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open access

Determination of Cerium-144 in Vegetation and Soil

Description: Report issued by the Atomic Energy Commission over studies conducted on the determination of cerium-144 in vegetation and soil. Materials and methods used in the determination are discussed. This report includes tables, and an illustration.
Date: February 1964
Creator: Sutton, Doris C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thin Film Vapor Compression Saline Water Conversion System

Description: From Introduction: "This report is the final report on the research and development program carried out by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation on the Westinghouse Thin Film Vapor Compression Saline Water Conversion System."
Date: February 1964
Creator: Willenbrock, A., Jr.; Chamberlin, R. M.; Fraser, D. R.; McGinnis, G. E.; Cyphers, J. A. & Wisnicki, J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Shielding Against Gamma Rays, Neutrons, and Electrons From Nuclear Weapons: A Review and Bibliography

Description: Report discussing the problem of predicting dose rates and of estimating the effectiveness of shielding from radiations resulting from nuclear explosions. A number of calculations and supporting experiments regarding the penetration and diffusion of gamma rays, neutrons, and electrons through air and bulk materials are summarized. Indications are given of gaps in such input information. A selection of 485 references from the unclassified literature is presented, of which 388 are cataloged as to… more
Date: February 24, 1964
Creator: Hubbell, J. H. & Spencer, L. V.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Study of EOCR Modifications for Testing Fast Reactor Fuels

Description: Report issued by the APDA over studies conducted on "methods for increasing the power generation in a fast reactor fuel element test sample" (p. 9). The methods investigated are presented and discussed. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: February 17, 1964
Creator: Ball, G.; DeFelice, J.; Edwards, J. J.; Jens, W. H.; Kovac, L. R.; Poggi, R. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Advanced Test Reactor Servo Regulator Rod Test Program

Description: From abstract: "Verify rod mechanism characteristics reported by the United Shoe Machinery Corporation, demonstrate that rod mechanism characteristics were compatible with reactor kinetics and that over-all reactor system behavior was stable, and to recommend system modifications needed for satisfactory performance."
Date: February 1964
Creator: Pickett, R. T., III
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1000 MegaWatt Boiling Water Reactor Plant Feasibility Study: Volume 2

Description: From introduction: "Presents the detailed description of a 1000 MW Electric Power Plant employing one or two Boiling Water Reactors as the steam source."
Date: February 14, 1964
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

1000 MegaWatt Boiling Water Reactor Plant Feasibility Study: Volume 3

Description: From introduction: "Contains the appendices and a complete set of drawings related to the 1000 MWe Boiling Water Reactor Plant Feasibility Study performed by the General Electric Company for the United States Atomic Energy Commission."
Date: February 14, 1964
Creator: General Electric Company
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flow Stability of Gas-Solids Suspensions: Final Report

Description: From abstract: One of the principal purposes of the work reported was to study the stability of gas-solids suspensions in the presence of a thermal gradient. Previously reported experience with unstable suspensions is summarized.
Date: February 1964
Creator: Wachtell, G. P. & Waggener, J. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Construction of a Sea-Level, Transisthmian Canal Using Nuclear Explosives

Description: Partial abstract: "This report is based: (1) on information developed in earlier high explosive experiments which determined the optimum spacing and burial depth of charges in a row to produce a channel uniformly wide and deep, and (2) on the Sedan and Danny Boy experiments, which provided data on dimensions of nuclear craters in both soil and basalt rock. This information has been combined with the 1947 route surveys of the Panama Canal company, and estimates have been made not only of the num… more
Date: February 1964
Creator: Vortman, Luke J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stress Analysis of Specimens for in-Pile Creep Tests of Parabolic Graphite Beams

Description: The irradiation-induced creep of graphite is being investigated in experiments that consist of loading parabolically shaped cantilever beams at the free end and measuring the resulting deflections with time. A series of stress analyses was made to verify the applicability of the elementary strength-of- materials approach for obtaining relations between stress and creep strain from the load-deflection data. The results of the analyses, which included a theory- of-elasticity solution, an evaluati… more
Date: February 1, 1964
Creator: Corum, J. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Reactor Development Program Progress Report, January 1964

Description: Research and development activities are reported on Borax-V, ZPR-III No. 44, ZPR-VI No. 1, ZPR-IX, EBR-I, EBR-II, EBWR, Treat, Faret, Rapsodie Reactor, critical assemblies, fast reactors, Argonne Low Power Research Reactor, Topsy, Godiva, Argonaut Reactor, Argonne Advanced Research Reactor, Rocket Fuel Test Reactor, magnetohydrodynamic cells, and fuel cells. Reactor technology and investigations are reported in reactor physics, fuels and materials development, component development, heat engine… more
Date: February 15, 1964
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Anodization of the SNAP reflector for the 125 kw, 1300 deg F design point results in a reflector temperature of 760 deg F. By comparison the reflector temperature for the 53 kw, 1200 deg F design point with no anodization was 795 deg F. (auth)
Date: February 18, 1964
Creator: Dufoe, G.E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A STUDY OF THE NUCLEAR REACTIONS Mg$sup 26$(p,t)Mg$sup 24$ AND Mg$sup 26$(He$sup 4$,He$sup 6$)Mg*SUP $sup 2$$sup 4$

Description: The argular distributions and spectra for the neutron pickup reactions Mg/sup 26/(p,t)Mg/sup 24/ and Mg ( alpha ,He/sup 6/)Mg/sup 24/ at 28 and 40 Mev, respectively, are compared. The equality of the ground state pickup momentum transfers at 15 deg permits a study of the relative excitations for transitions to the discrete state observed. The ground ( theta +), 1.37-Mev (2/sup +/), 4.12- 4.23 Mev (4/sup +/--2/sup +/), 5.22-Mev (3/sup +/), and 6-Mev (4/sup +/) states are compared. Unresolved str… more
Date: February 1, 1964
Creator: Rickey, M. E.; Wegner, H. E.; Jones, K. W.; Bardin, B. M.; Hoot, C. & Kondo, M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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