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open access

Significance of Soft Zone Sediments at the SRS

Description: The purpose of this report is to provide information on the origin, extent and stability of ''soft zones'' in the carbonate bearing strata at the Savannah River Site (SRS). As part of this study, a comprehensive historical compendium of how soft zones have been addressed during the past 47 years at SRS is reviewed.
Date: February 3, 2000
Creator: Aadland, R. K.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Development of advanced technologies for photochemical tritium recovery. Bi-quarterly progress report, July 1, 1981-December 31, 1981. [From heavy water]

Description: A process to photochemically remove tritium from heavy water has been described previously. Order-of-magnitude cost estimates for this process have been made, based on the specifications, assumptions, and parameters. The estimated costs of each unit and of the complete system are given. The total capital cost (excluding laser cost) of $650,000 corresponds to a cost of $0.08/Ci tritium removed, for plant amortization over one year. The electrical load is about 154 kW; this is equal to a cost of … more
Date: February 3, 1982
Creator: Aldridge, F. T.; Herman, I. P.; Magnotta, F. & Marling, J. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Flight measurements of the low-speed characteristics of a 35 degree swept-wing airplane with area suction boundary-layer control on the flaps

Description: Report presenting tests to determine the flight characteristics of an F-86A airplane equipped with an area-suction boundary-layer-control system on the flaps and to investigate the possible operational problems which may arise on a flight installation of boundary-layer control. Results regarding the airplane with slatted leading edge, suction requirements, airplane with suction flap and various leading-edge configurations, factors affecting flap lift increment, and operational characteristics o… more
Date: February 3, 1956
Creator: Anderson, Seth B. & Quigley, Hervey C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physics with a High Intensity Proton Source at Fermilab: Project X Golden Book

Description: Within the next ten years the Standard Model will likely have to be modified to encompass a wide range of newly discovered phenomena, new elementary particles, new symmetries, and new dynamics. These phenomena will be revealed through experiment with high energy particle accelerators, mainly the LHC. This will represent a revolution in our understanding of nature, and will either bring us closer to an understanding of all phenomena, through existing ideas such as supersymmetry to superstrings, … more
Date: February 3, 2008
Creator: Appel, Jeffrey; Asner, David; Bigi, Ikaros; Bryman, Douglas; Buras, Andrzej; Carosi, Roberto et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Suicide Prevention Efforts of the Veterans Health Administration

Description: Responsibility for prevention of veteran suicide lies primarily with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VHA Strategic Plan for Suicide Prevention is based on a public health framework, which has three major components: (1) surveillance, (2) risk and protective factors, and (3) prevention interventions. This report identifies challenges the VHA faces in each component of suicide prevention and discusses potential issues for Congress.
Date: February 3, 2012
Creator: Bagalman, Erin
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Energy transfer properties and mechanisms. Technical progress report

Description: Collisional energy transfer is the controlling factor in many nonequilibrium chemical systems: combustion, laser-induced chemical reactions, shock-heated gases, atmospheric chemistry, etc. During this period, efforts were made in 3 areas: large molecule energy transfer experiments (organic compounds); triatomic V-T/R energy transfer (memory effects); and energy transfer in extreme environments (shock tube data on norbornene). Results are described very briefly.
Date: February 3, 1995
Creator: Barker, J. R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

ARAC dispersion modeling of the July 26, 1993 oleum tank car spill in Richmond, California

Description: This report presents the results from the real-time response on the day of the spill followed by a re-assessment of the spill. Worst-case source terms and readily available meteorological data (met data) were used for the real-time response. ARAC employs a three-dimensional, diagnostic, finite-difference dispersion modeling system for estimating the consequences from accidental atmospheric releases. MATHEW (Mass-Adjusted Three- Dimensional Wind field), a Eulerian wind field code, and ADPIC (Atm… more
Date: February 3, 1994
Creator: Baskett, R. L.; Vogt, P. J.; Schalk, W. W., III & Pobanz, B. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Defense Cleanup and Environmental Programs: Authorization and Appropriations for FY2003

Description: The Department of Defense (DOD) administers five environmental programs in response to various requirements under federal environmental laws. These programs include environmental cleanup, environmental compliance, pollution prevention, environmental technology, and conservation. Additionally, the Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for managing defense nuclear waste and cleaning up contaminated nuclear weapons sites. The Administration requested a total of $11.17 billion for these program… more
Date: February 3, 2003
Creator: Bearden, David M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Metrology of 13-nm optics for extreme ultraviolet lithography

Description: This report documents activities carried in support of the design and construction of an ultra-high precision measuring machine intended for the support of Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography development (for semiconductor fabrication). At the outset, this project was aimed at the overall fabrication of such a measuring machine. Shortly after initiation, however, the scope of activities was reduced and effort was concentrated on the key technical advances necessary to support such machine developme… more
Date: February 3, 1997
Creator: Beckwith, J.F.; Patterson, S.R.; Thompson, D.C.; Badami, V. & Smith, S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

