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Description: Results of the examinations of corrosion specimens exposed in the HRT are presented. Specimens examined include core screen samples, core specimen array No. 1, blanket specimen array No. 2, core solution line specimen arrays No. 103 and 103A, and blanket solution line specimen array No. 203. These data include corrosion rates, computed from specimen weight-changes, and results of chemical analyses of scales removed from the specimens or specimen holders. A summary is included of the HRT operati… more
Date: February 1, 1961
Creator: Baker, J.E.; Silverman, M.D.; Jenks, G.H. & Olsen, A.R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: Discussion is given on the welding fabrication of tungsten, molybdenum, niobium, and tantalum. Properties which make the four refractory metals important are tabulatcd along with titanium which is given for comparison. Extensive evaluation was conducted using the gas, tungsten arc welding process employing both manual and machine welding. Design data were obtained exclusively from machine welded sheet materials. Flash welding, resistance spot welding and brazing, electron beam welding, and high… more
Date: February 10, 1961
Creator: Thompson, E.G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Tertiary Blast Effects: The Effects of Impact on Mice, Rats, Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. Technical Progress Report

Description: A total of 455 mlce, rats, gulnea plgs, and rabbits was subjected to lmpact at velocitles ranglng between 25 ft/sec and 51 ft/sec. The deslred velocities were generated by allowlng the anlmals to free-fall from various helghts to a flat concrete pad. The ventral surface of each anlmal was the area of impact. Problt analyses of the 24-hr mortallty data ylelded LD/sub 50/ lmpact veloclties with 95% confldence limits as follows: mouse, 39.4 (37.4 to 42.0) ft/ sec; rat, ft/sec; and rabbit, 31.7 (30… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Richmond, D. R.; Bowen, I. G. & White, C. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

EBR-II Dry Critical Experiments. Experimental Program, Experimental Procedures and Safety Considerations

Description: Revisions in the reactor system and operating procedures necessary for carrying out a proposed dry critical experiment in the EBR-II are described. The safety aspect of the program is considered. The critical experiment will be conducted in the EBR-II prior to filling the primary system with sodium. The facility, experimental program, operational and experimental procedures, and hazards and plant safety are described. (M.C.G.)
Date: February 1, 1961
Creator: Kock, L. J.; Loewenstein, W. B.; Lovoff, A.; Hooker, H. H.; Monson, H. O.; Ramp, R. L. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Isotopic Sources of Secondary Radiation. Final Report

Description: Recent work on isotopic x ray sources is reportcd. The research was directed toward optimization of high-level isotopic sources and evaluation of their use in typical scientific and technical applications. The resulting experi- mental data are used in obtaining an approximate mathematical formulation of x- ray output as a function of beta energy, target mnaterial, and source configuration. (J.R.D.)
Date: February 1, 1961
Creator: Filosofo, I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Synthesis and Fabrication of Refractory Uranium Compounds. Summary Report for May 1959 Through December 1960

Description: Activitiee are described in an investigation to develop refractory U materiala for superior reactor fuels. Uranium carbide was prepared by cold pressing in pellets with densitier of 92 to 96% of theoretical. Uranium nitride was synthesized, and it was found that dense specimens (95% of theoretical) could be obtained in N-deficient powder, however in stochiometric compositions the maximum density obtained was 85% of theoretical. In other work dense uranium silicide was prepared and several prope… more
Date: February 1, 1961
Creator: Taylor, K. M. & McMurtry, C. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Equations of State for Evolution Studies of Supernovae

Description: Tables of the energy, pressure, and chemical composition for a stellar mixture, originally a pure Fe/sup 56/, are presented as functions of temperature and density. They cover a range of conditions pertinent to the evolution of supernovae, involving the deconiposition of iron into helium plus neutrons, and the later stage of decomposition of helium into neutrons and protons. Relativistic degeneracy of electrons is included in these calculations. (auth)
Date: February 1, 1961
Creator: Grasberger, W. H. & Yeaton, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: An investigation was made into the various processes for the fixation of mixed fission products as solids in order to determine the extent they could be utilized as heat sources for thermoelectric generators. Generators of up to ten watts can be designed and built with state-of-art'' thermoelectric materials and mixed fission products soon to be available from the ldaho Falls calcination pilot plant. Mixed fission products from other processes and plants to be on stream'' in this decade will be… more
Date: February 18, 1961
Creator: Eaton, D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved Zirconium Alloys : Summary Report, April 1, 1960 - January 31, 1961

