Search Results

Primary view of Note on the cryostatic stability of superconducting composites
Gauster, W. F.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Pacific Northwest Laboratory, annual report for 1983 to the DOE Office of Energy Research. Part 4. Physical sciences
unknown creator
February 1, 1984
Primary view of NRC plan for cleanup operations at Three Mile Island Unit 2
Lo, R. & Snyder, B.
February 1, 1982
Primary view of First wall/blanket/shield design and optimization system
Gohar, Y.; Baker, C.; Attaya, H.; Cha, Y.; Majumdar, S. & Scandora, T.
February 1, 1988
Primary view of Safety rod latch inspection
Leader, D.R.
February 1, 1992
Primary view of DOE role in nuclear policies and programs: official transcript of public briefing. Addendum December 13, 1977, Washington, D. C
unknown creator
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Boundary element formulation for planar time-dependent inelastic deformation of plates with cutouts
Mukherjee, S. & Morjaria, M.
February 1, 1980
Primary view of Extracted current densities from surface conversion sources of negative ions
Fink, J.H.
February 10, 1982
Primary view of SCORE-EVET: a computer code for the multidimensional transient thermal-hydraulic analysis of nuclear fuel rod arrays. [BWR; PWR]
Benedetti, R. L.; Lords, L. V. & Kiser, D. M.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Geostatistics project of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation program
Bement, T.R.; McKay, M.D. & Wecksung, G.W.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Energy Program annual report
Borg, I.Y. (ed.)
February 1, 1988
Primary view of Modeling studies on the precipitation of Kr after implantation into metals
Rest, J.
February 1, 1988
Primary view of EPICS System: An Overview
Bartlett, J. F.; Bobbitt, J. S.; Kramper, B. J.; Lahey, T. E.; MacKinnon, B. A. & West, R. E.
February 1, 1984
Primary view of Resonant decay of finite extent cold electron plasma waves
Wong, K. L.; Bellan, P. & Porkolab, M.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Analysis of fission product behavior in the Saclay Spitfire Loop Test SSL-1. [HTGR]
Jensen, D. D.; Haire, M. J. & Ballagny, A.
February 1, 1978
Primary view of Statistical fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions
Moretto, Luciano G.
February 1, 1982
Primary view of Fusion energy development: Breakeven and beyond: Keynote address
Furth, H.P.
February 1, 1988
Primary view of Operating manual for the de Phanger precision long counter (PLC)
Slaughter, D.
February 6, 1978
Primary view of Thermophysical properties of argon
Jaques, A.
February 1, 1988
Primary view of Ceramic microstructures and their elucidation by imaging, diffraction and spectroscopic methods
Kirshnan, K.M.
February 1, 1992
Primary view of Kilowatt Isotope Power System: component test report for the ground demonstration system pump. 77-KIPS-99
Brainard, E.L.
February 8, 1978
Primary view of DAS performance analysis
Bates, G.; Bodine, S.; Carroll, T. & Keller, M.
February 1, 1984
Primary view of The safety record at the tritium systems test assembly
Coffin, D.O.
February 1, 1988
Primary view of Western Gas Sands Project. Status report
unknown creator
February 1, 1978
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