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open access

1-1/2-Loop Semiscale Isothermal Test Program: Program and System Description in Support of Experiment Data Reports.

Description: The isothermal test series is part of the Semiscale Blowdown and Emergency Core Cooling (ECC) Project conducted by Aerojet Nuclear Company for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. The test series consisted of ten blowdown tests and five hot-wall tests with emphasis on emergency core coolant delivery. The blowdown tests were conducted to investigate the effects of lower plenum geometry, heat transfer configuration, ECC injection location, downcomer gap size, and break size.
Date: February 1, 1974
Creator: Aerojet Nuclear Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The purpose of this task was to determine if mixing was an issue for the entrainment and dispersion of the Modular Caustic Side Solvent Extraction (CSSX) Unit (MCU) solvent in the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) Strip Effluent Feed Tank (SEFT). The MCU strip effluent stream containing the Cs removed during salt processing will be transferred to the DWPF for immobilization in HLW glass. In lab-scale DWPF chemical process cell testing, mixing of the solvent in the dilute nitric acid solu… more
Date: February 1, 2006
Creator: Hansen, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

01-ERD-111 - The Development of Synthetic High Affinity Ligands

Description: The aim of this project was to develop Synthetic High-Affinity Ligands (SHALs), which bind with high affinity and specificity to proteins of interest for national security and cancer therapy applications. The aim of producing synthetic ligands for sensory devices as an alternative to antibody-based detection assays and therapeutic agents is to overcome the drawbacks associated with antibody-based in next-generation sensors and systems. The focus area of the project was the chemical synthesis of… more
Date: February 5, 2004
Creator: Perkins, J; Balhorn, R; Cosman, M; Lightstone, F & Zeller, L
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1/m<sub>c</sub> Terms in lambda<sup>+</sup><sub>c</sub> Semileptonic Decays

Description: We use the heavy quark effective theory to investigate the form factors that describe the semileptonic decays lambda<sup>+</sup><sub>c</sub> -> lambda e<sup>+</sup> nu, to order 1/m<sub>c</sub>. We find that a total of four form factors are needed to this order, in contrast with two form factors to leading order, and six form factors in the most general case. We point out some relationships that arise among the general form factors.
Date: February 1, 1992
Creator: Roberts, Winston
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1 to 2 GeV/c beam line for hypernuclear and kaon research

Description: A kaon beam line operating in the range from 1.0 to 2.0 GeV/c is proposed. The line is meant for kaon and pion research in a region hitherto inaccessible to experimenters. Topics in hypernuclear and kaon physics of high current interest include the investigation of doubly strange nuclear systems with the K/sup -/,K/sup +/ reaction, searching for dibaryon resonances, hyperon-nucleon interactions, hypernuclear ..gamma.. rays, and associated production of excited hypernuclei. The beam line would p… more
Date: February 15, 1985
Creator: Chrien, R. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1-watt composite-slab Er:YAG laser. Revision 1

Description: A diode-side-pumped discrete-optic Er{sup 3+} :YAG laser employs pump-light coupling through a sapphire plate diffusion-bonded to the laser slab, removing heat directly at the pump face of the slab instead of requiring conduction through to its far side. This lowers the temperature in the gain region and gives reduced thermal lensing, which produces exceptional beam quality (M{sup 2} {approx} 1.3) at output powers {approx} 0.3 Watt. Powers above 1 Watt have been demonstrated with peak slope eff… more
Date: February 13, 1997
Creator: Page, R. H.; Bartels, R. A.; Beach, R. J.; Sutton, S. B.; Furu, L. H. & LaSala, J. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The 2.3 {angstrom} crystal structure of cholera toxin B subunit pentamer: Choleragenoid

Description: Cholera toxin, a heterohexameric AB{sub 5} enterotoxin released by Vibrio cholera, induces a profuse secretory diarrhea in susceptible hosts. Choleragenoid, the B subunit pentamer of cholera toxin, directs the enzymatic A subunit to its target by binding to GM{sub 1} gangliosides exposed on the luminal surface of intestinal epithelial cells. We have solved the crystal structure of choleragenoid at 2.3 {Angstrom} resolution by combining single isomorphous replacement with non-crystallographic sy… more
Date: February 1, 1996
Creator: Zhang, Rong-Guang; Westbrook, M. L.; Maulik, P. R.; Reed, R. A.; Shipley, G.; Westbrook, E. M. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-body final states in peripheral heavy-ion collisions: nuclear clustering structure and projectile excitation revisited

