric field. The set of electrodes were separated poloidally by a 1 cm gap between electrodes and were located slightly below the midplane of NSTX, 1 cm behind the RF antenna and oriented so that each electrode is facing approximately normal to the magnetic field. Each electrode can be independently biased to ±100 volts. Pre… more
Date: March 20, 2009
Creator: A.L. Roquemore, S.J. Zweben, C.E. Bush, R. Kaita, R. J. Marsalsa, and R.J. Maqueda
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The isotopic ratios of {sup 36}Cl/Cl are used in conjunction with geologic interpretation and numerical modeling to evaluate flow and transport pathways, processes, and model parameters in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain. By synthesizing geochemical and geologic data, the numerical model results provide insight into the validity of alternative hydrologic parameter sets, flow and transport processes in and away from fault zones, and the applicability of {sup 36}Cl/Cl. ratios for evaluatin… more
Date: March 4, 1998
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: This contribution addresses various aspects of nuclear waste vitrification. Nuclear wastes have a variety of components and composition ranges. For each waste composition, the glass must be formulated to possess acceptable processing and product behavior defined in terms of physical and chemical properties that guarantee the glass can be easily made and resist environmental degradation. Glass formulation is facilitated by developing property-composition models, and the strategy of model develop… more
Date: March 24, 2008
Creator: AA, KRUGER & PR, HRMA
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Technetium-99 (Tc-99) can bring a serious environmental threat because of its high fission yield, long half-life, and high solubility and mobility in the ground water. The present work investigated the immobilization of Tc-99 (surrogated by Re) by heat-treating mixtures of an iron-phosphate glass with 1.5 to 6 wt.% KReO{sub 4} at {approx}1000 C. The Re retention in the glass was as high as {approx}1.2 wt. % while the loss of Re by evaporation during melting was {approx}50%. Re was uniformly dis… more
Date: March 19, 2012
Creator: AA, KRUGER; PR, HRMA; K, XU; J, CHOI; W, UM & J, HEO
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Savannah River Project Site Report: 30,000 KW Prototype Partically Enriched Uranium Gas Cooled, Graphite Moderated Nuclear Power Plant for United States Atomic Energy Commission Idaho Operations Office

Description: Report describing a modified prototype of a nuclear reactor that uses partially uranium-enriched fuel and is cooled by helium. The construction site, site safety aspects, and design and construction costs are included.
Date: March 1959
Creator: ACF Industries Incorporated. Nuclear Products - ERCO Division.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Press Release: Marlboro/Miller Beer Boycott]

Description: A press release from ACT UP addressing the recent allegations from the Conservative Campaign Fund (CCF) and the Federal Election Commission (FCE) that LGBT organizations were boycotting Marlboro cigarettes and Miller beer as a way of keeping Jesse Helms from being re-elected.
Date: March 9, 1991
Creator: ACT UP
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

Project Hanford management contract quality improvement project management plan

Description: On July 13, 1998, the U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) Manager transmitted a letter to Fluor Daniel Hanford, Inc. (FDH) describing several DOE-RL identified failed opportunities for FDH to improve the Quality Assurance (QA) Program and its implementation. In addition, DOE-RL identified specific Quality Program performance deficiencies. FDH was requested to establish a periodic reporting mechanism for the corrective action program. In a July 17, 1998 response to DOE… more
Date: March 25, 1999
Creator: ADAMS, D.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The objectives of the confirmatory activities were to provide independent contractor field data reviews and to generate independent radiological data for use by the NRC in evaluating the adequacy and accuracy of the contractor�s procedures and FSS results. ORAU reviewed ABB CE�s decommissioning plan, final status survey plan, and the applicable soil DCGLs, which were developed based on an NRC-approved radiation dose assessment. The surveys include gamma surface scans, gamma direct measurements,… more
Date: March 25, 2013
Creator: ADAMS, WADE C
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

[Receipt #1]

Description: A receipt of a payment from the AIDS ARMS Network, Inc. (Prism Health North Texas) to the AIDS Resource Center (Resource Center Dallas).
Date: March 26, 1990
Creator: AIDS ARMS Network, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
open access

[Receipt #3]

Description: A receipt from the AIDS ARMS Network, Inc. for a Texas Department of Health advance to the AIDS Resource Center, dated March 26, 1990.
Date: March 26, 1990
Creator: AIDS ARMS Network, Inc.
Partner: UNT Libraries Special Collections
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