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open access

The Effects of 250-kv X-Ray on the Dog's Pancreas: Morphological and Functional Changes

Description: Previous investigations that the pancreas is a radioresistant organ. Ivy in 1924 noted the presence of a fibrotic atrophic pancreas in a dog which had received one erythema dose to the epigastrium. Fisher in 1923 reported that four to five erythema doses delivered in a single application caused complete disappearance of the irradiated pancreatic remnant in about two months. These dogs died because of uncontrolled diabetes. One dog that received four erythema doses (possibly 200 r) was sacrifice… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Archamefau, John; Griem, Melvin & Harper, Paul
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effects of Radiations of Different let on Early Responses in the Mammal

Description: This paper will first note briefly the place and status of radiobiotopical investigations with fast neutrons. The monoenergetic (fast) neutron technique employed at this laboratory will be then described and results of studies with various criteria-of-effect in the mouse will be reviewed. Finally, certain general patterns of response for these systems will be pointed out as functions of neutron energy.
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Bateman, J. L. & Bond, V. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Information concerning the corrosive effects of water in power reactor moderator-coolant systems is presented. The information is based on investigations reported in the unclassified literature believed to be fairly complete to 1959, but less complete since then. The material is presented in sections on water decomposition, water chemistry, materials corrosion, corrosion product deposits, and radioactivity. It is noted that the report is presented as a part of a continuing program in developmen… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Breden, C.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Measured Doppler Coefficient of Thorium Dispersed in Graphite

Description: The Doppler coefficient in thorium dispersed in graphite was measured in a reactor spectrum developed in the HTGR critical assembly, using a reactivity technique that compares the reactivity of a single cold element and a single hot element heated to 700 deg K. The considerable correction due to the small perturbation in neutron temperature resulting from the heating has been experimentally determined by auxiliary measurements. An activation technique has been used to check the results. In this… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Brown, J. R. & Sampson, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Indirect Effect of X-Radiation on Bone Growth in Rats

Description: It has been known for many years that bone growth may be retarded by relatively large doses of therapeutic radiation. Similar doses of radiation have also shown retarded growth in animals. More recently, reports of studies of Japanese children exposed to the Atomic Bomb Detentions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Marshallese children exposed to radiation in the fallout accident of 1954 have indicated some impairment in their growth and development, possibly related to radiation exposure. Since the… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Conard, R. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Possibilities and Limitations in the use of Tritiated Thymidine for in Vivo Cytokinetic Studies on Lymphoreticular Tissue

Description: Tritiated thymidine (H3TDR), a specific precursor of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), has proved to be a valuable tool in the study of in vivo cellular kinetics. Various methods of analysis have been used in autoradiographic investigations of proliferative patterns and time parameters in different cell lines.
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Cottier, H.; Odartchenko, N.; Feinendegen, L. E. & Bond, V. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Microbeam as a Tool in Radiobiology

Description: In the analysis of the effect of ionizing radiation on living systems, the problem is complicated by the interaction of one part of the system with other parts. If an entire mouse is subjected to radiation, only a few of the most radiosensitive organs, the "weak links," react to the insult and essentially limit the size of the dose delivered since there is little to be learned from irradiating a dead mouse. Thus an insensitive organ like muscle will not respond at all to a total body dose. Like… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Curtis, Howard J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Chronic Excess Salt Consumption as an Etiologic Factor in Human Hypertension

Description: Since 1940 it has been known that extra salt (i.e. sodium chloride) facilitated the development of experimental hypertension induced by various sterols; subsequently hypertension was induced by desoxycorticosterone acetate plus sodium chloride; then hypertension was produced by using hypertonic saline as the sole source of liquid; and finally, in 1953, Menesly and his associates reported that chronic ingestion of excess dietary salt alone would produce hypertension in rats. Furthermore, in conf… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Dahl, Lewis K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

HIGH-TEMPERATURE LIQUID-METAL TECHNOLOGY REVIEW. A Bimonthly Technical Progress Review. Vol. 1, No. 1

Description: Unclassified technical reports and papers in the hightemperature liquid- metal field are reviewed. All phases of liquid-metal technology pertinent to the space power development program are covered, including materials development, corrosion, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, instrumentation, component development, physical properties, and power systems. Twelve reviews are included. (M.C.G.)
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Dwyer, O.E. ed.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermodynamics of Fused Salt Mixtures From EMF Measurements. The Systems NaCl-KCl, NaCl-MgCl2, and NaCl-CeCl3.