Description: Abstract: "The objectives of this program are the development of zirconium-base alloys possessing exceptionally good corrosion resistance to 680 F water or 750-900 F system and/or improved strength at elevated temperatures. Approximately 100 binary compositions were prepared and screened by corrosion testing in 680 F water; selected compositions were exposed to 750 F steam. The data obtained indicate promising bases for ternary and quaternary alloys. Related investigations involving zirconium p… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Weinstein, Daniel; Holtz, F. C. & Van Thyne, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Improved Zirconium Alloys Quarterly Report: October - December 1960

Description: Quarterly report describing the progress and development of improved zirconium alloys for service in superheated water and steam. This report covers the period between October 1 to December 31, 1960 and was conducted by the United States and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM).
Date: February 2, 1961
Creator: Weinstein, Daniel; Holtz, F. C. & Van Thyne, R. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Boron-Carbon System: Quarterly Report Number 3, November 1960 - January 1961

Description: Abstract: A definitive investigation of the boron-carbon equilibrium system is being made by X-ray diffraction, metallographic, and thermal analytical techniques. On the basis of metallographic and X-ray diffraction studies it is concluded that boron carbide has a range of solubility from approximately 10 to 20 atomic per cent carbon at 1500 degrees to 2000 degrees Celsius. The melting point of the carbide-graphite eutectic has been established as 2325-2350 degrees Celsius. No reversible allotr… more
Date: February 6, 1961
Creator: Elliott, Rodney P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Front shield weight and C. G.

Description: No Description Available.
Date: February 16, 1961
Creator: Phelps, E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hanford Laboratories Operation Monthly Activities Report: January 1961

Description: This is the monthly report for the Hanford Laboratories Operation, January 1961. Metallurgy, reactor fuels, chemistry, dosimetry, separation processes, reactor technology, financial activities, visits, biology operation, physics and instrumentation research, and employee relations are discussed.
Date: February 15, 1961
Creator: Hanford Laboratories
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

100-C water plant

Description: System curves for each portion of the C Area Water Plant were obtained from referenced work and are presented in figures. Field test data, corroborating the calculated curves, are presented as singular points on the same graphs. Present maxima capacity of the C Area Filter Plant was 121,000 gpm with 118,000 gpm available for use as primary reactor coolant. Modifications to the filter effluent piping would increase this available flow to about 180,000 gpm. Of the 118,000 gpm available for C Reac… more
Date: February 20, 1961
Creator: Agar, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

E-N and blanket conversions from analysis of tubes irradiated at H

Description: A block-loading of striped columns and tubes simulating a blanket loading were analyzed for product (Pu, tritium, E-metal) after irradiation in IP-255-A-9-FP. Results are rationalized to full-pile values; pile conversion ratios and pile gains are given.
Date: February 10, 1961
Creator: Lang, L. W. & Nechodom, W. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Design of production test IP-310-A-FP, determination of the dimensional stability of uranium fuel cores classified by the fuel core tester (UT-2)

Description: The objectives of this test are: 1. To establish grain size limits for acceptable uranium fuel element cores. 2. To establish, if possible, criteria for predicting core dimensional stability during irradiation by comparing the relative dimensional stabilities associated with grain size and with variations in grain size in individual cores. 3. To obtain process tube and fuel corrosion data associated with bumper fuel elements in new tubes with no mixer, one mixer in the 10th position and two mix… more
Date: February 15, 1961
Creator: Hodgson, W. H. & Clinton, M. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A standard AlSi braze wetting test for aluminum components used in the lead-dip process

Description: Wetting of the aluminum components by aluminum-silicon brazing alloy is a major factor influencing the quality of the fuel elements. Several process variables associated with the impact extrusion of aluminum components influence the resulting Al surface. In addition, these processing variables interact with the HAPO component production cleaning process to give varying results. Purpose of this document is to define the parameters for selecting, preparing) testing and evaluating the AlSi wetting… more
Date: February 1, 1961
Creator: Burgess, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiochemistry for the rupture of a Zircaloy-2 clad uranium fuel element in KER-1

Description: During the 0800--1600 shift on July 7, 1960, the delayed neutron monitor on KER Loop 1 indicated a high coolant activity level. Sympathetic responses were also recorded on the Loop 3 and Loop 4 instruments indicating a possible fuel element failure in Loop 1. The KE Reactor began shutdown operations immediately thereafter. The purpose of this report is to summarize the events pertinent to this reactor outage and to discuss the results obtained from coolant samples and a thermocouple wire sample… more
Date: February 28, 1961
Creator: Demmitt, T. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Fission-product security problem: Preliminary evaluation

Description: The fission products radiostrontium and radiocesium are being recovered for sale, and there is concern about the possibility of revealing irradiation conditions through their compositions. This report presents results of preliminary studies which indicate some possible security problems.
Date: February 20, 1961
Creator: McKee, R. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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