Search Results

Primary view of Special Studies in Electrolysis Mitigation: 4. A Preliminary Report on Electrolysis Mitigation in Elyria, Ohio, with Recommendations for Mitigation
McCollum, Burton & Logan, K. H.
January 22, 1916
Primary view of Evaluation of Gust and Draft Velocities from Flights of P-61C Airplanes within Thunderstorms June 2, 1947 to June 7, 1947 at Clinton County Army Air Field, Ohio
Funk, Jack
January 2, 1948
Primary view of Analysis of variation of piston temperature with piston dimensions and undercrown cooling
Sanders, J. C. & Schramm, W. B.
January 15, 1948
Primary view of Evaluation of Gust and Draft Velocities from Flights of P-61C Airplanes within Thunderstorms June 11, 1947 to July 11, 1947 at Clinton County Army Air Field, Ohio
Funk, Jack
January 21, 1948
Primary view of The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Ohio
Ford, Bacon, and Davis
January 29, 1951
Primary view of Limnological Survey of Western Lake Erie
Wright, Stillman
January 1955
Primary view of Access to Adoption Records
Smith, Alison M.
January 22, 2002
Primary view of Carbon Sequestration in Reclaimed Mined Soils of Ohio Quarterly Report
Shukla, M. K. & Lal, R.
January 1, 2004
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