Description: Even though peripheral heavy-ion collisions are less violent than their central counterparts, the large energy exchange between the reactants often leaves the primary products in excited particle-unstable states whose subsequent decay leads to 3 or more nuclei emerging in the final exit channel. These post-reaction, predominantly sequential de-excitation processes can sometimes provide interesting structural information about the parent nuclei. In fact, provided these processes are well underst… more
Date: February 1, 1986
Creator: Chan, Y.; Chavez, E.; Gazes, S.B.; Kamermans, R.; Schmidt, H.R.; Siwek-Wilczynska, J. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Finite Element Analyses of the Egan Cavern Field

Description: Three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed for the two gas-filled storage caverns at the Egan field, Jennings dome, Louisiana. The effects of cavern enlargement on surface subsidence, storage loss, and cavern stability were investigated. The finite element model simulated the leaching of caverns to 6 and 8 billion cubic feet (BCF) and examined their performance at various operating conditions. Operating pressures varied from 0.15 psi/ft to 0.9 psi/ft at the bottom of the lowest ce… more
Date: February 1999
Creator: Klamerus, E.W. & Ehgartner, B.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Force-balanced Magnetospheric Configurations

Description: The knowledge of plasma pressure is essential for many physics applications in the magnetosphere, such as computing magnetospheric currents and deriving magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. A thorough knowledge of the 3-D pressure distribution has however eluded the community, as most in-situ pressure observations are either in the ionosphere or the equatorial region of the magnetosphere. With the assumption of pressure isotropy there have been attempts to obtain the pressure at different locatio… more
Date: February 10, 2003
Creator: Zaharia, Sorin; Cheng, C. Z. & Maezawa, K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 3-d modular gripper design tool

Description: Modular fixturing kits are sets of components used for flexible, rapid construction of fixtures. A modular vise is a parallel-jaw vise, each jaw of which is a modular fixture plate with a regular grid of precisely positioned holes. To fixture a part, one places pins in some of the holes so that when the vise is closed, the part is reliably located and completely constrained. The modular vise concept can be adapted easily to the design of modular parallel-jaw grippers for robots. By attaching a … more
Date: February 1, 1997
Creator: Brown, R.G. & Brost, R.C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Numerical Modeling of a Complex Salt Structure

Description: Reliably processing, imaging, and interpreting seismic data from areas with complicated structures, such as sub-salt, requires a thorough understanding of elastic as well as acoustic wave propagation. Elastic numerical modeling is an essential tool to develop that understanding. While 2-D elastic modeling is in common use, 3-D elastic modeling has been too computationally intensive to be used routinely. Recent advances in computing hardware, including commodity-based hardware, have substantiall… more
Date: February 17, 2000
Creator: House, L.; Larsen, S. & Bednar, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D sedimentological and geophysical studies of clastic reservoir analogs: Facies architecture, reservoir properties, and flow behavior within delta front facies elements of the Cretaceous Wall Creek Member, Frontier Formation, Wyoming

Description: This project examined the internal architecture of delta front sandstones at two locations within the Turonian-age Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation, in Wyoming. The project involved traditional outcrop field work integrated with core-data, and 2D and 3D ground penetrating radar (GPR) imaging from behind the outcrops. The fluid-flow engineering work, handled through a collaborative grant given to PI Chris White at LSU, focused on effects on fluid flow of late-stage calcite cement nodu… more
Date: February 16, 2007
Creator: Bhattacharya, Janok P. & McMechan, George A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D Seismic Imaging of Complex Geologies

Description: We present three codes for the Intel Paragon that address the problem of three-dimensional seismic imaging of complex geologies. The first code models acoustic wave propagation and can be used to generate data sets to calibrate and validate seismic imaging codes. This code reported the fastest timings for acoustic wave propagation codes at a recent SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists) meeting. The second code implements a Kirchhoff method for pre-stack depth migration. Development of this… more
Date: February 1, 1995
Creator: Womble, David E.; Dosanjh, Sudip S.; VanDyke, John P.; Oldfield, Ron A. & Greenberg, David S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3-D slug flow heat transfer analysis of coupled coolant cells in finite LMFBR bundles

