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Technical Concept-Operation Henre

Description: From Introduction: "As a result of research accomplished during Operation BREN in 1962, it has been proposed that a monoenergetic point neutron source be constructed and operated on the same tower. The field experiment which would be conducted at this time has been designated as Operation HENRE (High Energy Neutron Reactions Experiment)."
Date: February 1965
Creator: Haywood, F. F. & Auxier, J. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Mobile Radiological Measuring Unit: Description and Operating Information

Description: From Introduction: "This report contains a description of the MRMU, detailed operating information, emergency procedures, and health physics operating regulations. Also included are parts lists (Appendix A), an electrical system schematic (Appendix B), a hydraulic system schematic ( Appendix C), and EG &G Drawing No. NE-1054, which shows the shell assembly of the multiple-source pig (Appendix D)."
Date: February 1965
Creator: Burson, Z. G.; Summers, R. L. & Brashears, J. T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

An Engineering Evaluation of the Long-Tube Vertical Falling-Film Distillation Process

Description: Report issued by the Office of Saline Water over engineering studies on the long-tube vertical falling-film distillation process. As stated in the introduction, "it is the objective of this report to study the falling-film distillation and to prepare an engineering evaluation of the process and the design of major items of equipment, with particular emphasis upon improving production and operational reliability and upon reducing product cost" (p. 1). This report includes tables, and illustratio… more
Date: February 1965
Creator: Dow Chemical Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 2/3/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes rehearsal and performance of Musetta's Waltz from Puccini's La bohème, and features an interview with Madame Fosca Crespi, step-daughter of Puccini.
Date: February 3, 1965
Duration: 30 minutes 41 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 2/10/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes performances of Verdi's Overture to Luisa Miller and Schubert's Unfinished Symphony.
Date: February 10, 1965
Duration: 30 minutes 48 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 2/17/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes performances of Suppé's Poet and Peasant Overture and Weber's Invitation to the Dance, and features an interview with Luigi Gaddoni.
Date: February 17, 1965
Duration: 30 minutes 29 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library

NBC Radio Broadcast: Toscanini - The Man Behind the Legend, 2/24/1965

Description: This recording is a part of the radio series “Toscanini: The Man Behind the Legend,” which was a tribute to conductor Arturo Toscanini. The broadcasts consist of music performed by the NBC Orchestra as well as interviews with composers, conductors, orchestra members, and other people associated with Toscanini. This segment includes performances of Rossini's Overture to Il signor Bruschino and Sibelius' Finlandia, and features an interview with the maestro's daughter, Wally Toscanini.
Date: February 24, 1965
Duration: 30 minutes 03 seconds
Creator: Gillis, Don, 1912-1978
Partner: UNT Music Library
open access

Calibration of Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers

Description: Report discussing important elements of thermometer design. Factors affecting the use of common types of liquid-in-glass thermometers are included together with tables of tolerances and reasonably attainable accuracies. The calculation of corrections for the temperature of the emergent stem is given in detail for various types of thermometers and conditions of use.
Date: February 12, 1965
Creator: Swindells, James F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Southwest Retort, Volume 17, Number 6, February 1965

Description: This publication of the Dallas-Fort Worth Section of the American Chemical Society includes information about research, prominent scientist, organizational business, and various other stories of interest to the community. Published monthly during long academic semesters.
Date: February 1965
Creator: American Chemical Society. Dallas/Fort Worth Section.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Gas-Cooled Reactor Project Semiannual Progress Report: September 1964

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing semiannual progress made by the Gas-Cooled Reactor Program. Descriptions of progress and studies conducted are presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Trauger, D. B. & Whitman, G. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Microscopic and Autoradiographic Studies of Distribution of Uranium in the Rat Kidney

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing studies conducted on uranium retention in rat kidneys. Methods, equipment, and results of the studies are presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Jones, Edith Seymour
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Static Tests of Corrosion Inhibitors for Aluminum and Carbon Steel

Description: The experiments described in this report were performed for two purposes: (1) to find a chemical, or combination of chemicals, that would be effective for inhibiting corrosion of steel in static portions of the Hanford water systems, and (2) as screening tests to select candidate mixtures for further testing to replace sodium dichromate as the inhibitor of aluminum and steel corrosion in the Hanford single-pass reactor cooling water.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Richman, R. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Addendum to the Spert IV Hazards Summary Report: Capsule Driver Core

Description: From abstract: "explain all important features pertaining to a new pulsed irradiation reactor, the Capsule Driver, Core, and to analyze the potential problems and hazards of operating this reactor in the existing Spert IV facility."
Date: February 1965
Creator: Miller, R. W.; McCardell, Richard K. & Lagier, T. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Kingman reef

Description: This memorandum describes the search for an acceptable test site for surface detonations of nuclear devices. Concern is expressed over possible Tsunami hazards. Kingman Reef is recommended as a designated target area, and it is recommended that Palmyra Island be investigated as to availability.
Date: February 17, 1965
Creator: Gilbert, F. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Project OTTER (Overland Train Terrain Evaluation Research), Report 2: Test Report

Description: Report describing the results of a program to test and evaluate the cross-country mobility of the Overland Train (a logistical cargo carrier) in a desert environment. This study used a system for terrain classification developed by the U.S Engineer Waterways Experiment Station as part of the tests made on various courses at the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona.
Date: February 1965
Creator: Shamburger, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Small-scale Investigation of the Possibility of Constructing Low-Relief Earth-Fill Dams Using Nuclear Explosives

Description: The experiment described herein has shown that the concept of low dams produced by ballistic collision of ejecta from simultaneous detonation of properly spaced parallel rows of charges is a feasible one. Rows of 8-pound charges were buried 3 feet deep with 4-foot spacing between charges. When two such rows of charges were placed parallel and 17.5 feet apart, the maximum height of the "dam" was achieved. The spacing of 17.5 feet between rows corresponds to 4.7 times the crater radius of one 8-p… more
Date: February 1965
Creator: Vortman, Luke J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Experience in the Shipment of Yankee Fuel Assemblies for Post-Irradiation Examination

Description: From abstract: This report presents the knowledge and experience gained from fifteen spent Yankee Core I fuel assemblies shipments. It discusses the equipment employed, the approvals required, and the technical and administrative problems that had to be resolved.
Date: February 1965
Creator: James, B.; Payne, D. D. & Walchli, H. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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