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Static Tests of Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum and Carbon Steel

Description: The experiments described in this report were performed for two purposes: (1) to find a chemical, or combination of chemicals, that would be effective for inhibiting corrosion of steel in static portions of the Hanford water systems, and (2) as screening tests to select candidate mixtures for further testing to replace sodium dichromate as the inhibitor of aluminum and steel corrosion in the Hanford single-pass reactor cooling water.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Richman, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

Geologic map and sections of the Thirsty Canyon SE quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada

Description: Preliminary 16 x 7.5 minute map of the Thirsty Canyon quadrangle, showing geology, roads, drainage, meridians and parallels, triangulation stations, and air-photo centers and wing points.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Lipman, Peter W.; Quinlivan, W. D.; Carr, Wilfred James & Anderson, R. Ernest
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The vapors of potassium, rubidium, and cesium have been photoionized with light absorbed in the discrete region of the atomic spectrum. The energy threshold for the ionization process has been determined and the ions produced identified by mobility measurements. The data give lower limits for the dissociation energies of K{sup +2}, Rb{sup +2} and Cs{sup +2}. Each of these molecular ions has a bond energy approximately 50% greater than that of the corresponding neutral molecule. In addition, low… more
Date: February 1, 1965
Creator: Lee, Yuan-tseh & Mahan, Bruce H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Computer calculation of angular momentum coupling coefficients and of (d,p) stripping reaction cross section. Technical report No. 14. [B53 DWC, B53GOR, B53RIM, B53SIX, in FORTRAN]

Description: A theoretical expression for the stripping differential cross section is derived and prepared for computer evaluation. Input information is provided for the code B53DWC, which calculates this cross section, and the codes B53GOR, B53SIX, and B53RIM, which evaluate 3-J, 6-J, and 9-J coefficients. (RWR)
Date: February 1, 1965
Creator: Strobel, G.L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production Test IP-719: The effect of water plant variables on effluent activity. Final report

Description: One source of the parent materials which are converted into the radioisotopes in reactor effluent is the impurity content of Columbia River water. It has been demonstrated that as the efficiency of removal of the radioisotope parent materials increases, the amount of radioisotopes in the reactor effluent decreases. An example of this is the activity reduction which results from the use of high alum feed. In order to determine whether effluent activity would be influenced by the length of filter… more
Date: February 23, 1965
Creator: Geier, R. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Examination of furnace belt failure in 232-Z incinerator

Description: Metallographic examination has been completed on samples from the Nichrome V wire mesh furnace belt in the 232-Z building incinerator. During service the furnace belt had broken in several places where the wire was welded together. A grain boundary phase was found in weld metal during metallographic examination of the as received material. It is probable to conclude that the failure during service was caused by accelerated corrosion of the weld and that the accelerated corrosion in that area wa… more
Date: February 11, 1965
Creator: Nelson, T. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Evaluated Neutron Cross Sections for Tritium

Description: From foreword: Evaluation of the experimental data on the light isotopes, hydrogen through beryllium, was initiated by LASL in mid-1963. Since the data compilations available were completely inadequate for the task at hand, the tedious program of compiling and plotting was undertaken. As the work progressed an attempt was made to eliminate many of the obvious errors and inconsistencies found in the literature and existing compilations.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Stewart, Leona
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Photoelastic evaluation of Phoebus 2 main closure design

Description: A two dimensional photoelastic study of two designs of clamps for the Phoebus 2 main closure is detailed. Predicted prototype stress data is given in the form of a stress parameter which includes the axial load and a representative clamp radius.
Date: February 5, 1965
Creator: Fischer, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experience in the Shipment of Yankee Fuel Assemblies for Post-Irradiation Examination

Description: From abstract: This report presents the knowledge and experience gained from fifteen spent Yankee Core I fuel assemblies shipments. It discusses the equipment employed, the approvals required, and the technical and administrative problems that had to be resolved.
Date: February 1965
Creator: James, B.; Payne, D. D. & Walchli, H. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tungsten Cladding of Tungsten-Uranium Dioxide (W-UO2) Composites by Deposition from Tungsten Hexafluoride (WF6)

Description: A program is being conducted to develop a process for cladding tungsten and tungsten cermet fuels with tungsten deposited from the vapor state by the hydrogen reduction of tungsten hexafluoride. Early work was performed using recrystallized, high purity, commercial tungsten as the substrate material. Temperatures in the range 660 to 12950F (350 to 1700°C) and pressures from 10 to 350 mm Hg were investigated. Hydrogen to WF 6 ratios of 10: 1 to 150: 1 were utilized. Efforts were directed toward… more
Date: February 15, 1965
Creator: Lamartine, J.T. & Hoppe, A.W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Small-scale Investigation of the Possibility of Constructing Low-Relief Earth-Fill Dams Using Nuclear Explosives

Description: The experiment described herein has shown that the concept of low dams produced by ballistic collision of ejecta from simultaneous detonation of properly spaced parallel rows of charges is a feasible one. Rows of 8-pound charges were buried 3 feet deep with 4-foot spacing between charges. When two such rows of charges were placed parallel and 17.5 feet apart, the maximum height of the "dam" was achieved. The spacing of 17.5 feet between rows corresponds to 4.7 times the crater radius of one 8-p… more
Date: February 1965
Creator: Vortman, Luke J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design, Construction, and Initial Operation of General Atomic In-Pile Loop

Description: From preface: To test the HTGR fuel-element design under environmental conditions of radiation, temperature, and pressure that approximate those in the Peach Bottom core and to test the operability of a dynamic system containing a vented graphite-clad fuel element.
Date: February 15, 1965
Creator: Simon, R. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Project OTTER (Overland Train Terrain Evaluation Research), Report 2: Test Report

Description: Report describing the results of a program to test and evaluate the cross-country mobility of the Overland Train (a logistical cargo carrier) in a desert environment. This study used a system for terrain classification developed by the U.S Engineer Waterways Experiment Station as part of the tests made on various courses at the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Shamburger, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pluto fuel element fabrication at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory

Description: Declassified 26 Nov 1973. Development of an extrusion-based process for producing beryllia fuel elements for the Pluto nuciear powered ramjet is described. The goal was to extrude and fire hexagonal tubes to close dimensional tolerances without grinding. Sinterable beryllia powder was fueled by precipitating uranium and fuel additives from a single aqueous solution in which the beryllia had been slurried. After sintering, the fuel phase consisted of a phasestabilized solid solution of urania (U… more
Date: February 1, 1965
Creator: Sandholtz, W.A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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