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open access

Advantages in the Social Studies to be Derived from the Texas Centennial by Children of Junior High School Level

Description: The predominant theme utilized by the Texas Centennial is the historical background Texas, which encompasses a hundred years of independence and four centuries of progress. This study aims to select and classify those buildings in the Texas Centennial Exposition containing exhibits possessing educational significance for junior high school social studies students.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Martin, Anna Y.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Comparative Study of Certain Phases of the Home Economics and Industrial Education Graduates with the Regular Men and Women Graduates of North Texas State Teachers College for the Years of 1919,1923, 1927, and 1931

Description: The purpose of this study is to determine the status of Industrial Education graduates and Home Economics graduates as compared with the status of all men and women graduates of North Texas State Teachers College, with reference to background before entering college, high school status, college status, college entrance and graduation ages, number and percentage of transfers, grades, major fields, amount of transiency and tenure.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Ray, Elizabeth Gibson
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

History of the Development of the Junior Colleges in Texas

Description: In the main there are three questions to be answered in this investigation: First, what are the motives that have controlled the growth and development of the junior colleges in Texas? Second, what are the leading events in this development? Third, what is the present state of development of the junior college movement in Texas? A survey of the existing junior college situation in Texas is presented in the first chapter, while a more detailed history of development is outlined in the later chap… more
Date: August 1936
Creator: Barnard, Hilliard
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Relation Between Certain Factors and Professional Teaching in Graduates of North Texas State Teachers College, Between 1919 and 1931, with Special Reference to Administrators

Description: "This study undertakes to determine the relation existing between a group of factors and the professional tenure of graduates of the North Texas State Teachers College during a period of years extending from 1919 to 1931."--1.
Date: August 1936
Creator: Ray, David W.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Bacterial Survey of Representative Denton County Wells with Special Reference to Sanitation

Description: This thesis aimed to study the seventy-two representative wells of Denton County and to determine the possibilities of infection with typhoid organism. The sanitary survey and the test for Colon-Aerogenes bacteria show that 55% of the 72 wells studied are unsanitary, 27% are sanitary, and 18% are doubtful.
Date: June 1937
Creator: Roberts, Sally Stevens
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Participation and Interests in Leisure Time Activities of the Women of Dallas, Texas

Description: "It is the purpose of this investigation to discover and report how the women of Dallas, Texas, spend their time when not engaged in their daily occupation. ... it attempts to disclose the trend of interest of various groups according to age, salary, and occupation; the influence of previous training; the reasons for non-participation in the activities in which they desire to take part. It is a further purpose to formulate various plans which are to evaluate academically or non-academically the… more
Date: July 1937
Creator: Wade, Irma E.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Boundaries of Texas

Description: This thesis explores the history behind the creation of Texan boundaries. The boundaries of Texas were the cause of disputes between the French, the Spanish, Mexico, and later the United States of America. The intensity of these disputes threatened to disrupt the Union itself, and caused a war between the United States and Mexico.
Date: August 1937
Creator: Wilkinson, C. A.
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Historical Study of Agricultural Education with Special Application to Denton County

Description: In this study the activities contributing to the welfare of the farmers of Denton County will be confined to the experiment farm or station and the county extension service. These two educational agencies have proved that adult education can be very successful. Although there is no direct relation between the two, most of the information learned in experimental research is imparted through the extension service.
Date: August 1937
Creator: Norman, Lee Weldon
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

The Preparation and Work of High School Teachers in Collin County

Description: "The aim of this study is to examine some of the factors and conditions underlying the preparation and work of the high school teachers in Collin County for the year 1936-1937 only. In finding and tabulating the existing factors and conditions, it is hoped that this will be of help in making improvements in the present schedule for the training of high school teachers."--leaf 2
Date: August 1937
Creator: Alexander, Mabel Parker
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Proposed Plan for Equalizing the Financial Burdens of Hill County Public Schools

Description: "This study consists of two phases: (1) as study of existing financial conditions of the public schools of Hill county based on assessed valuations, tax rates, expenses per scholastic, and investments per scholastic in bond and capital outlay, and (2) a proposed plan for equalizing the existing inequalities..the study includes all of the 82 public schools of Hill County,Texas. The study includes 63 common school districts, 4 independent districts under county supervision, 2 rural high schools, … more
Date: August 1937
Creator: Savage, Elijah Monroe
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Color Preferences of the Children in the Demonstration School of the North Texas State Teachers College

