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open access

Cost Keeping for Small Metal Mines

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Mines over the accounting for small metal mines. As stated in the introduction, "this report outlines methods of cost keeping suitable for metal mines of small or moderate size and presents various forms and cost sheets that have been found useful in actual practice" (p. 5). This paper includes tables, and illustrations.
Date: February 1919
Creator: Pickering, J. C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Traps for Saving Gas at Oil Wells

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Mines over the use of gas traps at oil wells. Different types of traps are presented and discussed. This paper includes photographs, and illustrations.
Date: February 1919
Creator: Hamilton, Walter Raleigh
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

A New Interferential Dilatometer

Description: Scientific paper issued by the Bureau of Mines over development of a dilatometer. The instrument is used in tests of thermal expansion. The methods are presented and discussed. This paper includes an illustration.
Date: February 28, 1920
Creator: Priest, Irwin G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Causes of cracking of ignition cable

Description: From Summary: "The experiments described here show that the cracking at sharp bends, observed in the insulation of internal combustion engine high tension ignition wires after service, is due to a chemical attack upon the rubber by the ozone produced by the electric discharge that takes place at the surface of the cable. This cracking does not occur if the insulating material is not under tension, or if the cable is surrounded by some medium other than air. But it does occur even if the insulat… more
Date: February 1921
Creator: Dempsey, J. B. & Silsbee, F. B.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Commercial Aviation in Germany: Past and Future

Description: This review of commercial aviation includes postal delivery, package transport, and passenger transport. Both airplanes and airships are covered in this review.
Date: February 1921
Creator: Wronsky, W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Effect of the Nature of Surfaces on Resistance as Tested on Struts

Description: The chief concern was to measure the variations of resistance brought about by the nature of the surface of the struts. The struts were spanned with aviation linen, and then covered with one coat of varnish. The top surface was not perfectly smooth after this treatment, being slightly rough owing to the threads and raised fibers of the fabric. The results of the measurements of the surfaces are shown by the dotted lines of the curves plotted in several figures.
Date: February 1921
Creator: Wieselsberger, G.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of the Reversal of Air Flow Upon the Discharge Coefficient of Durley Orifices

Description: Experiments were conducted to obtain information on the relationship between the coefficients for flow in two directions through thin plate orifices at low velocities. The results indicate that the ratio of the orifice discharge coefficient from standard orifice C(sub s)(sup 1) to the discharge coefficient from the reverse flow C(sub s) is always less than unity with increasing ratio of box area to orifice area. Even for areas as low as twenty, the ratios of the coefficients are not much less t… more
Date: February 1921
Creator: Ware, Marsden
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Effect of the Reversal of Air Flow Upon the Discharge Coefficient of Durley Orifices

Description: Note presenting an experiment to obtain information regarding the relationship between the coefficients for flow in the two directions through an inlet. The results indicate that the ratio of the orifice discharge coefficient from standard orifice to the discharge coefficient from reverse flow is always less than unity, but approaches unity with increasing ratio of box area to orifice area, and that even for a ratio of areas as low as twenty the ratios of the coefficients is not much less than … more
Date: February 1921
Creator: Ware, Marsden
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Loads and Calculations of Army Airplanes

Description: By comparing airplanes of known strength that have resisted all the usual and even extreme air loads with those that under like conditions were found to be insufficiently strong, the researchers, aided by scientific investigations, developed standards which are satisfactory for the calculation of airplane structures. Given here are standards applicable to loads on wing trusses, load factors for use in stress analysis, load factors required in sand testing, loads on control surfaces, loads on wi… more
Date: February 1921
Creator: Stelmachowski
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Aerial Transportation

Description: Report discussing the origin of air traffic dates from the war. The important development of aeronautic industries and the progress made in recent years, under the impelling force of circumstances, rendered it possible, after the close of hostilities, to consider the practical utilization of this new means of economic expansion.
Date: February 1922
Creator: Pierrot
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Aerodynamical Laboratory of the Vienna Technical High School

