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EURIPUS-3 and Daedalus--Monte Carlo Density Codes for the IBM-704

Description: EURIPUS-3 calculates the one-dimensional spatial density of neutrons slowing-down past a given energy in an infinite homogeneous medium consisting of hydrogen and one other isotope with arbitrary mass and energydependent differential-elastic and absorption cross sections. DAEDALUS determines the corresponding spatial distribution of angular integrals of an arbitrary function times the vector flux density. Spatial moments of all density functions are furnished directly. Although scattering angle… more
Date: February 1960
Creator: Amster, Harvey J.; Kuehn, Heidi G. & Spanier, Jerome
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preliminary Design and Hazards Report-Boiling Reactor Experiment V (BORAX V)

Description: From introduction: "The report is preliminary. At the time of writing, the status of the BORAX V project is that design of the reactor buildings and plant, done in collaboration with the architect-engineer with the architect-engineer has been completed and construction has just started; however, the mechanical design of the fuel and cores is still tentative."
Date: February 1960
Creator: Argonne National Laboratory
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The diffusion of Kr/sup 85/ in two UO/sub 2/ powders was studied by performing a series of post-irradiation anneals on the powders. The emanation data were analyzed by considering the effect of sintering as well as the effect of a distribution of particle sizes within the sample. Measurements were made at 900 to 1500 deg C. The time at a temperature was between 8 and 24 hours. The diffusion coefficients for Kr/sup 85/ in the two powders are represented by the equations: D = 2.65 x 10/sup -4/ ex… more
Date: February 1, 1960
Creator: Auskern, A.B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Transistor Counting Systems for Scintillation Detectors

Description: The requirements for multiple-coincidence counting systems with 10{sup -8}- to 10{sup -9}-sec time resolution can be met economically with presently available high-frequency transistors. The design of solid-state coincidence circuits, amplitude discriminators, and decade scalers is considered and their operation discussed. Several systems have been designed utilizing up to 180 channels from scintillation detectors.
Date: February 17, 1960
Creator: Baker, Stanley C.; Jackson, Horace G. & Mack, Dick A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Organic Compounds in Fission Reactors. [Part] 2. Thorio-Organic Compounds

Description: The advantages of the use of organic liquids in fission reactors to minmize corrosion and pressure problems were studied relative to the solution of thorium in such fluids. Thorio-organic compounds were prepared from organic acids, diketones, and other chelating compounds. Salts of carboxylic and phospho- organic acids were insoluble. The chelate with dibenzoylmethane was soluble in molten biphenyl but was decomposed at 300 deg C. The general low solubility of thorio-organic compounds in nonpol… more
Date: February 29, 1960
Creator: Baldwin, W. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A versatile recording potentiometer

Description: ABS>A recording potentiometer was modified to provide a versatile instrument that can be applied to a variety of problems without time-consuming changes. Ranges may be selected in six spans, from 0.5 to 100 mv. No adjustments of amplifier gain are required when switching from one range to another. Zero suppression is continuously variable over a plus or minus 100 mv range by means of coarse and vernier controls. Cold junction compensation is provided for four standard thermocouples, and chart s… more
Date: February 1, 1960
Creator: Ballou, C. O.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Progress letter No. 11 for January 1, 1960 through January 31, 1960

Description: A stainless steel autoclave for superheated water corrosion test was installed and "conditioned". Tests were begun to investigate the feasibility of densifying slip cast stainless steel by means of liquid phase sintering. Attempts to prepare tubular fuel elements by vacuum forming were resumed. Although thick-walled vacuum formed casting have been sintered on the aluminum mandrels without cracking, this has not yet been accomplished with the think sections of interest.
Date: February 15, 1960
Creator: Baron, Edeard H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Examination of a Nonregenerative Heat Exchanger From the u.s.s. Nautilus (Ssn-571)

Description: Selected components from a staianless steel nonregenerative heat exchanger removed from the U.S.S. Nautilus (SSN571) have been examined for evidence of stress-corrosion cracking. The examination was conducted on three baffle plates, all primary-face seal welds, and the tubes and the surrounding tube sheets of 7 out of a total of 35 tubes. Maximum operating temperature of the heat exchanger was 260 ction prod- F for the inlet primary water and 164 ction prod- F for the exit secondary water. Chlo… more
Date: February 19, 1960
Creator: Berry, W. E.; Stewart, O. M. & Fink, F. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The conditions under which hydrogen could be quantitatively recovered from mixtures of gases by oxidation over fixed beds of CuO were investigated. The conversion of H/sub 2/ to H/sub 2/O by reduction of CuO in fixed beds increased with in- creasing bed length, temperature, hydrogen/argon ratio, and decreasing mesh size of CuO. Residence times required for 99% conversion in a 1- in.-diam. bed were 0.6 and 1.2 sec for 30% hydrogen-70% argon and 10% hydrogen90% argon mixtures, respectively, at a … more
Date: February 12, 1960
Creator: Bond, W. D. & Clark, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Recommendations to apply the ``square pile`` total control concept

Description: It is recommended that the ``square pile`` concept be adopted for all disaster total control calculations, and that the basic reactor constants listed in HW-62884, except for Ball 3X local strength at the DR Reactor, be used in applying this method. Curves are included for each reactor type, indicating allowable enrichment based on appropriate local control strengths. (The reactors whose operating methods are affected by disaster total control requirements are B, D, F, and DR Reactors; the rema… more
Date: February 25, 1960
Creator: Bowers, C. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Summary of Corrosion Investigations on High-Temperature Aluminum Alloys. Period Covered : February 1955-October 1956