Description: A three-dimensional single region slug flow heat transfer analysis for finite LMFBR rod bundles using a classical analytical solution method has been performed. According to the isolated single cell analysis, the results show that the peripheral clad temperature variation as well as the thermal entrance length are strongly dependent upon the degree of irregularity displayed by various coolant geometries. Since under the present LMFBR conditions, fully-developed temperature fields may hardly be … more
Date: February 1, 1978
Creator: Wong, C.N. & Wolf, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A 3-dimensional ray-trace model for predicting the performance of flashlamp-pumped laser amplifiers

Description: We have developed a fully three-dimensional model for the performance of flashlamp pumped laser amplifiers. The model uses a reverse ray-trace technique to calculate the pumping of the laser glass by the flashlamp radiation. We have discovered several different methods by which we can speed up the calculation of the gain profile in a amplifier. The model predicts the energy-storage performance of the Beamlet amplifiers to better than 5%. This model will be used in the optimization of the Nation… more
Date: February 13, 1997
Creator: Jancaitis, K.S.; Haney, S.W.; Munro, D.H.; Le Touze, G. & Cabourdin, O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

T-3 electron-beam-excited laser system

Description: A laser system specifically designed to study the kinetics of electron-beam driven systems is described. Details of the system are given along with measurements of the electron-beam uniformity and deposition in the laser medium. Some HF laser results obtained with this system are also given.
Date: February 1, 1981
Creator: Klein, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

3(omega) Damage: Growth Mitigation

Description: The design of high power UV laser systems is limited to a large extent by the laser-initiated damage performance of transmissive fused silica optical components. The 3{omega} (i.e., the third harmonic of the primary laser frequency) damage growth mitigation LDRD effort focused on understanding and reducing the rapid growth of laser-initiated surface damage on fused silica optics. Laser-initiated damage can be discussed in terms of two key issues: damage initiated at some type of precursor and r… more
Date: February 22, 2001
Creator: Kozlowski, M; Demos, S; Wu, Z-L; Wong, J; Penetrante, B & Hrubesh, L
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

04-ERD-052-Final Report

Description: Generating the sequence of the human genome represents a colossal achievement for science and mankind. The technical use for the human genome project information holds great promise to cure disease, prevent bioterror threats, as well as to learn about human origins. Yet converting the sequence data into biological meaningful information has not been immediately obvious, and we are still in the preliminary stages of understanding how the genome is organized, what are the functional building bloc… more
Date: February 26, 2007
Creator: Loots, G. G.; Ovcharenko, I.; Collette, N.; Babu, P.; Chang, J.; Stubbs, L. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

4 K to 20 K Rotational-Cooling Magnetic Refrigerator Capable of 1-Mw to >1-W Operation

Description: The low-temperature, magnetic entropy of certain single-crystal paramagnetic materials, such as DyPO/sub 4/, changes dramatically as the crystal rotates in a magnetic field. A new magnetic refrigerator design based on the anisotropic nature of such materials is presented. The key advantages of the rotational-cooling concept are (1) a single, rotary motion is required, (2) magnetic field shaping is not a problem because the entire working material is in a constant field, and (3) the refrigerator… more
Date: February 1, 1980
Creator: Barclay, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

N >= 4 Supergravity Amplitudes from Gauge Theory at Two Loops

Description: We present the full two-loop four-graviton amplitudes in N = 4, 5, 6 supergravity. These results were obtained using the double-copy structure of gravity, which follows from the recently conjectured color-kinematics duality in gauge theory. The two-loop four-gluon scattering amplitudes in N = 0, 1, 2 supersymmetric gauge theory are a second essential ingredient. The gravity amplitudes have the expected infrared behavior: the two-loop divergences are given in terms of the squares of the correspo… more
Date: February 15, 2012
Creator: Boucher-Veronneau, C. & Dixon, L. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

5-cm, no iron SSC 6-m dipole test program

Description: Magnet Design B for the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) consists of a 5 cm diameter collared coil assembly 12 m long with concentric aluminum thermal shields at 10 K and 80 K, a G-10 post type support system and a minimal iron vacuum vessel located at a large radius from the coil. In order to determine the behavior of such a magnet under both direct current and quenching conditions, a 6 m model was built using Tevatron tooling to produce a 7.6 cm diameter coil. The dc operation demonstrate… more
Date: February 1, 1986
Creator: Mazur, P. O.; Carson, J. A.; Engler, N. H.; Fisk, H. E.; Gonczy, J. D.; Hanft, R. W. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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