Description: The following cells were operated at 820°C: [equations not transcribed] where the over-all reaction in each cell is simply the transfer of NaCl from pure NaCl to the mixtures of the right hand compartment. The porcelain acts as a pure sodium ion conductor in these cells. The relative partial molar free energy of mixing for sodium chloride, FMNaCl, is given by [equation not transcribed] where E is the EMF of the cell. Results are given over the entire composition range in each system and compare… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Egan, James J. & Bracker, John
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Inelastic Interactions of 11.4 Bec/c π" Mesons in Hydrogen

Description: Production cross sections and angular distributions of Λ and K° particles produced by 11.4 Bev/c π" mesons in hydrogen have been measured. A systematic investigation was made of all two-body decays of unstable neutral particles. No events inconsistent with γ, Λ, or K° were found. Production cross sections, angular distributions and effective mass distributions of π mesons produced in 4-prong events were also measured. No evidence for dominance of any high mass multi-pion resonance was found. Bo… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Ferbel, T. & Taft, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transuranium Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending August 31, 1962

Description: TRANSURANIUM QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING AUGUST 31, 1962 On Process Development, Equipment Development, HFIR Target Fabrication Process Development, Design Studies, Materials Evaluation Studies, TRU Corrosion Studies, Analytical Development and Uranium-232 Preparation. (auth)
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Ferguson, D.E. comp.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Fate of Transfused H3 Thymidine Labeled Bone Marrow Cells in Irradiated Recipients

Description: It has been established by chromosome marker studies, histochemical, immunological, and cytological methods that the hemopoietic tissues of animals exposed to lethal doses of whole-body irradiation can be repopulated by transfused autologous, homologous or heterologous bone marrow cells. However, the morphology of the cell responsible for the regeneration of hematopoietic activity in the various hemopoietic organs has not been identified. It has been shown that the bone marrow contains the cell… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Fliedner, T. M.; Thomas, E. D.; Meyer, L. M. & Cronkite, E. P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: MIST is an IBM 7090 program prepared at Brookhaven National Laboratory as part of a cooperative effort for bubble chamber data processing. The program reads the prepared data and outputs it on magnetic tape in a suitable format for input to the Haze-Fog-Cloudy-Fair Programs used with a flying spot digitizer. MIST deletes erroneous data, edits, sequences, and supplies additional physical data not digitized. MIST also prepares detailed summaries and statistics for the events processed and checks … more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Friedman, Jerry M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transport of FissionProducts Through the Soil Following Injection From a Well and Methods Used for Removal

Description: In the summer of 1960 one of the little used wells on the Brookhaven National Laboratory site became accidentally contaminated with radioactive material. The contamination was discovered during a routine sampling of all wells in the waste disposal area, so there was a period of several weeks between the time of discharge.
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Gemmell, L. & Pearsall, S. G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Basic nuclear and reactor information for the reactor operator is presented in order that the operator will have some knowledge of safe and efficient operation. Some principles of reactor design, construction, and operation are included. Information is given on fission processes, chain reactions, reactor structural components, auxiliary systems, reactor shielding, reactor temperature and pressure measurement, and nuclear instruments. (N.W.R.)
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Greenman, E.G. ed.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Secondary Tetanus Antitoxin Responses in Mice Elicited Prior to Irradiation

Description: Secondary tetanus antitoxin responses were abolished in mice when sublethal radiation doses of 650 rads were delivered by short-term exposure 3 hr before the second injection of antigen. Nearly normal secondary responses were observed when the same radiation doses were delivered 4 days after antigenic stimulation, and sera were obtained 8 days later. Radiosensitivity of the seemingly radioresistart secondary antibody responses was demonstrated by ultimate repression of antitoxin titers when rad… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Hale, W. M. & Stoner, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effects of Trichinella Spiralis Infection on Incorporation of Amino Acids into Serum and Hemoglobin

Description: Encysted Trichinella spiralis larvae incorporated carbon-14 from mice fed diets containing C14 -labeled glycerine and DL-alanine. In general, a higher level of C14 activity (C14 per gram of dry tissue) was found in muscle larvae than in muscle tissue. The presence of encysted Trichinella larvae in the muscles of 56-day and 180-day infected mice did not alter incorporation of C14 from these amino acids into infected muscle protein when compared with noninfected muscle. These experiments were ext… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Hankes, Lawrence V. & Stone, Richard D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Performance of Cesium Thermionic Diodes Operated in Series-Parallel Circuits

Description: S>Electrical power degradation from the operation of many series- parallel circuited cesium diodes in a thermionic reactor must be considered when a norflattened nuclear power distribution exists over the volume of the reactor core. This experimert measures the loss of power and efficiency due to unequal heat inputs to series- or parallel-connected diodes, and studies the operating characteristics of a multiple-diode system. The results are applied to a specific thermionic reactor configuration… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Holland, J. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Function of Bridging Groups in Electron-Transfer Reactions

Description: Electron-transfer reactions involving bridged transition states are examined from the point of view of adiabatic electron transfer theory. One important function of the bridging group is to decrease the effective dipole moment of the charge system of the reaction ions. The effect on the activation energy is different for outer-sphere and inner-sphere reactions. Trends in the halide and hydroxide catalysis of isotopic exchange reactions of transition metal ions are discussed.
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Hush, N. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Abscopal Effects of Localized Irradiation by Accelerator Beams

Description: The aim of this series of experiments was to evaluate the existence of abscopal effects of irradiation. No attempt was made towards the elucidation of mechanisms. Very early in the history of radiological research it was noticed radiation produces both local and general effects involving the entire body. Gauss and Lembcke introduced the term "Roentgenkater" (radiation sickness). They ascribed these "General Effects" to the circulation of toxic substances released from cells that disintegrated f… more
Date: February 1, 1963
Creator: Jansen, C. R.; Bond, V. P.; Rai, K. R. & Lippincott, S. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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