Description: Tests were performed on aluminum alloys to evaluate their behavior in high-temperature, high-pressure. watercooled and -moderated nuclear reactor enviromnents. Test equipment, sample preparation. and test procedures are discussed. Aluminum nickel alloys were found resistant to disintegration for periods up to 60 days in dynamic water at 600 ction prod- F. The corrosion rates of the aluminum alloys M-388 and X-2219 at 600 ction prod- F were found to be too high to merit consideration for claddin… more
Date: February 1, 1960
Creator: Breden, C. R. & Grant, N. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Homogeneous Reactor Project Progress Report: May-October 1959

Description: Report issued by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory discussing quarterly progress made by the Homogeneous Reactor Program. Descriptions of progress and studies conducted are presented. This report includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: February 10, 1960
Creator: Briggs, R. B.; Beall, S. E.; Lyon, R. N.; Bohlmann, E. G.; Ferguson, D. E.; McDuffie, H. F. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Compendium of Information for Use in Controlling Radiation Emergencies: Including Lecture Notes from a Training Session at Idaho Falls, Idaho, February 12-14, 1958

Description: From introduction: This report is a summary of the lecture material in the training course held at Idaho Falls, Idaho, to familiarize members of radiological assistance teams with information helpful in the response to an unusual accident including release of radioactive materials to a populated environment.
Date: February 1960
Creator: Brodsky, Allen & Beard, G. Victor
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radiometric Methods for the Determination of Magnesium and Calcium in Portland Cement

Description: Radiometric methods of analysis for magnesium and calcium have been developed as part of a program for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. Office of Isotopes Development, which are applicable to the determination of these elements in portland cement Both methods employ, as a precipitant, a standard solution of (NH/sub 4/)/sub 2/HPO/sub 4/ labeled with phosphorus-32. In the presence of NH/ sub 4/OH, this reagent precipitate; MgNH/sub 4/PO/sub 4/ or Ca/sub 3/(PO/sub 4/)/ sub 2/ from a solution of… more
Date: February 18, 1960
Creator: Brown, C. T.; Howes, J. E., Jr.; Elleman, T. S.; Townley, C. W. & Sunderman, D.N.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Production of cobalt-60

Description: Cobalt samples frequently are irradiated in nuclear reactors to produce gamma sources and can be irradiated as integral flux monitors because of the long half-life of the isotope produced. At the present time a small cobalt sample is being irradiated within the KW Reactor Snout facility for future use as a radiographic source for inspection of finished product in the Chemical Processing Department. Analysis was made to estimate the buildup of activity in this sample; the general equation may be… more
Date: February 29, 1960
Creator: Bunch, W. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Magnetic Recorder for Nuclear Pulse Application : Covering the Period from December 6, 1959 to February 5, 1960

Description: "Abstract: An evaluation of a modulator flux sensitive playback head to be used with an analog magnetic recorder for nuclear pulse information storage was made. The modulator head was found unsultable. A pulse stretching unit was constructed which takes pulses from a standard linear pulse amplifier and provides an output signal suitable for driving a recording head."
Date: February 24, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MAGNETIC RECORDER FOR NUCLEAR PULSE APPLICATION. Period covered: December 6, 1959 to February 5, 1960

Description: An evaluation of a modulator flux sensitive playback head to be used with an analog magnetic recorder for nuclear pulse information storage was made. The modulator head was found unsultable. A pulse stretching unit was constructed which takes pulses from a standard linear pulse amplifier and provides an output signal suitable for driving a recording head. (For preceding period see ARF-1151- 3.) (C.J.G.)
Date: February 24, 1960
Creator: Burgwald, G.M. & Norton, R.M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Radial Temperature Profile of Sodium Pool Boiling Heater Assembly

Description: The radial temperature around a sodium reactor heater assembly submerged in water is calculated using a model of the heater cross section found by conformal mapping. Thermocouple readings were also analyzed. When the heat flux is 5 x 10/sup 5/ Btu/hr-ft/sup 2/, a radial temperature drop of about 680 deg C across the center of the thermocouple well is calculated and found to be within 6% of the experimental value. Since most of this drop is across the 0.001-in. helium gap between the heater and … more
Date: February 22, 1960
Creator: Cappel, H. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: No Description Available.
Date: February 1, 1960
Creator: Carter, J. C.; Sparks, D. W. & Tessier, J. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Use of Ultrasonic in Electrodeposition and Electroplating : a Bibliography

Description: This bibliography contains 20 references on the use of ultrasonic in electrodeposition and electroplating. The bibliography is limited to the period 1955 to 1959, with the references arranged alphabetically by title. Sources used in compiling this bibliography were: Applied Science and Technology Index, ASM Review of Metal Literature, Chemical Abstracts, Industrial Arts, Index, Nuclear Science Abstracts.
Date: February 18, 1960
Creator: Cernak, Elizabeth A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Maximum Volume-to-Stress Ratio for a Two-Radii-Contour Diaphragm Pump

Description: Analytical methods were employed to determine the maximum volume-to- stress ratio for a two-radii-contour diaphragm pump. A proposed failure criterion considers the effect of biaxial stresses on fatigue failure through. the use of the Mises-Hencky criterion for fatigue failure. By use of the proposed criterion, it was determined that an optimunn ratio of the two radii does exist, its value being dependent on the ratio of diphragm thickness to diaphragm deflection. Values for the optimum ratio o… more
Date: February 15, 1960
Creator: Cheverton, R. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: An improved method for precipitating manganese dioxide was demonstrated that significantly increases the allowable feed rate of the Purex head-end centrifuge. The effects of several process variables are discussed. (auth)
Date: February 1, 1960
Creator: Clark, H.J. Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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