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open access

Report of the Sixty-Sixth National Conference on Weights and Measures, 1981

Description: Report of the annual conference on weights and measures, hosted by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards in Washington D.C. It includes conference proceedings, a list of attendees, information about committees and officers, and other reports or commentaries discussed at the meetings.
Date: January 1982
Creator: United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Computerizing Materials Data -- A Workshop for the Nuclear Power Industry

Description: Abstract: This report summarizes the recommendations of a Workshop in Computerized Materials Data as related to engineers in the Nuclear Power Industry. Four areas of discussion are featured: the content of a proposed data system; its size and data sources; the user interfaces and system capabilities; and ways of making further progress. In addition, changes in the use of materials data in the Nuclear Power Industry and progress-to-date in computerizing these data are presented.
Date: January 1985
Creator: Rumble, John, Jr. & Westbrook, Jack H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

U.S. Access to Japanese Technical Literature: Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Selected Presentations, Volume 1

Description: Abstract: On June 24-25, 1985, NBS and IEEE cosponsored a seminar at NBS to examine the need fox improved access to Japanese technical information and to explore possible app. aches to satisfy those needs. To limit the discussion to practical dimensions, the technical subject matter was restricted to electrical and electronics engineering. The program was designed to provide an opportunity for individuals representing Congress, the practicing engineering community, industry, and the educational… more
Date: January 1986
Creator: Brady, Edward L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Comprehensive Guide for Least-Cost Energy Decisions

Description: From p.1 : The purpose of this book is to assist builders, building designers, owners, and operators to find a balance between energy consumption and energy conservation which will result in more cost-effective buildings.
Date: January 1987
Creator: Ruegg, Rosalie T. & Petersen, Stephen R.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Phase Equilibria: an Informal Symposium

Description: From introduction: The accurate prediction of phase equilibria plays an important. role in the chemical process industries. A grief overview of final phase equilibria predictive techniques is presented with special emphasis on methods in current use in industry. Areas were better fundamental understanding will lead to improved models are discussed whenever possible.
Date: January 1983
Creator: Eaton, B. E.; Ely, James F.; Hanley, H. J. M.; McCarty, Robert D. & Rainwater, James C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Thermophysical Properties of Isobutane from 114 to 700 K at Pressures to 70 MPa

Description: Abstract: Using a modified version of the nonanalytic equation of state, thermophysical properties of isobutane are derived from physical properties data and are tabulated at integral temperatures over the entire range of fluid states from 114 to 700 K along isobars at pressures to 70 MPa. Results include dielectric constants, densities, enthalpies, entropies, equation of state, internal energies, isobars, isochores, isotherms, Joule-Thomson inversion, heats of vaporization, melting line, ortho… more
Date: January 1982
Creator: Goodwin, Robert D. & Haynes, William M.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Safety for the Household

Description: Introduction: The purpose of this circular is (a) to emphasize the seriousness of certain risks to life and property frequently occurring in or about the home, (b) to give simple methods of care and caution against such hazards, and (c) to stimulate interest in public measures directed toward safety for household and community.
Date: January 12, 1948
Creator: Owen, S. J.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Some References on Metric Information, Including a Chart on All You Need to Know About Metric

Description: Pamphlet issued by the United States National Bureau of Standards containing a list of government pamphlets, reports, and other resources related to the metric system of measurement. It includes a form for ordering materials from the Government Printing Office as well as an illustrated description of everyday conversions for weight, volume, length, and temperature.
Date: January 1977
Creator: United States. National Bureau of Standards.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Physical Properties Data for Rock Salt

Description: From Introduction Monograph Organization: "The Monograph is in six chapters covering the geological, mechanical, optical, thermal, radiation damage, electrical, magnetic, chemical, and physical properties of rock salt and pure NaCl. Each chapter has been written by a different author, or authors, consistent with his field of expertise."
Date: January 1981
Creator: Gevantman, L. H.; Lorenz, J.; Haas, J. L., Jr.; Clynne, M. A.; Schafer, C. M.; Potter, R. W., Jr. et al.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

MeV Total Neutron Cross Sections

Description: From Introduction: "This report is a compilation of the MeV Total Neutron Cross Section data measured at the U.S. National Bureau of Standards."
Date: January 1974
Creator: Schwartz, Robert B.; Schrack, Roald A. & Heaton, H. Thompson, Jr.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access


Description: "The definition of color, as a characteristics of light, and the basic principles of its measurement are given. The reduction of spectrophotometric data to three chromaticity coordinates by means of the three-function CIE standard observer system for colorimetry is described. Various methods of direct colorimetry, and visual and photoelectric methods of colorimetry by differences from material standards are treated" (p. 1).
Date: January 1968
Creator: Nimeroff, I.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

BOLOVAC Systems for Measuring Electrical Quantities From 0.5 MHz Through Microwaves

Description: From Introduction: "This paper describes in some detail how Bolovac works, when its structural components are, what are the methods and steps of the procedure in its various major applications, and reasons for its advantages. The emphasis is on applications. Present status at the National Bureau of Standards relating to fabricating the most important component of the Bolovac-the bolometric disk-is briefly pointed out."
Date: January 1972
Creator: Selby, Myron C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Special Studies in Electrolysis Mitigation: 4. A Preliminary Report on Electrolysis Mitigation in Elyria, Ohio, with Recommendations for Mitigation

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over surveys conducted on the electrical conditions of railway tracks in Elyria, Ohio. The results of the surveys are presented and discussed. This paper includes tables, maps, and illustrations.
Date: January 22, 1916
Creator: McCollum, Burton & Logan, K. H.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Durability of Stucco and Plaster Construction: Progress Report Containing Results of Investigations up to April, 1916

Description: Technical paper issued by the Bureau of Standards over tests conducted on the durability of stucco construction. Construction methods are discussed. The test results are presented and discussed as well. This paper includes tables, illustrations, and photographs.
Date: January 31, 1917
Creator: Wig, R. J.; Pearson, J. C. & Emley, W. E.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Curves of Input Impedance Change Due to Ground for Dipole Antennas

Description: Report presenting graphs of the change in input impedance of electrically short dipole antennas in the presence of an isotropic and homogeneous ground which considers four types of antennas: horizontal and vertical, electric and magnetic dipoles. Curves of the change in both the input resistance and reactance are shown for a wide range of values of the frequency, antenna height above the ground, and electromagnetic ground constants.
Date: January 31, 1964
Creator: Vogler, L. E. & Noble, J. L.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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