Description: This study was made in the Demonstration School of the North Texas State Teacher's College, using the children of Grades I to V inclusive as subjects of the investigation. The problem was taken to try to discover if children of a certain age group have definite color preferences and other related questions such as if these preferences remain constant, if they are influenced by other factors such as intelligence, sex, or grade, and if there is consistency noticeable in the preferences of a group… more
Date: August 1937
Creator: Bookman, Anne
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of McKinney's School System with Reference to the Financial Status, the Educational Plant, the Educational Staff and the Pupils

Description: "The purpose of this study is to determine the present status of the McKinney school system in regard to the financial ability, the school plant, the teaching staff, and the pupils by making a profound comparison with general practices and statndards set up by accepted authorities and offering constructive criticism and recommendations that are needed, as obviously shown by comparison."--leaf 2
Date: August 1937
Creator: Alexander, Arlin Albert
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of Some of the Factors Influencing the Achievement of Elementary School Children in Denton County

Description: "There are many factors that influence the achievement of school children; however it is rather difficult to determine the effect of each because of the close relationship and probable overlapping of the various factors. The problem in this study is to determine what effect the size of the school, training and qualifications of the teachers, and sex have upon the achievement of elementary school children in Denton County. A few of the main factors involved in this study will be examined and sta… more
Date: August 1937
Creator: Jones, Robert Elzie
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

A Study of the Socio-Economic Status of the Freshman Students of North Texas State Teachers College and its Effect Upon College Attainment

Description: This study was undertaken as an investigation to find out the socio-economic status of the Freshman class of North Texas State Teachers college, Denton, Texas. The investigation has the following purposes: to find out the number of independent, partially dependent, and dependent students; to discover social and economic factors concerning their home background the year preceding their entrance to the college; to study the economic status of these groups for the school year 1936-37; to study the… more
Date: August 1937
Creator: Hamilton, F. Sidney
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

To Determine Whether Changes Are Needed in the Recreation Program of Secondary Schools of Hill County Texas

Description: "It is the purpose of this study to attack one phase of the leisure-time problem: that phase which deals with the recreation program of secondary schools. As effort will be made to determine whether changes are needed in the recreation program of the secondary schools of Hill County Texas in order that they may meet the demands of the new leisure in the light of young people's activities and interests and accepted standards of the present day."--leaf 1.
Date: August 1937
Creator: Savage, Flora Strickland
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Adequacy of Training of Junior High School Teachers of Industrial Arts in Texas

Description: "The problem of this study is to determine to what extent the junior high school teachers of industrial arts in Texas are being trained to meet the apparent needs and trends in the field. Do the teachers colleges of Texas have the facilities --curricula--to adequately train industrial arts teacher for the courses that are actually being taught in the junior high schools of Texas? The study is limited to certain aspects of industrial arts in the junior high schools and the State Teachers college… more
Date: June 1938
Creator: Karnes, Ray
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Children's Preferences Between Realistic and Fantastic Stories in the First and Second Grades

Description: The purpose of this study was to find the type of stories in which the children in the first and second grades were most interested. The writer wanted to determine whether or not there was a preference for fantastic or realistic stories in these grades, whether or not boys preferred one type of stories and girls another, and whether or not age and intelligence entered in as determining factors.
Date: June 1938
Creator: Ragland, Eulelia
Partner: UNT Libraries
open access

Quantitative Chemical Analysis of the Soils of Erath County, Texas

Description: A chemical analysis of representative samples of Windthorst sand, Denton sand, and Denton clay has been made, and this analysis shows that their composition has a strict correlation with respect to their geological origins. The analyses of the different soils have shown the Windthorst sand to be highly deficient in all of the essential elements, whereas the Denton sand is deficient in only one; namely, phosphorus. The analysis of the Denton clay showed it to be highly fertile. From the conside… more
Date: June 1938
Creator: Barnes, Benjamin F.
Partner: UNT Libraries
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