Description: Report presenting a description of the aerodynamics laboratory of the Vienna Technical High School. The main focus of this report is detailing some of the accomplishments that the laboratory has made.
Date: February 1922
Creator: Katzmayr, R. & Kirste, L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Air force and three moments for F-5-L Seaplane

Description: From Introduction: "A model of the F-5-L seaplane was made, verified, and tested at 40 miles an hour in the 8' x 8' tunnel for lift and drag, also for pitching, yawing and rolling moments. Subsequently, the yawing moment test was repeated with a modified fin. The results are reported without VL scale correction."
Date: February 1922
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Deterioration of Airplane Fabrics

Description: The observation that airplane fabrics, after long use, lose their original strength, caused the German Experimental Institute for Aviation to carry out a series of experiments on the effect of weathering on the cloth covering of airplane wings and fuselages.
Date: February 1922
Creator: Wendt, F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Efficiency of a Wind Tunnel

Description: If, by some means, a steady state of motion of a perfect fluid were established in an ideal wind tunnel, there would be no losses, and the motion would persist indefinitely. In the actual tunnel, the function of the motor-fan group is overcome by the total loss of head in the tube due to friction and eddies.
Date: February 1922
Creator: Miller, William H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Impact Tests for Woods

Description: Although it is well known that the strength of wood depends greatly upon the time the wood is under the load, little consideration has been given to this fact in testing materials for airplanes. Here, results are given of impact tests on clear, straight grained spruce. Transverse tests were conducted for comparison. Both Izod and Charpy impact tests were conducted. Results are given primarily in tabular and graphical form.
Date: February 1922
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Manometer for Recording Air Speed

Description: If it is desired to record the pressure difference given a gauge, the manometer must answer the following conditions: 1) It must respond quickly so that all speed variations will be correctly recorded; 2) It must not be affected by rectilinear or curvelinear accelerations. Hence, movable parts must be counterbalanced. An instrument which met these criteria is discussed as well as details of construction.
Date: February 1922
Creator: Wieselsberger, C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Marking Airdromes

Description: Necessity of adopting for all aviation fields, civil or military, a single system of markers for giving the direction for starting and landing (with an automatic indicator of the direction of the wind) and of indicating the good part of the field.
Date: February 1922
Creator: James, P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Preparation and Uses of Tar and its Simple Crude Derivatives

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Mines over studies of coal tars. As stated in the introduction, "this paper discusses the uses to which some of the various tars are put and shows briefly the usual methods of working up tar into some of its simple or easily prepared derivatives, for which a market can generally be found" (p. 5). This paper includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: February 1922
Creator: Odell, W. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Surface area coefficients for airship envelopes

Description: "In naval architecture, it is customary to determine the wetted surface of a ship by means of some formula which involves the principal dimensions of the design and suitable constants. These formulas of naval architecture may be extended and applied to the calculation of the surface area of airship envelopes by the use of new values of the constants determined for this purpose. Surface area coefficients were calculated from the actual dimensions, surfaces, and volumes of 52 streamline bodies, w… more
Date: February 1922
Creator: Diehl, W. S.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Theory of the Screw Propeller

Description: Given here is a brief review of the fundamental principles of the propeller slip-stream theory and its further development through later researches, which demonstrate the connection between the propeller slip-stream theory and Frounde's so-called 'propeller blade theory.' The propeller slip-stream theory, especially in its improved form, now gives us the basis for determining the mutual influence of the parts of the blade, so that, in calculating the shape of the blade, we can get along with ce… more
Date: February 1922
Creator: Betz, A.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

The Air Propeller, Its Strength and Correct Shape

Description: It is possible to give a propeller such a shape that, under given conditions, viz., a definite speed of revolution and flying speed, the bending stresses in the blades will assume quite an insignificant magnitude.
Date: February 1923
Creator: Dietsius, H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

"AM" Flexible Metal Joint

Description: A flexible metal joint used for connecting fuel lines is investigated and methods for assembly are included.
Date: February 1923
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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