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open access

Preliminary Design Requirements Argonne Boiling Reactor (ARBOR) Facility

Description: From Introduction: "Descriptions of the functional requirements of the facility, together with preliminary concepts of methods for meeting them, are presented in this prospectus."
Date: July 15, 1957
Creator: Fromm, L. W.; Bernsen, S. A.; Bullinger, C. F. & Matousek, J. F.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Exploration of the Avon Mica District, Latah County, Idaho

Description: Report issued by the U.S. Bureau of Mines on the investigations conducted on the mica deposits found in Latah County, Idaho. Characteristics and properties of the mica deposits are listed. This report includes tables, and maps.
Date: July 1946
Creator: Reed, Glen C.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geochemical Investigations for Gold, Antimony, and Silver at Stibnite, Idaho

Description: Report issued by the Bureau of Mines on the geochemical anomalies found in the gold-antimony deposits near Stibnite, Idaho. Many samples were collected and tested through an atomic absorption method. This report includes a map.
Date: July 1970
Creator: Banister, D'Arcy P.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Hydrogeochemical Reconnaissance for Uranium in the Stanley Area, South-Central Idaho

Description: Introduction: The purpose of this project was to: (1) investigate the applicability of hydrogrochemical techniques to uranium exploration in the Stanley area; and (2) make a hydrogeochemical reconnaissance survey of the Basin Creek mining district and surrounding area as a step toward evaluation of the uranium potential.
Date: July 1961
Creator: Illsley, Charles T.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology and Uranium Deposits in Carbonaceous Rocks of the Fall Creek Area, Bonneville County, Idaho

Description: From introduction: This report describes the general geologic setting, the occurrences of uranium or radioactivity in the Fall Creek, Idaho area and adjacent areas, the probable nature of the mineralization and origin of the deposits, and the estimated reserves of uranium-bearing rock.
Date: July 1954
Creator: Vine, James David
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

National Uranium Resource Evaluation: Challis Quadrangle, Idaho

Description: From Introduction: "The Challis Quadrangle, in central Idaho between lat 44º and 45º N. and long 114º and 116º W. (Fig. 1), was evaluated to identify geologic environments and delineate areas that exhibit characteristics favorable for the occurrence of uranium deposits."
Date: July 1982
Creator: Wopat, Michael A.; Siegmund, B. L. & Bernardi, M. L.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

National Uranium Resource Evaluation: Elk City Quadrangle, Idaho and Montana

Description: From Introduction: "The Elk City Quadrangle (1º by 2º), Idaho and Montana, was evaluated to identify and delineate geologic environments that exhibit characteristics favorable for the occurrence of uranium deposits."
Date: July 1982
Creator: Leinart, Phillip M. & Salisbury, William G.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Geology and Uranium Deposits in Carbonaceous Rocks of the Fall Creek Area, Bonneville County, Idaho

Description: Report discussing the geology and uraniferous carbonaceous rocks found in the Bear River of the Fall Creek area of Bonneville County, Idaho. The report provides information regarding the geology of the area, uranium occurrences, distribution of uranium and other elements in carbonaceous materials, origin of uranium occurrences, core drilling results, and inferred reserves.
Date: July 1954
Creator: Vine, James D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stratigraphic Sections of the Phosphoria Formation in Idaho, 1949, Part 2

Description: Report discussing the U.S. Geological Survey's investigation of stratigraphy of parts of the Phosphoria formation in Idaho. Abstracts of stratigraphic sections and analytical data are included for several locations in the area.
Date: July 1953
Creator: Davidson, D. F.; Smart, R. A.; Peirce, H. W. & Weiser, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Stratigraphic Sections of the Phosphoria Formation in Idaho, 1949, Part 1

Description: Report discussing the U.S. Geological Survey's investigation of stratigraphy of parts of the Phosphoria formation in Idaho. Abstracts of stratigraphic sections and analytical data are included for several locations in the area.
Date: July 1953
Creator: Sheldon, R. P.; Warner, M. A.; Thompson, M. E. & Peirce, H. W.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Idaho: basic data for thermal springs and wells as recorded in GEOTHERM, Part A

Description: All chemical data for geothermal fluids in Idaho available as of December 1981 is maintained on GEOTHERM, computerized information system. This report presents summaries and sources of records for Idaho. 7 refs. (ACR)
Date: July 1, 1983
Creator: Bliss, J. D.
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Uranium Hydrogeochemical and Stream Sediment Reconnaissance Data Release for the Elk City NTMS Quadrangle, Idaho/Montana, Including Concentrations of Forty-Five Additional Elements

Description: Report documenting the results of chemical analysis for 1580 water and 1720 sediment samples in the Elk City quadrangle, Idaho/Montana. It includes an overview of the area, methods, data analysis, and evaluation.
Date: July 1980
Creator: Broxton, David E.; Beyth, Michael; George, William E.; Montoya, Juanita V.; Martell, Calvin J.; Garcia, Sammy R. et al.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

National Uranium Resource Evaluation: Hamilton Quadrangle, Idaho and Montana

Description: Results of reconnaissance surveys of the Hamilton quadrangle to determine the likelihood of uranium deposits of the area, and additional information about the location and classification of any deposits.
Date: July 1982
Creator: McKee, C. J.; Gilmore, Ernest H. & Salisbury, William C.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
open access

Pocatello 1° x 2° NTMS Areas, Idaho: Data Report

Description: The following data report presents results of ground water and stream/surface sediment reconnaissance in the Pocatello quadrangle, Idaho.
Date: July 1980
Creator: Cook, J. R.
Location: None
Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department
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