U.S. Energy: Overview and Selected Facts and Numbers

Description: This report provides an overview of aggregate energy consumption, and presents detailed analysis of trends and statistics regarding specific energy sources: oil, electricity, natural gas, coal and renewable energy. A section on trends in energy efficiency is also presented.
Date: February 3, 2009
Creator: Behrens, Carl E. & Glover, Carol
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Science and Technology of Future Light Sources: A White Paper

Description: Many of the important challenges facing humanity, including developing alternative sources of energy and improving health, are being addressed by advances that demand the improved understanding and control of matter. While the visualization, exploration, and manipulation of macroscopic matter have long been technological goals, scientific developments in the twentieth century have focused attention on understanding matter on the atomic scale through the underlying framework of quantum mechanics… more
Date: February 3, 2009
Creator: Bergmann, Uwe; Corlett, John; Dierker, Steve; Falcone, Roger; Galayda, John; Gibson, Murray et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Integrated Multiscale Modeling of Molecular Computing Devices

Description: Nanoscience has been one of the major research focuses of the U.S. and much of the world for the past decade, in part because of its promise to revolutionize many fields, including materials, medicine, and electronics. At the heart of this promise is the fact that nanostructured materials can behave radically differently than their macroscopic counterparts (e.g., bulk gold is such an inert metal that it has found applications in such diverse fields as jewelry, biomedical implants and dentistry,… more
Date: February 3, 2011
Creator: Bernholc, Jerzy
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Selection of Hydrological Model for Waterborne Release

Description: The purpose of this report is to evaluate the two available models and determine the appropriate model for use in following waterborne release analyses. Additionally, this report will document the DB and BDB accidents to be used in the future study.
Date: February 3, 1999
Creator: Blanchard, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: The report summarizes what transpired during brake linings-related workshop held at the Fall 2003 meeting of the Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC) in Charlotte, NC. The title of the workshop was ''Developing a Useful Friction Material Rating System''. It was organized by a team consisting of Peter Blau (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Jim Britell (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), and Jim Lawrence (Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association). The workshop was held under… more
Date: February 3, 2003
Creator: Blau, P.J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program: An Overview

Description: This report provides a general overview of the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program, which provides health insurance to federal employees, retirees, and their dependents. It describes the structure of FEHB, including eligibility for the program and coverage options available to enrollees, as well as premiums, benefits and cost sharing, and general financing of FEHB. The report also describes the role of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in administering the program.
Date: February 3, 2016
Creator: Blom, Kirstin B. & Cornell, Ada S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

High SO{sub 2} removal efficiency testing. Quarterly status report, October 1994--December 1994

Description: This document provides a discussion of the technical progress on DOE/PETC project number DE-AC22-92PC91338, {open_quotes}High Efficiency SO{sub 2} Removal Testing{close_quotes}, for the time period 1 October through 31 December 1994. The project involves testing at six full-scale utility flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems, to evaluate low-capital cost upgrades that may allow these systems to achieve up to 98% SO{sub 2} removal efficiency. The upgrades to be evaluated primAllily involve usin… more
Date: February 3, 1995
Creator: Blythe, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A Department of Science and Technology: A Recurring Theme

Description: Consolidation of many Federal research and development (R&D) activities into a Department of Science and Technology (S&T) has been proposed repeatedly since World War D, including in the last Congress. The trend, however, has been toward the creation of mission agencies with supporting R&D capabilities. Analyses of arguments for and against consolidation indicate that valid reasons exist on both sides of the issue. Specific consolidation proposals may be considered again during the 104th Congre… more
Date: February 3, 1995
Creator: Boesman, William C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Engineering Task Plan for Water Supply for Spray Washers on the Support Trucks

Description: This Engineering Task Plan (ETP) defines the task and deliverables associated with the design, fabrication and testing of an improved spray wash system for the Rotary Mode Core Sampling (RMCS) System Support Trucks.
Date: February 3, 2000
Creator: Boger, R. M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Low-speed longitudinal stability and lateral-control characteristics of a model of a 40 degree swept-wing fighter-type airplane at a Reynolds number of 9 x 10(exp 6)

Description: Report presenting an investigation on a model of a 40 degree swept-wing fighter airplane to determine modifications which would eliminate the pitch-up that occurred near maximum lift during flight testing. The effects of high-lift and stall control devices, horizontal-tail locations, external stores, and various inlets on the longitudinal characteristics of the model were investigated.
Date: February 3, 1956
Creator: Bollech, Thomas V. & Kelly, H. Neale
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biochar: Examination of an Emerging Concept to Mitigate Climate Change

Description: This report briefly describes biochar, its potential advantages and disadvantages, legislative support, and research and development activities underway in the United States and abroad.
Date: February 3, 2009
Creator: Bracmort, Kelsi S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Biochar: Examination of an Emerging Concept to Mitigate Climate Change

Description: This report briefly describes biochar, its potential advantages and disadvantages, legislative support, and research and development activities underway in the United States and abroad.
Date: February 3, 2009
Creator: Bracmort, Kelsi S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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